That's exactly my thought. If it didn't work just like explode they wouldn't have made it a level of the skill (IMO) Can kill markers, can't be dodged unless you physically move out of it, and can be used anywhere in ITS10 Like I said before, I would pay 40 points for something like that, even without the HI
I don't know that answer to that one. In N2 explode used to be cleared for friendly fire and I honestly don't know if it still is. It's been ages since I used a Kuang Shi for anything and Karakuri lost the skill so I'm not current on the minutiae.
Vet Kazaks have Shock Immunity rather than Bioimmunity, and 0 BTS. Nobody is complaining that they are going to get fucked sideways by Viral ammunition. Just saying - we can all point to profiles that *could* be more optimal. Doesn't make them bad. BobbyMcFerrinDon'tWorryBeHappy.jpg
In general, the Xiu Ling is too bare bones to really use its main ability effectively, but simultaneously too expensive to really risk on such an all or nothing tactic. Sure, maybe you're playing a game where dropping a template on the field, and maybe you don't get hacked, and maybe you don't deviate because you failed the roll. This unit is a lot of maybe, maybe, maybe tied up in close to 40 points (and the cheapest version kind of lacks a backup plan if things go south and he has to hoof it). But if you use it "safely" then ExplodeX is completely wasted. Suicide units only work if they're Shaolin or Daylami cheap throwaways. A 30+ point model is not a suicide unit unless it can assure me of getting at least one kill. But the Xiu Ling lacks that assurance. It isn't a Fiday, or an Oniwaban, it is a crap shoot. It is another model trying to do too much and falling short on all of it. It wants to be a front line HI, but has subpar stats for the task, it wants to be a mid-field button-pusher but that wastes its kamikaze potential, it wants to be a back-line assassin but it lacks reliability at the task despite the cost. It has a bunch of effort spent on trying to keep its cost down, but every dump stat it has just makes it worse at doing everything. If they wanted something we could decapitate with, something to alter backline deployment, then it needed HI-tier PH, more CQB equipment, and better attacking stats. If they wanted it to be a specialist, then it needs to drop its kamikaze suite and actually do something that makes it worth taking next to other mid-fielders. If they just wanted a straight attack piece then they skimped too much on its ability to win firefights and it needs better combat stats and actual rules to back up its ability to win fights. The Xiu Ling doesn't know whether it wants to be budget HI, a specialist, or a credible threat in its own right. It has MI-tier stats and caries no benefits from being HI despite being costed as one. It is hackable and meant to deploy where most hacker networks have the most repeaters, it is E/M vulnerable, and lacks protection and the ability to win firefights that would make it a good assault piece. It isn't terrible, but it is yet another unit that just doesn't feel like it has a design vision or purpose. It is a profile I look at and wonder why they bothered making it. If given a choice I would say remove it and replace it with the Daofei. If I knew this is what Uprising was making room for I'd ask for my Raiden, Oniwaban, Keisotsu, or Aragoto back. Hell, I'd ask for the Domaru or Shikami back even! That is, to me, what is disheartening about the announcement. With a third of our army gone, a whole sectorial down, and bereft of about half a dozen commonly used and useful profiles in Vanilla, IA needed to come out firing on all cylinders. It needs to fix Zhanshi to be a worthwhile alternative to the Kuang Shi in vanilla, it needs to fix the Shang Ji and Yan Huo to being useful models in some form, it needs to deliver new profiles that make interesting alternative options in vanilla so we can have some variety back, and it also needs to be a damn good sectorial because we aren't getting another for a long arse while. A lot is riding on the IA to be good, so when the first of 6-7 brand new profiles come out and one is lackluster and disjointed while the other is only useful because they gave it an SMG profile... It makes me feel like we're about to see a repeat of 2nd Edition ISS again, and that would honestly be the straw that breaks the camel's back for me. After so long in development (apparently longer than almost any other sectorial from what we've been told) this needs to be CB bringing their A-game. But the preview isn't showing me A-game, it is showing me a worrying precursor to more disappointment. I wanted this to be the spark that re-ignited my love of Infinity after years of becoming more jaded with it, but it is just another disappointment in a line of disappointments. Maybe from here on out it is all uphill, but the last few months have given me no reason to invest any hope in this getting better.
