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Infinity PbP - Sunz of VaudeVille

Discussion in 'RPG' started by Solodice, Feb 10, 2022.

  1. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Seeing that both Samira and Saito has been approached by a "Local Contacts" or at least a "Potentially Helpful Native Busybody" then sent Father Pietro to "Red Alert Flags" in the Encrypted Network for Kenn and Taisa; even if only the Chimera was a proficient Hacker, then She was a "Bakunite Digital Native" and so better endowed in checking the nuances of the Local Arachne for eavesdroppers or "Halo Warning Issues"; and to Her computational power, adding the Geists of both the Tohaa and the Inquisitor Blackfriar working in linked fact-checking could be potentially useful, at least from the "Different Points Of View Kaleidoscopic Sight". . .

    Also asked to both the Genengineer and the Ex-Gladiatrix to check on the Habitat-Dome Vital-Atmospheric Regulations; if a Varunan Helot, or other Water-Breathing Foe, intended to do them ill harms, then instead of the HEAVILY SANCTIONED depressurization-terrorisms that would be unthinkable on a Nomads Mothership, just messing with Oxygen % Flows, or adding Harmful Airborne Chemicals, or Aerosol Toxin Payload to the "Beach Section" of the Hab-Dome would do ZERO issues for the Liquid-Immersed Parts. . .

    Especially to Kenn-Taal was flagged to be peculiarly attentive for this; even if not a "NBC Hazmat Warfare Specialist" the Pheromone-Sniffers "Hair-Leaves" on a Tohaa "Artichoke Head" were said and rumoured to be incredibly powerful "Forced Evolution Eugenistic Innate Advantages" that the Alien Race had perfectioned in Millennia. . .

    Even tiny particle changes in the Atmosphere Composition could be easily sensed, before accruing to harmful proportions, by a competent Tohaa Biotechnician, also expert in BOTH Human and Racial Native Physyiology; best of this would have been, at least according to Blackfriar Intel Dossiers, to have a Domesticated Antipode "Bomb Sniffer" on a Leash, but this was Bakunin Mothership, not Planet Dawn. . . . .!!!
  2. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Lub? What did that mean? A term of uncoolness? And what was the reason for the spraying of water? The life giving liquid the Triad God of Humanity gave unto his creations. Granted he was in Bakunin. A place where the normalcy of the rest of Humanity was at times put out to pasture in favor of the weird. It must have been some sort of miracle that Eddie turned out the way he did.
    Despite not being the target of the question the subject matter made the Tohaa want to chime in.
    Kenn "I'd use it to make breathing underwater possible for myself & Igor as well. Becoming sort of Amphibians in being able traverse in & out of wet & dry land."
    Oh no. This was no the time to engage in mating banter. Even though Kenn did realize that Samira could be using this as a tactic to get friendly and learn more from the female he still didn't like it at all. Personally he'd rather get them breathing in pheromones instead to get the target talkative. His burnt hair membranes while healing still were not up to par just yet but not useless.
  3. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Hacking was something that was esoteric to Tohaa. Until the Combined Army came crashing down upon them the species didn't serious dabble in the art. So when the Padre warned Kenn about both hacking & eavesdroppers...Great. Just great. He had to open his mouth and turn on a flashing neon sign that read "I'm here! I exist!". When the last thing he should be doing is bringing unnecessary attention. "Don't speak unless you are spoken to." One of Mankind's golden rules.
    Edd "Fear not. I'll keep an eye out for any "movements" of any nature made towards us on an electronic or physical level. Just be yourself...scratch that. Be half of yourself. if that is possible. Oh dear, I don't think it is."
  4. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    A look of unexpected surprise was written on Saito's face, he didn't expect this out of the bat. But... It did mean he didn't have to start the conversation.

    "Well, my friend...." He stumbles, "my first guess would be to fence them but if they were stolen with the express purpose of using them. You'd graft them." Saito then puts a coy, sidelong look at the man and not the crabbot. "But i have no use for such tech, so i would sell it to someone who would like it." Pausing ever so briefly to take a sip of his liqueur, he then turns to the man before glancing back with a smile to the crabbot. Then looking back at the man Saito asks, "I take it i'm not supposed to hear such hypotheticals?" Pausing to make a ever so obvious cough, Saito continues, "but i'd be happy to chat about hypotheticals with you."
  5. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    "I see. The only beaches I've ever been to were on Paradiso and Dawn. I wasn't there on vacation either..." She winked at Samira.

