Nah, the colouring in the LoL video revealing that information was still orange. And I think the second digit in their MOV was a 4, but the quality was deliberately bad for obvious reasons so it was hard to tell.
Zhanshi needing to link with other things than Zhanshi is inconsequential ever since Wildcards became a thing So where did HB get TO, MSV2 or ODD in N4? They got Mimetism (-6) + Hidden Deployment, which would have been an entirely new Camo level in N3 terms. Mimetism (-6) anywhere in the Profile laundry list =/= ODD BS12 Mimetism (-6) surely lets Swiss Guards and Haq Tao everywhere shake in their books out of fear for their top spot. Clearly just a foot in the door for all those other BS13+ SWC weapons that Haqq is about to get any second now.
It's more it's just weird rather than any necessity. They're the brick and mortar troops in the army so you figure there'd be alot of them and most fireteams would be built around them but even in their own sectorial they're AVA 4 while their Invincible imports are AVA 5... Not a huge deal just odd more than anything else. The Shujae is B13, Yara is a wildcard MSV2 unit for HB, and you're being deliberately obtuse in a failed attempt to have a point in this discussion.
I cant listen to podcast right now so it would be awesome if someone posted stats when they are out. :)
100% not an ODD, nothing in N3 has other Camo traits (such as Hidden Deployment) with an ODD, if you made a -3/-6 MOD and another thing that's Camo Level (?). The Haqq guy would have been Camo (A) or something speaking in N3 terms. Being deliberately ignorant about the point on SWC weapons combined with the stuff you're whining about again? Wow MSV2 Marksman Rifles in Hassassins (legit read that and then forgot it exists again) that's really gonna break the game, isn't it. Man JSA is gonna riot now. Not like Haqq didn't have MSVs already or Dire Foes expanding current capabilities is a new thing. Sarcasm aside, still missing the TO Camo HMG and MSV2 ODD Spitfire you seem to be ranting about? The heck is wrong with your crusade out to get anyone gaining anything outside of YJ anyway? CB just trashed Mutts, let them have B3 DAM13 with MODs/MSV2, that's a win for everyone with a little bit of interest in the game as a whole.
You know there are two units with Mimetism -6, right? One also has HD, making it behave like TO Camo (and a Flammenspeer leading to people dubbing a Noctifier LITE). The other doesn't have the HD and more or less functionally behaves like ODD to the point where it practically looks like a Locust on paper with its deployment rules. Seems like you're doing an awful lot of forgetting stuff for someone who's trying so desperately to have a valid opinion here. Homogenising everyone into the same approach to the game of shootyman apply MODs and BRRRR isn't a win for everyone. More specifically anyone who was attracted to HB because they wanted to engage in an asymmetric playstyle of quantity and quality has actually just lost out here. As I personally don't have a stake in how HB plays and you are making a really sad attempt to discredit me by claiming I'm on a crusade to have other factions nerfed I'll quote someone else from a FB discussion who plays both Pan-O and HB:
Okay since you managed to ignore it the 5th or so time. None of those troops have SWC guns. They're stuck on Rifles and MMRs. That's shitty efficiency compared to BS15 TO/ODD/MSV B4 SWC guns. Even linking them doesn't change that. Run some numbers if you can't see it. The pretense you can play anything like PanO or Aleph on the back of B3 DAM13 guns is hillarious. But be my guest and try to get the same results like a Swiss, Achilles or Cutter. Hassassins work very different and can't do the bullet hose anywhere close as competent. Problem is, this is Infinity, you kinda need to be able to do the bullet hose up to a certain bare minimum, no way around that. Bitching about them gaining access to entry level FTF after their asymetric trading pieces all died is fairly strange though.
I'm largely ignoring it because it's a stupid argument to entertain. "Profilerating gear X that was traditionally gated from this faction to provide varied playstyles and cement faction identity is causing further homogenisation and that's a problem." "Oh yeah buddy? I don't see them with a Cutter clone therefore there can't possibly be a problem." I'm sure people trying to raise climate change awareness feel somewhat the same when they try to say something about CO2 levels and get cut off by the response along the lines of I can't see a problem yet therefore there's no problem and we're doing nothing wrong.