I now have a mental image of a kung fu master stopping a HI dropping from orbit at supersonic speed with one palm.
It just sounds like you don't like yu Jing as an army but you like the idea and you want a lot of things to change. I don't think youre going to be satisfied with what yu Jing becomes, because you don't seem to like what yu Jing is.
If you feel the Liu Xiu too risky pick by himself take an EVO and even the psitfire option to be able shot things on a medium long range.
You make it sound like what Yu Jing didn't abruptly change 6 months ago. How about we try talking our community members off the ledge?
Looking at the Interplanetary 2017 lists (so no Limited Insertion), the average Repeater count was a bit over 1.6. So 3-5 Repeaters as a default appears to be your local meta rather than being a universal thing. Even taking out all the Ariadna and Tohaa lists only bumps it up to 2.1 on average. And bear in mind that was the TAGLINE tournament, so there were additional reasons to take Repeaters. 63 of 214 lists included 3+ Repeaters 28 of 214 lists included 4+ Repeaters 14 of 214 lists included 5+ Repeaters In other words, your '3-5 Repeaters' only covers about 1 in 5 of the best dataset we have available, so they are far less commonly used than you think.
You know what, this shit right here doesn't help, because at best your comment here is well-meaning but misguided, at worst this is some disingenuous, bad-faith shitposting. And this is the tenor of a lot of the conversations on here. You aren't engaging my comments, you're engaging me and drawing some very wrong conclusions from it (to the point where I wonder if you are even reading what people post or simply knee-jerk responding to it in a defensive manner). Either way, this isn't going to end up going anywhere useful. As an aside, I love Yu Jing's playstyle. On previous iterations of this board I've expounded ad nauseum on things I love about playing them, I've contributed to tactica articles and waxed poetic about favourite tactics and combinations. The reason I haven't expanded past them is I don't find many of the other factions do what I like in Yu Jing, and even more than that the IA was the sectorial I was more excited about than any other for a long damn time because it is Yu Jing's fun and unique HI that got me in to the game back in 1st Edition. So I suggest you start trying to engage in actual discussion rather than trying to play online psycho-analyst, because that shit is just poisoning the well on these boards and that is the reason for all the bad blood in this place.
There is no difference in the amount of orders it takes to put down a 2W model vs a 1W+NWI+Bioimmunity. They both go down after taking 2W and your most likely not going to heal anything in your opponents deployment zone anyways.
Please pray tell what Yu Jing is, because I feel exactly like Durandal does and I think I'm not the only one. Much is riding on this sectorial release, and it seems CB doesn't know or just can't do a decent job of making interestin units; it's not just the cop out of giving us MIs and telling us they are HIs because "HI sectorial", it is the fact the first units released after we got a sectorial wiped from us to "free design space" are so freaking similar to better units we already got (Guilang, DaoFei, Tiger) that it is hard to believe that argument. I feel like the point of the two released units is having to get them because you can't play their better equivalents in IA, not that they offer anything new or exciting. It's kinda hard to get hyped when you are offered more of the same, but just worse (and if not worse, just the same with a little different flavour) As an example, imagine for a moment Liu Xing had Super Jump: suddenly you have a pretty distinct AD trooper from Tigers, with a signature strenght that doesn't hinge on bets and can be used all game long, and I dont think it would make it much more expensive while making him more FUN. I suppose it's not hard to think or something similar to give Zencha a signature niche while keeping the skirmisher flavour (look at Zulu Cobra, look at Hecklers), but the design for both of them just reeks of lazyness. PanO had to suffer this kind of thing for a long time, but they are now getting some life breathed into their units, why can't we? I sure hope I'm wrong and the rest of IA units are distinctive enough to give YJ and the sectorial a direction and a signature it's lacking at the moment, but seeing CB's track record with the faction, I'm not holding my breath.