    She returned a smile. "Maybe we can take a swim. Well not here as TopGun doesn't like strangers in their water. There's a few field training modules where they have some water." She takes another gulp of water. "Ah, shit, name's Hasina."

    "Yeah, the hypotheticals were meant for two not three." Material says staring at the crabbot.

    "You got some answers though." Void Reaper shot back.

    Material turned and faced himself towards the bar. "I guess and since our new friend has some good points I might as well listen to more hypotheticals." He ordered himself a gin and tonic. "So if you'd be using them were would you be from? Augmentations for underwater use are kind of rare, niche, and only for a few select groups. The only ones I know who have them in number is those hardcore ones on Varuna who want to be closer or one with nature. Selling them takes on the same issues. You got to know what you're dealing with and who to sell them to." Material looks at the crabbot. "There's not many on Bakunin who breath or operate underwater unless you call this module home."

    "Don't look at me. I didn't steal them." Void Reaper responded.

    Material sighed.
  6. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    "Ha" Samnira laughs out loud "my family would get a collective stroke if i would set a foot on Paradiso." Samira ads with a smile.

    "But you are making me you curios. You say thats your pilots living in that water? How are tehy as persons i think i never met one."
  7. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    While Samira and Saito seemed to have accrued some, at least apparently, Semi-Trustworthy "Local Contacts Assetts" and Taisa Grunewald seemed to think something about Her Bakunite-Background Past Aquaintances, then Father Beretta was busy trying to build a Solid "Shared Info Network Basic" with Kenn'Taal; the Tohaas were not so knowledgeable about "Human Machine Interfaces" (probably used, at home, some sort of Hypercomplex Superadvanced "Biological Genetech Organic Network" based on Subtle Pheromone Nuances, rather than "Quantum Hard Light, Neo-Silicon Chips and Digitized Laser-Bands"). . .

    But the resourceful Alien Expatriate said beforehand that started to use a Custom Geist expressively to coordinate and integrate better with the Human Sphere Infonets, both the bland, homogenized Maya and the wild, chaotic Arachne; as Pietro Beretta had taken Teaching Lessons when was ordained Priest (His Order, the "Domenicanii Frati Neri" or "Inquisition Black Frairs" was amongst the more knowledgeable and study prone of the Martial Fighting Priesthoods, now that Templars had so much fallen AGAIN from Grace !!!) and was glad to be able to help "Doctor Kenn" to structure a more "Tactical Strategical" useful cyphered Squad-Comm Network. . .

    Starting with "Vanilla Basic Standards" was so a wise choice for both of them, as also the "Undercover Order Knight Specialist" was not a supremely proficient Hacker; once Taisa had made Her calls, could easily fix their bumbling "Not-Pro" errors and made an "Airgapped Ultratight Secure Wideband" that would have been easy to share also with the suave Odalisque Socialite and the Clever Ninja Secret-Agent. . . . .!!!
  8. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    With that last remark, Saito gives a light hearted smirk and a little chuckle. Inwardly though, the agent of inquiry sends a message to Father Beretta. Sorry to be forward father, but i'm going to need that inquisitor's handiwork. See what you can find out on a Material Johnson. He's apparently a P.I.

    Finishing his mirth, Saito holds his liqueur in one hand and his chin with the other. "Hmm... Your best bet would be to sell them to either high end collectors, usually Yu Jingese or Pan'Os. Or take a shot at the underworld." Giving a sideways glance at Material's raised eyebrow. "Not the regular kind mind you. I mean the 'rugged' elements of the underworld. Paradiso, Dawn or Earth." Taking another sip of his coffee liqueur Saito then raps his fingers on the bar rhythmically, an old school code for shop talk, a test to see if Material was the real deal.

