Huh. I thought we were on Season 10 for ITS... My local community is half YJ-or-sectorials, I play all, cypherkk plays JSA, and another guy plays Imperial Service. Anyway, trolling even 1/10 of your customers isn't a good idea. I'm stuck with a couple frackwits that are so used to other (broken-ass) game systems that playing by tournament rules is basically required.
Sure, but it was relevant to a discussion about Army update. If you don't care about ITS, it obviously doesn't matter one way or the other. Hmmm... didn't look at that.
That makes all of this moot. If you don't care about ITS then go play old vanilla YJ as much as you want
Me, play vanilla YJ? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Why on earth, after playing JSA for almost 10 years already (because all of the ninja and screw vanilla YJ), would I go over to an army I've NEVER had any interest in playing. You may as well tell me to play Kazaks (never going to play rooskies of any flavour in ANY game) or the silent fart (mrrf - because nobody likes the french, be honest - actually, just put ariadna down there. Scots and yankees, too. pbpbpbpbpbpbpbp ) - let alone the artichokes or angry red monkeys. NEVER. GOING. TO. HAPPEN. My point was that, outside of the strictly regimented (canvas hug-yourself jacket with long sleeves) ITS format, ANYONE can use mercs. The rules even say so. Them being restricted to x factions in ITS is an ITS limitation purely and simply. Admittedly, it was a line accidentally omitted from the english rules (but it's up on the forums somewhere stating it should be there).
My sympathies. My 40k scene used to be like this, so I left it. I also only play one ITS (my club's local event) a year, so ITS by and large flies past me as I wave at it.
Lmao relax, I meant "you" as a general indefinite "whoever" My point was that there's nothing that says everyone everywhere has to play the new version of the armies. My point was not only can anyone use mercs, but anyone can use anything they want outside of ITS.
There is no need to argue, it was a simple miscommunication. In retrospect I should have specified the parameter of my question as "in Army" or "in ITS" and we would have avoided this entirely.
Isn't the difference that the 40K tournament scene used house rules while in Infinity it's outside the tournament scene you find the house rules? (Besides doors. And Impetuous movement.)