And Cordelia's about to become an adult, so only Uhahu will be left in the Sphere as a brat. Some videos relation with releases : Infinity the game | January Releases Imperial Service Sectorial Action Pack Unboxing and Build Review (Infinity Adepticon 2025 bundle)
Just cut another Ariadnan sectorial to make room. They won't be missed anymore than they aren't already.
"Don't take the piss out of that girl. She's not a child. Besides, Uhahu keeps dangerous company." -Miranda Ashcroft, Bistró Paşazade, Dar el Funduq, Bourak.
I went through the interview. Bostria sadly looked a bit tired or under the weather. I hope he's doing fine. As for the contents: First of all - I'm glad that CB considers in-house production so important and indispensable. Controlling the production and keeping it inside the EU is really important. Warcrow being in beta is pretty much the current feeling people have. In many aspects N5 is also being in beta. But these things should be told to people a bit more directly. Because a) that way we provide more feedback b) we understand the readiness level and we adjust our expectations adequately. I'd go a step further and claim that release candidates of new rules should be a thing. I really do not mind dealing with betas at all. Bostria getting tired of space operas and drama is a good thing. Hopefully this means we are unlikely to see another Achillean event. Focusing more on cyberpunk than on family drama is exactly what Infinity needs. Another new sectorial, which by all indications seems to be coming will piss people off and reasonably so. It may be true, in the most nebulous sense possible, that new units perform on the market better than updated ones, but if you look the success of MO and Bakunin, then compare it to Torchlight, it seems quite obvious that this is not at all guaranteed. Especially since many of the old sectorials have strong theme and visual identity, which cannot easily be maintained if you release 3 new sectorials per year. It is also directly said that sectorial updates will follow a cycle, something that we already knew. The question is how many cycles can CB do per year. So far, it seems to be 2-3 and Bostria did not indicate any changes. It is also interesting that the bulk of the profit comes from these new releases, rather than from moving the old boxes. Is it good or bad interesting - I'm not an economist. "Enjoy the new stuff, until the old stuff comes back is" becoming annoying, if the rate of new stuff appearing is higher than the rate of old stuff coming back. Scarface and Cordelia, which are being reworked are a step in the right direction, but most new stuff will come in those cycles and the cycles seem to be favouring "new and unseen stuff". "Not a top priority" is another annoying phrase, meaning "not soon if ever". It was used for Acon and Tohaa so make of that what you want... Luckily, we're not going to be getting a Black Hand sectorial, so at least Nomads should feel safe (unless Kiinote-3 joins in or something similarly ludicrous happens). If CB continues with the churning of new sectorials, they will really need to introduce formats like MtG, because they surely do not have the numbers and market dominance of GW that allows them to constantly banish stuff into legends.
This moment scares me as it was mentioned. I doubt, people can buy new stuff to be actual and on the top like it is in MTG. Terrible model that is not nice to the players. Plus the question is, how fast manufacture should work. I hope, it would not touch the quality. I am playing mtg, but I had eternal run for standart format. That is why I am not buying new cards for a long time already. (Made a couple of decks for thematic games with friends in some worlds) I just hope, CB would not rush with their cycles. Because otherwise some people would decide to be out of it. With proxies or out of the game. About the other post: nothing to add. Just like that. True.
If i heard correctly, a new sectorial is coming at gencon "like never seen before" The only different things i can think about are the Ur sectorial, with CA version of posthumans and IE bodies, or Gaqbar, heavely focused on vehicles and mobility. But almost all factions have now 3 sectorials, so it's unlikely to happen. It's too soon for O-12 to receive another after last year Torchlight, same with JSA. And Tohaas are not coming back, so Aleph or nothing. Or maybe the next bad guy from the new discovered system, CA 2.0. In any case, a truly hypocritical move from CB
It is one datapoint, more would be needed, since this may mean a lot of things. For example, it means that the physical stores can't sell the old stuff... but what I see is that simple some stores refuse to stock, so if you want something you need to ask them to be a middleman with Corvus. This is a problem for CB, because they have to shoulder the storage and stock costs, while the stores just move the order along; however, another datapoint would be if the stores directly turn that into extra margin, or merely need to do so in order to keep their discounts (this would need to add the difference between CB's store price and price for distributors at the very least, adding possibly the difference between what the distributor pays to CB and gets paid by the store...). Another interpretation would be that people buys the new stuff, but looking at tournament data we can make an educated guess: if new stuff sells, but doesn't show up much in ITS participation or victory charts after a month or two of the launch, then it was either sold to non-players (RPGrs, proxers, or tourists), or to players that collect new stuff even if they won't use it. In my experience in Madrid, Goblintrader only has a few units of each month's new releases, and aside from really old stuff (they have been trying to get rid of the Code 1 complete boxes for years) they have no stock. It is strange since in theory Onyx and Imperial Service were going to be renewed this year, plus a third one I can't ever remember despite mentioning several times (it was not USAriadna, however). I'm not sure a CA vs CA2.0 box would be...easy. the CA part may be autosell, of course, but the other half would smell like secondhand wares unless it's really juicy, dunno :S
Qapu Khalqi. Also i dont think it will be a dual faction box. Remember that Bostria said that this year's important moment would be Adepticon, not Gencon BTW, any news of a conference at Adepticon?
We have it from the horse's mouth that USAriadna will receive a rework at one point. Onyx and QK were also vaguely hinted before, but nothing definitive. Both are extremely logical choices. ISS is already here. I would not read much into "like never seen before". That's just hype.
Good excuse to sell new minis without bloating the army. - Could really do with a few alternative Nexus units. My Pneumarch is complaining of the overtime it has to pull... - The Unidron SWCs seems to be out of stock? - Overdron (non-metal) with either HRMC or HRL. Would sell even if you have the metal one; Overdron Duos seems fun. - The Cube Jäger is also out of stock? Not that I would field him anyway... On list changes: It would be cool if Onyx could field Victor Messer too; It's the only model in the "Combined Army Expansion Pack Beta" that doesn't fit the list, and he fits the theme. I suppose I could use the model as a Cube Jäger...
It's been a moment since I saw the error, but I thought they'd correct themselves at some point. I saw that Corvus had made a marketing mistake, they sent the wrong prices by mail for their ISS starter to their distributors, they indicated a selling price of 130 euros, except that CB is now selling it at 110 euros. As a result, distributors and their partner stores selling at a discount applied their -16% discount to the 130 euros instead of the 110. At no point did they re-send an e-mail with the new prices, so the distributors sold the pre-orders to the stores at the wrong prices. So the cheapest French store sold the starter at 109.50 instead of 130, which is only 0.50 off the real price in the CB store. If we'd had the real price, this starter would sell for 92 euros. If we look at the Warsenal website, the Americans are in the same situation. Also Nederland are same problem. That said, as the error is compartmentalized to the price of the starter alone, if you don't want to buy it alone, the prices of the rest of the event follow the same price as CB.
Honestly, I think if that sort of formating happened, I'd be done. I think my entire province's community would go under, too.
CB has just realised that they had too many sectorials to balance all at once for the new edition so made the (in my opinion) reasonable decision to bring them closer to the standard of 3 sectorials per faction.