    Looking at both, Saito then continues, "Suppose i should share a hypothetical story to help 'even' out the score." He raps his fingers again. "There's this little bird living in a gilded cage. She sings and dances, showing every sign she loves her life in said cage. Then one day, she escapes the cage. Shocked even that this little bird even knew HOW to open the cage, her loving owners fly into a worried frenzy trying to find her. Even more worrying is the little bird didn't have clipped wings and she flew far, far and wide. She's now found a nest hidden in a new type of forest deep and the edge of her previous form of civilisation. And both her owners and other worried loved ones fear she's becoming feral."

    Raping his fingers on the bar counter again Saito says, "Quite a story eh? How do you think the story continues? Definitely could use another's perspective to continue this hypothetical. And dare I say, i think i might have a way for your story to continue as well. Looking back to the crabbot. "What do you think as well?"
  9. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Hasina looked back at the diamond glass enclosure. "You can't paint the neos with a broad brush. Everyone of them is unique. Some could be your friends and others are assholes you'd never want to talk to ever again." She shifted the topic. "How about the helots? Never met one. How are they as people?"

    Padre@Saito: Material Johnson's pretty vanilla or that's what his public profile is telling me. Good at finding things you've lost or misplaced as long as it is an inanimate object. He's not one that goes for lovers quarrels or unsolved murders. His reputation is good and has no red flags that I can find.

    Material's cybernetics fingers tapped out rhythmic pattern on his glass of gin. He was legit.

    "So the little bird came to the land of many colors and exotic birds. Wouldn't be the first. You say they found a new nest? I wouldn't be quite so sure about that. This forest is a great place to grab what one needs before heading out to another nest or even back to an old one. From the sound of things as well this little bird is too smart to become feral. It might want you to think that it has become feral though."

    Void Reaper tilted the whole body of the crabbot to one side as if tilting her head in thought. "You speak like this bird is a child. Well maybe what you humans call a teenager. A resourceful youngster who knows how to navigate Bakunin. Hunting them down might be an impossible task. Drawing them to you might be your best chance at success."

    Material chuckled and took a sip. "Void doesn't like hypothetical stories as you can see."
  10. SCTerranPlayer14

    SCTerranPlayer14 Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2022
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    Taisa immediately got in touch with her contact, a Neo orca named Chumani who was a body builder and swimmer. The two knew each other from Taisa’s days as Uber chimera. The two busted a lot of heads in the ring. Chumani agreed to help them out. “Okay my contact Chumani agreed to help us out. Word of caution,” she said as she looked at the Black Friar, “She doesn’t like clothes. Only wears a g string bikini. So don’t freak out.”
  11. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Upon hearing those words Kenn's mind began to wonder why, outside an animalistic urge to be as it once was, was this transplanted killing machine naked? And did the killing nature of the Orca still remain in it's psyche? Then there was the though of how big this "friend" of Tasia would be. And a flood of questions dancing around the theme of "in what way do I use Igor to constrain or kill if it turns out a threat?"
    As usual for a Tohaa the first thought was putting the sub-servant race in the line of fire before said fire could reach him or his team for that matter. Kenn felt that sticking around the Padre was a beneficial relationship. The man of the cloth easily shoring up any attacking measures Kenn himself lacked and Kenn's presence would make the man look the opposite of the stereotype PanOceanian that common Nomads seemed to religiously believe was actuate. He wanted to be a good team player & pull around his weight when possible.
    Besides ever since he joined this Triad of priest & animal woman he hadn't thought about Miss...oh ya, the target. Kenn's head fulled with thoughts of whether it would turn out if the girls was running away from evil controlling parents, something he could relate to. Or she was stringing them along for the ride or goose chase or whatever the human equivalent idiom was. Would she truly be worthy of help by the time the Sunz reached her?
  12. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    "They are people like everyone else i guess." Samira smiles "i cant say i have much experience with Helots. I only met a handfull and they had a lot of experience with humans, so cant tell you much. But those i met werent much different tha humans, caring for their family and such. Some concepts that are hard to crasp for both sides but i think thats to be expected."