Interesting hoops your brain took there to get from "Rifle class gunners that mostly have value countering their antithesis add value to the game" to "Oh yeah buddy? I don't see them with a Cutter clone therefore there can't possibly be a problem." Ofc you also ran out of ground and found yourself in a position where you had to resort to a poorly executed attempt to pull a climate change denier ad hominem. Cool, cool, good talk. Then again you probably thought that was being witty, good effort in that case. In case you didn't know - both extremes are usually bad, ignoring the human condition and attempting a binary approach towards a solution won't get you anywhere near one in both real life or Infinity. Lets try from the other side. Name me a successfull N3 ODD based troop locked into Rifle class weapons. Rifle, not Spitfire/HMG/SMG. Rifle as in Rifle, Combi Rilfe, Multi Rifle, Marksmanrifle, Viral Rifle, Plasma Rifle... there's a lot of them. ODD as in ODD - not Camo, not TO - ODD. We're not looking for a Specialist or utility toolbox either, we look for something we bring to spend Orders on to actively shoot stuff. Not really worth to try if you think the Locust was a success or want to hinge your argument on the Ryuken SMG. Closest thing I can think of is a Draal, but no ODD there. Lets try to find the mythical troop type on which's territory you're hellbent HB is encroaching on.
"Profilerating gear X that was traditionally gated from this faction to provide varied playstyles and cement faction identity is causing further homogenisation and that's a problem." "Well I'm going to move the goal posts to make as narrow a definition as possible to try and make that not true." N3 HB was about asymmetric warfare. In N4, their playstyle has moved towards get high tech gear, stack MODs, and go BRRRR with the shootyman. Your insistence that this can't possibly be happening because you can't identify identically cloned profiles or because you don't think they pose as dangerous threat shooting as faction X doesn't change this.
Gotcha, so you can't think of any other functional troop like the ones Hassassins just got. New designspace for them then, isn't it?
The Kriza and the Mowang don't share the same kit or rules but they most definitely aren't part of a playstyle of stacking MODs and directly engaging targets. Oh wait, that's exactly what they do. It's really not that hard to understand that HB's playstyle has shifted and it's being facilitated with gear that was otherwise gated from them so they didn't play like this in the first place.
Good GIF for MFW whenever you post something these days. DAM13 B3 in N4 exactly what makes the best use of your Orders next to the AP Spitfire Fatality TAG the Impersonators the Core linked Asawira the Core linked Lasiq the Core linked Govad with all those small brain SWC weapons or Farzans (BS12 btw) Marker State and Surprise Shot for -6 is so yesterday Yeah those Mimetism (-6) B3 DAM13 troops will clearly overshadow the other options, sole contributor to why HB will be good at FTF rolls.
I'm not sure where you're going with this given you've mentioned a bunch of units that are less effective in F2F rolls and are more frequently just found doing specialist work or abusing mines and shotguns in tandem, and then a bunch of link teams that are both cost inefficient and largely considered to be subpar in a shooting match versus their heavy price tag. I'm not a big fan of the TAG showing up in the assassin sectorial either, but on the other hand TAGs have traditionally been hamstrung by their vulnerable nature and with hacking expanding in N4 I'm not even sure if we'll see that many. And lastly the Asawira who is set to become another supercharged wildcard abusing link leader. You know, the other thing that people are pointing fingers at having a negative eroding effect on faction identity. That's a statement I more or less agree with. I just haven't made a thread on it because at this point it's probably too late to fix until there's a global rewind on it so we'll probably be waiting for N5 for it to get toned down.
This argument is kinda funny considering Hassassins has had access to Ayyars for years and i'm not seeing anyone calling them anything other than third-rate attack pieces.
Ayars a great for the dual Viral Pistols! I've had more guys die to that than anything else. Oh and he start out the game as three Mutts mixed in with real ones.