InvalidEffort's Zulu Cobra Build

Discussion in 'FanArt' started by invalideffort, May 6, 2020.

  1. invalideffort

    invalideffort Burnt Spektr

    Dec 19, 2017
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    Hello All,

    I'm finally at a point I should share some progress on a project I have been working on and start a build thread here.

    About a year ago I started sculpting a Zulu cobra mask out of NSP clay that I intended to make a mold of and send out to a few TO's as prize support but while I was at it I figured I should make a full costume as well and since quarantine here in the US I have been able to make some progress and after a few setbacks will hopefully have the first finished mask to show by this weekend.

    So after printing out all the dossier and book art I could find (this comes into play later) I began the build.
    The first step was to sculpt the mask on a 3d printed base I had lying around (Deathstroke mask)



    And here was the finished master before making a mold of rebound 25




    After that dried and the jacket mold was applied I cast my first copy using smoothcast 300 and onyx fast.

    Unfortunately, because the resin was old and I didn't shake it adequately it ended up not mixing well and bleeding oils to the surface making it so that no paint would stick.....

    So after getting some new resin another copy was cast and the templates were started on the chest armor, and the Pan O knife master was started. The knife will be molded and cast with self skinning foam to make it Con safe and possibly another item to be sent out as prize support.


    After the templates were made a test piece was partly assembled to see how everything fit adjustments can be made to the pattern.


    While searching for better references (3d renders) I realized all the inaccuracies with the overall shape of the mask and started modification to the first cast to better reflect the more aggressive shape of the mask the mini has.
    Here is the render that I noticed the most differences in. (If anyone has a higher definition copy of this image please let me know)
    And here is a side by side before and after the first step of corrections.
    old profile

    New Profile

    The eye shape, jawline, brows, cheek plate, nd temple section have all been modified using bodyfiller, there is still substantial work that needs to be done before I'm able to create the new mold and I hope to have most additional details sculpted this weekend. the first step was to just define the new shape.

    Anyway hope everyone who sees this enjoys and as always any comments, critique,or suggestions are always welcome!
  2. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Super cool! Keep the updates coming!
    invalideffort likes this.
  3. WarHound

    WarHound Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2018
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    monitoring, because this looks amazing so far!
    invalideffort likes this.
  4. invalideffort

    invalideffort Burnt Spektr

    Dec 19, 2017
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    Okay so with the weather last weekend being crappy here I wasn't able to do any additional bondo/sculpting work on the revised mask but I was able to get one of the original sculps painted and weathered.





    It's sitting a bit wonky currently because its duct tapped to my hat in that image...

    Anyway, there will be some additional updates tomorrow with the actual armor, and once I'm finished ill be making some templates for just standard pan-o foam armor that i'll share here.
  5. chromedog

    chromedog Less than significant minion

    Nov 24, 2017
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    It'll come in handy if you have to go outside anywhere.
  6. invalideffort

    invalideffort Burnt Spektr

    Dec 19, 2017
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    Well a little late on the update but here's a bit of the process to make the templates and armor plates.


    The first step was drawing out all the patterns on duct tape, and cutting them out. After that, I realized I hadn't made registration marks, which are vital to getting the shape you want when you glue the pieces of foam back together. (DONT FORGET THIS as its a pain to reassemble)


    After this was complete patterns were traced onto paper and then transferred to foam.


    I have two types of foam currently for the more rigid pieces I used rigid floor mats (red) and for the more flexible pieces, I used a less dense foam I had leftover from another project (White-I believe it was L200). The benefit of this is it's going to be really easy to wear and move but its slightly more difficult to sand and get nice edges. Full disclaimer though foam is not my forte I'm more familiar with fiberglass and Sintra or similar hard plastic which the higher density foam acts similar to.



    the armor is going to be two main pieces the back and sides will wrap around to the front and close with a zipper like a normal vest and on top of that, the chest plate will be buckled and secured. keeping all these edges neat is less a priority on this costume as I cant reuse this armor for any other pano dudes and it will be covered by the tactical poncho.


    the chest piece is all shaped and I started coated it to test out the neoprene rubber I picked up. This acts as a strong but flexible layer for the paint to bond to as well as added protection to extend the life of the costume. I brushed on three layers and once the back is complete I will brush on some layers to it, and use my spray gun to add more thickness to the entire costume.
    Croepoek, ev0k, Daixomaku and 8 others like this.
  7. invalideffort

    invalideffort Burnt Spektr

    Dec 19, 2017
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    So I haven't been idle all this time, I've actually enlisted some assistance with this and a larger overall project I had been working on, and together we have started a Cosplay Facebook page and have a website soon to follow. That said here are some updates. At the bottom I have a link for the gauntlet templates and this coming Saturday will be doing a live video tutorial of how to assemble them out of foam.

    First here are some finished masks that are going out as prize support.

    And some updates on the torso armor.

    Finally here is the prototype for the gauntlet.

    Last but not least, the download link if you want to try your hand at making a set. Cobra Gauntlet Templates.pdf?dl=0
    Ugin, WarHound, redeemer and 5 others like this.
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