Why does everyone always turn to Interplanitario as the example of top play? As I understand it, it is an open event, not an invitational. I know the winners of satellite tournaments get a free ticket, but the winner doesn't always go, and they're playing in the same tournament as all the other regular players. @ijw I'd be more impressed with the stats from Army. Is there a reason CB hasn't/won't(?) release the raw data? I'm sure the community would be able to mine it better than CB ever could.
For starters that's an illegal list. Zuyong are AVA 5 in both Vanilla and IA. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Secondly, even if it was legal it's a trash list. BRB bringing 10 hackable units and absolutely no way to defend them against hacking *hyuck hyuck.*
They mean counting the hacker's ZoC as part of the overall area (two flash pulse bots and two hackers are four "repeaters".
Army metrics exist purely for the use of misrepresenting data to try and justify a valid reason for removing models from Yu Jing's range after the fact. Apparently models that see 15% usage across army data count as not being used by players. You know, let's ignore the fact that most publications suggest anything higher than 5% is statistically relevant in most circumstances.
Narrow and biased data set =/= better than anecdotal evidence. Local meta is more important in Infinity then in other games because of a lack of net lists. Most of the games most people play are in their local area. Bigger tournaments that attract people from diverse metas are more about cross pollination of ideas and determining who's meta is "superior".
Lol. Anecdotal evidence is actually probably worse than no data at all, because its entirely based on perception of the reporter, their own opinions and bias as well possibly being based on memory which is a whole nother layer of bias, perception and human mind fuckery that the report could end up being just about the opposite of reality.
Hey, if Veteran Kazaks are 'HI' then I suppose these could be. But I usually don't consider Veteran Kazaks true HI. FFS, ARM3 Wulvers are closer to HI than Veteran Kazaks or Mormaers are!
My first impressions of this sectorial from the information available is that it will live and die on mixed links and synergy. The known profiles are uninspiring, but many cover weaknesses in others: for example, a Zuyong team is vulnerable to hacking, but add a Shang Ji Tinbot and attacking it becomes harder. Add a TR combi bot with repeater, and Hac Tao KHDs, linked Zhanshi hackers and all manner of other hackers we don't know yet can destroy the attacker with Brain Blasts. If the Hai Dao actually is an engineer, it can cover the Isolation and Immobilisation vulnerabilities with order expenditure. We actually have a lot of potential, depending on the versatility of the links. The revealed profiles are... interesting. The more I think about the Liu Xing, the more I like it. It's as resilient as a 2W HI, but has extra resistance to Viral ammunition and, most importantly, lacks a helpless state for enemies to dig Classified Objectives out of. Seems perfectly in character for Yu Jing not to leave an operative on a suicide mission a chance of being captured. I wish I had this at my last tournament for kicking my opponent's Intruders off rooftops. The profiles are also perfect for taking on a variety of ARO pieces, which makes me think its job is to threaten Swiss Guards, Nikouls, Intruder Snipers in smoke and other lonely threats that are tricky to root out with firepower alone, or use the boarding shotgun to pick off exposed link team members on ARO duty. I can't think of anything that the Zhencha does that a Daofei or Guilang couldn't do better. It might have some niche uses similar to the Ninja KHD in ISS, sitting on a roof until Turn 3 then grabbing an objective, but it will take someone smarter then me to figure out what to do with it. Sorry CB, you tried, but I think the Zhencha may be a lemon.
Zencha's mileage is probably going to revolve around your terrain and how much value you can get out of Climbing+. If you play with a bunch of forested Ariadna tables, not so great, if most tables in your meta are urban with a decent amount of verticality and objectives often wind up on rooftops, gets better.
Because if they release that data we could rip apart their Uprising "nobody used these JSA profiles in Vanilla YJ" reasoning in seconds.
It isn't. Quite frankly the overwhelming majority of players were on the lower end. That said however ~top 35 players are usually very good players so there's many the elite vs elite on the upper end which is much more than the usual 2-5 top players on local tournaments, if that makes sense.
This thread is negative enough as is, can we please not bring back the negative elements of the Uprising event again? :/
It was just a simple statement: CB made a comment about people not using XYZ in Vanilla, then people were like "Er, WTF?!" CB won't release that data, because it would most likely disprove one of their previous statements. There we go, no [CENSORED] mentioned
@Alphz I think it was in this thread you mentioned the Daoying Control Operative as being integral to HI, but I can't find it atm. Leaving aside that the Zhencha could've been a proper HI, I'm hoping that the Daoying won't be so synergistic that they become mandatory to playing IA (or vanilla for that matter). Having played Eldar where most units were kind of meh for the fact that they had access to Farseers, I'm hoping Daoying isn't a Farseer. If it's like something along the lines of HI-only-Inspiring-Leadership, that could work wonders in really pushing the non-Fireteam angle and order efficiency, but at the same time I have a problem seeing that carry over to vanilla and having sectorial-exclusive skills like that sucks.
That feel when still only one Hac Tao. That feel when no dynamic duo of invisible murderers with HMG and KHD.