If they have too many armies to balance all at once, wouldnt be preferable to bring the sectorials in turns, like in the transition from N3 to N4, that totally erase them from existence? Also, every time a new sectorial would appear for a faction that already have 3 (all of them except Aleph, O-12 and JSA), or a retired one got lucky and came back (no hope in this at all at the moment) some other sectorial must go OOP, So we haven't really solved anything about the game's problem of having too many sectorials. CB will have to face the backlash of players who have had their sectorials removed, every 2 years. Not really a pleasant market model
That's what they did. Those Sectorials are not gone for good just gone until they get updated to N5 Nobody said it was too many Sectorials just that it was too many to have updated all at once for the launch, in the course of N5 it is most likely those Sectorials will return to Army and be playable. I don't think Army will have or need to have a "one in one out" rule What makes you think N5 will have a shelf life of 2 years?
Despite the "Mandela Effect" the community has in the transition from N3 to N4 the gap of army update was just a bit under a month, so I do not know what that would do, it was too many models that were not sold and would not be made to be sold for various reasons. What will the business model going forward if for CB to know, maybe everything you worry about is solved, maybe it is not, we do not know.
It's of course easy for me to say since I don't play the hurt factions, but I think CB made a mistake of not taking one or two PanO out a long time ago. They should have dropped Acon or NCA back when SWF came out. It might have been a bit easier to deal with. Instead they made people feel worse by doing so much so fast. They also, I think, showed a bit to much favoritism to PanO by giving them so much so fast. I was fully prepared to loose IS when N5 came out. Knowing CB they might not get anything else for many years again. Sure they get this new box set and probably another 3 more figs and then nothing for years again. Here's the updated new release list. 2025 Figure Release up to March 2024 YJ: 4 Release, 14 figures (WB Beta pack, IS Action Pack, Dragon Lord, Long Wang) JSA: 2 Releases, 6 figures (Alpha pack, Beta pack) PanO: 2 Release2, 4 figures (KCF Beta pack, Dr. Priya Harper) O-12: 2 Release, 4 figure (TB Beta Pack, Jamie Arantes)
Except they dont. Every statement about that is "we dont know when or if the retired sectorial will come back" contrary to N4 "dont panic, the missing sectorials will arrive later" Corvus said themselves Not N5. Im saying that seeing that we are gonna have 3 new sectorials in the 1st year of N5, it's logical to asume that every 2 years, or less, some sectorials have to go out to left space to the new ones, or the returning ones
Can you back that claim up with a source? Or this one? That's just you jumping to a negative conclusion. Just go play the game and have fun.
Also, all the fanbase understand that the sectorials are gone forever, since it was revealed in August 2024. We were VERY vocal about that. Corvus obviously know, but they didnt make an announcement to clearify that, in fact, they went radio silence for months with absolute no communication until the past January, so is easy to assume that we are correct and sectorials are retired forever, with the posibility to come back at any moment, but not in short-medium term Have you seen the last interview to Bostria and what he said about Tohaa and Acontecimento? "In the roadmap of armies that CB will bring back, Acontecimento/Tohaa is not in the highest priority" and "A new sectorial army will happen before any of the old ones even came back to the game" Also, during N5 week in OnTableTop, when speaking about Pano lost sectorials "PanO had too many sectorial armies " "They will lose Varuna, Acontecimento and Neoterra.Will they ever come back? maybe, at some point, but right now N5 have these sectorials available" That's not the addecuate phrasing if they are working in an scalated deliver of sectorials. When the turn came for Ariadna sectorials, MRRF and CHA arent even mentioned like the pano ones. Also, about CB telling that armies will came in waves to the game when N4 was released. Taken directly from Studio Update #8 Did you saw a similar graphic available for N5 launch?
Oh, I am not mentioning this moment because I said everything about it before. This is the worst part. Even if it is for the ballance.
More than space, there is a pretty obvious sectorial sized hole in Aleph right know after the N5 pruning. Theme, we don't really know because of how anemic vAleph is.
If they hadn’t just come out with TB I’d say O-12 as well. They made vO-12 good enough with some duo and haris that it’s practically a sectoral though. But they have the most unique to vanilla troops than any other right now. Omega, Gamma, Lynx, Team Sirius, Gangbuster, Alpha, Razor, Delta, and Goldstein.
Beyond Dart, Maximus(es) and vanilla Posthuman, are there any? Or are there any Posthumans / Optimates not already covered by OSS sectorial?
There aren’t, which means there’s space for more and specialized ones. So, perhaps less a ‘posthuman’ sectorial, but rather an ‘optimate’ one.
YMMV, but as far as I can see, this looks way like a "character sectorial". Posthumans are said to be rare, and optimates, IIRC, are the narrow, elite group of posthumans. Problem being, we already have a character / hero sectorial - and it exists in Aleph, actually: the Steel Phalanx. Maybe a bit less charater-oriented after Team Achilles' defection in N5, but still. Therefore, sorry, but you haven't persuaded me that there is a need / space for a 3rd Aleph sectorial. Not with 4-ish (because you can field only one Maximus) troops out there, who are also all playable in an existing sectorial.
Yeah, Aleph doesn't need another sectorial. SP is top tier, and OSS' was a huge winner from reinforcements on into N5, their kit is now wildly diverse. Vanilla Aleph's problems just need some more thoughtful roster composition to make them more than just a vehicle for a Marut smoke show.
I'm feeling they will come out with a totally new faction before adding to an existing right now. As said before, "New Sells". And something totally new can sell to everyone. Newbie or veteran.