Served! Yu Jing ────────────────────────────────────────────────── 10 ZÚYǑNG Lanzamisiles, Escopeta Lig. / 2 Pistolas Breaker, Cuchillo. (2 | 36) ZÚYǑNG Lanzamisiles, Escopeta Lig. / 2 Pistolas Breaker, Cuchillo. (2 | 36) ZÚYǑNG Escopeta de Abordaje / 2 Pistolas Breaker, Cuchillo. (0 | 26) ZÚYǑNG Sanitario (MediKit) Fusil Combi / 2 Pistolas Breaker, Cuchillo. (0 | 29) ZÚYǑNG Teniente Fusil Combi / 2 Pistolas Breaker, Cuchillo. (0 | 27) ZÚYǑNG Escopeta de Abordaje / 2 Pistolas Breaker, Cuchillo. (0 | 26) ZÚYǑNG Escopeta de Abordaje / 2 Pistolas Breaker, Cuchillo. (0 | 26) ZÚYǑNG Escopeta de Abordaje / 2 Pistolas Breaker, Cuchillo. (0 | 26) ZÚYǑNG Escopeta de Abordaje / 2 Pistolas Breaker, Cuchillo. (0 | 26) SHÀNG JÍ Spitfire / Pistola, Arma CC Shock. (2 | 42) 6 CAP | 300 Puntos Abrir en Infinity Army If you think you can get 10 real 2W HIs that are better than zuyongs, with skills, and equipment at the same cost or cheaper, yeah, you're being delusional If you want to take guijias, yan huos or Mowangs + zkirmishers and droptroopers someone needs to pay for it
Except when he said 8-10 and not 10, so please don't twist his words: with the advent of NCO, Tactical Sense, Lt 2 and that kind of stuff it would be easy to design a sectorial that could have 10-12 Orders with 7-8 miniatures, trading board presence for individual efficience. You know, like elite armies do in every game but Infinity, where if you go with a low troop count list, you lose BOTH board presence and individual efficiency. Also, you can include MI and Skirmishers as support of a HI division, there is absolutely no need to shoehorn additional disadvantages into a unit just because you want to say "oh, look, it's a full HI army... except it isn't"
What am I supposed to engage with? That you think the profiles suck and IA has to blow your socks off or you're going to leave the game. Thats a fucking downer. I hear PanO got some nice shiny things, maybe its time to try a different faction? and I don't mean that in just give up, I mean that in a 'you seem too emotionally scarred from previous events that chances o this release not disappointing you are very low'.
I'm Just saying you can do it aready. This list is legal IA Yu Jing ────────────────────────────────────────────────── 10 ZÚYǑNG Lanzamisiles, Escopeta Lig. / 2 Pistolas Breaker, Cuchillo. (2 | 36) ZÚYǑNG Lanzamisiles, Escopeta Lig. / 2 Pistolas Breaker, Cuchillo. (2 | 36) ZÚYǑNG Escopeta de Abordaje / 2 Pistolas Breaker, Cuchillo. (0 | 26) ZÚYǑNG Sanitario (MediKit) Fusil Combi / 2 Pistolas Breaker, Cuchillo. (0 | 29) ZÚYǑNG Teniente Fusil Combi / 2 Pistolas Breaker, Cuchillo. (0 | 27) SHÀNG JÍ Spitfire / Pistola, Arma CC Shock. (2 | 42) SHÀNG JÍ Sanitario (Medikit) Fusil Combi + Lanzallamas Lig. / Pistola, Arma CC Shock. (0 | 39) SHÀNG JÍ Fusil MULTI / Pistola, Arma CC Shock. (0 | 40) Yaókòng CHAĪYÌ Pulso Flash, Sniffer / Pulso Eléctrico. (0 | 8) Yaókòng WÈIBĪNG Fusil Combi, Sniffer / Pulso Eléctrico. (0 | 16) 6 CAP | 299 Puntos Abrir en Infinity Army But if you want to include the Big guys... And costy/saucy skills in HIs of this profiles the framework is gonna blow up And of course, you'll only get 10 orders in this kind of list. That's not what you will be getting in invincible once is out
In which case 1W+NWI+Bio is more likely to survive a viral combi ARO or two as he makes 1 roll instead of 2.