Some videos to present last releases by Infinitygamer and ontabletop. Unboxing Yu Jing starter pack essential Corvus Belli's December>Frebruary releases & unboxing | Better late than never
I saw that Corvus Belli in addition to forgetting to update its forum with new sections like the JSA which has become a generalist, had also forgotten to update its store because there is no JSA filter, however they have planned the filter because by typing it directly it works: The only question is whether they created the JSA update on the store thinking it was ok, but then without checking the release if they did not forget to activate the activex button. Looking at the store I found some funny stranger anomalies : The choice is going to be hard ^^ I also think this is the first documented price drop
Since Haqqislam has the least number of new figures, for a long, I’m thinking QK is going to get a revival soon. This in turn could also be nice for NA2 due to all of them having a few QK troops. Druze, Bashi, Yuan Yuan, Hunzakuts, Kaplans are all in QK as well as NA2. It would be nice if Ikari also got one or two new JSA troops too. I’m not sure if this would be in the form of a re-do like ISS or one of the two armies in the next two player set. The next that could also use a redux is USARF. So, It would be possible to do a set of QK vs. USARF. However, knowing CB it’s likely to be Nomads or Combined.
Sometime late last year, around when N5 dropped they confirmed the 3 armies getting reworks in 2025. They said ISS, Onyx and one other I can’t remember. Could’ve been QK. But since we know ISS is coming first, then Onyx will be paired up with the other one. In two player box. Onyx VS QK would be interesting. And I agree that when QK gets updated NA2 will likely feel the hopefully good effects of that update. :)
Oh yeah! Onyx. lol like they need it. Onyx is still a good force and maybe better now. And CA in general second to the most new figures in the last 5 years. But hey, aliens sell.
Well @Space Ranger, ISS got the cheap Specialist you wanted. The 14 point Celestial Guard hacker is pretty amazing with WIP 14 and BTS 3. A couple of those are a great basis for hacking force and protecting your great Heavy Infantry.
The problem is, that time could never come, it depends on many things. Could be this year, could be next, could be never
"And the N5 ruleset is being in the final steps of being updated" Or they could not launch N5 when nobody was expecting, have aditional 6 months of testing and proofreading and have a solid launch of the new edition in the 20th year of the game, along with the Adepticon release, and not that rushed thing we got. PS: Fuck USAriadna, the most bland and boring part of Ariadna, and the less played, and still managed to survive. CB is a cheap who** doing anything for some dollars
I could agree with this part. (The other one is too emotional at my taste, but fair position. Anyway you have all rights for that. Especially after Caledonia disappeared.) It was strange to see, that we are not in N4 already, but at the same time not completely in N5. I dislike thebsituationnwith unfinished work. Such a thing happened with Reinforcements which made them out of use at the beginning, and even now not all of the boxes needed at all. Local shops give discounts on some of them like 30-40% which looks like "Take it please". Looks like no lessens were learned. There were are some good changes in N5 yet for now infinity life stuck in our town as I know. Not so active for sure. Before that it was one of the main games. The most popular. May be N6 would be better. x) (for now we are playing Space station zero with friends and using infinity miniatures. Life is going.) The thing I am worried about also is CB's words about faster changes "like seasons in MTG".
I can't say I'm super excited for either. upgrade of Pulzar from Nanopulsar is great but not much eles.