To be fair, it's been years since I've seen a new (as in a newly made box, all have that feeling of "it's been sitting here for years", not to mention some that have the boxes quite degraded because those have been moved within the store repeteadly... or oackage-dealed to secondary stores) pack from the Vallejo partnership, and they never go down in price. I think the only paint boxes sold with Vallejo paints since the last one was presented have been from the same batch, no newly produced ones. very wide range, not just for hobby paints (other brands may be larger) but with art, crafts, etc... that are not wargame-related, and they were quite available at least in Spain before AP started showing up everywhere. I personally have paints from both, and the best value I get is that most of the colors I used so far won't reactivate the other brand's paint. Otherwise, it depends on the product I go for one brand or another among several.
Interesting… very interesting. Not just the new minis but the change of paint sets too… hmm. I too own army painter and Vallejo and would swear by both brands (though I’d state unequivocally that Vallejo has a larger range). It’s merely… interesting, as I’ve already said. Will possibly pick up some of these as now I’m not gaming in Infinity it will allow me to focus on the painting aspect. May go for the fusilier first for the sake of some PanO nostalgia.