    After a short pause

    "Look at my friend Kenny over there." Samira points at Kenn Tal. "He´s been around humans for some time and there is still a rocky road in understanding each other."
  13. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Father Beretta laughed off dismissively, but very politely, the concerns about the Nudity of that Orca Wrestler Amazoness, it was not of that sort of "Hyper Prude Hypocrite Priest"; external appearances were not of paramount importance to the Righteousness and Purity of a Soul, and the Rectitude of a Moral Compass that was NOT skewered by the prevalent weirdness of the Human Sphere Attitude; so long a Person, Natural, Modified, Artificial, Human, Hybrid or Aliens from half the Galaxy Away conducted themselves with concerns, or at least NOT completely ignoring, the Plight of Fellow Sentients and Non Sentients (personally the Inquisitor was a Hobby Hunter, but could not stand senseless violence towards ANY Prey, even the most humble lifeforms, and neither cruelty over "Nonsentient Robotic Drones" just because they happened to be "Nonintelligent Not-Selfaware"). . .

    Then happened to see that Kenn-Taal seemed distraught by something, and was almost "Sizing Up" the respectable mass of His "Chaksa Porter Bodyguard"; probably being an Amateurish Student of Terran Biosphere, the idea of an Orca-Woman, whose Zootemplate was the smartests amongst Seafaring Predators, had made some Paranoid Alerts in the Tohaa Mindset. . .

    Yet from what was disclosed for Sunz Employees internal briefings the Alien Biodoctor-Engineer aquitted Himself very proudly and bravely on Paradiso, a veritable "Greenhell Inferno" with an Overtly Hostile Biome, not even considering the risks of Combined Army Frontline Operatives; probably an Overcautious Approach was the ingrained Survival Tactic of that Tohaa. . .

    A refreheshing point of view, as Father Pietro had seen some footage of His Blackfriar Combat Brethrens about Makaul and Clipsos in Active Duty alongside Panoceanian Forces and they seemed "Hopped Up" on Biotech Custom Combat Drugs and almost feeling "Invincible And Invulnerable" in their Armoured Symbiosuits (a VERY Dangerous Mindset, especially considering the prevalence of Flamethrower and Fire-Chemical Payload in Modern Weaponry). . .

    Anyway approached the distraught "Couple" (or was better to think of Igor as a sort of "Disembodied Limb" acting on behalf the "Primary Organism". . .??) to see if was at all possible to allay the Tohaa negative emotions and feelings. . . . .
  14. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    "You both offer interesting points. As an author I'm ashamed that I'd have overlooked this possibility but that's why it's great to have other story tellers to bounce hypotheticals off of." Trailing off to himself, "That means that the clients haven't been upfront about certain things."

    Raping his fingers again, Saito comes back to himself a paints a story about certain roguish antiheroes who fight the good fight against supreme control. Basically using code to offer some fences on other worlds that could in Saito's opinion fence the biografts safely.

    Afterwards, Saito then again asks to buy another round and if they wanted to share more hypotheticals?
  15. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Chumani crossed the white sand beach in a bright green bikini that didn't leave much to the imagination. Her Orlando Lhost was slightly bulkier than most but not to a staggering degree.

    She ran a hand over her hairless scalp. "Hey, everyone." She looked around getting an idea of Taisa's "friends". "So here's the deal. Taisa's little fanclub has enough pull to vote one of you in to the Ocean section. I also got this lucky individual a meeting with Seeks Fish. Don't ask about the details on how that happened because you won't be getting it."

    Hasina stretched her neck to get a look at Kenn.

    Her face hardened. "A Tohaa, huh. Hopefully he has a better attitude and more respect for humans than the ones I've met." Her features relaxed. "Like the Helots and neos I suspect they are just as varied as us. Bad first impressions are just hard to shake off you know?"

    "When are they ever upfront?" Material asked rhetorically as he downed the last of his gin and tonic.

    Material thanked Saito for the list of roguish antiheroes and was about to launch into another hypothetical until Void spotted Chumani.

    The crabbot skittered away from Saito to get a clean line of sight. "Hey, Chumani! Take your sculpted ass and show it off else where!"

    Chumani flipped Void the bird.

    While this was all going down Taisa's geist got her attention. While on Bakunin everyone expects their quantronic firewall to be probed. Mostly just kids or lazy hackers looking for those that didn't follow the advice of updating their security or getting firmware patches before setting foot on the ship. Those were just tiny ripples across the team's tac-net. Never ever punching below the surface. Now a large ripple had appeared and it set off all kinds of alarms.
    #195 Solodice, Dec 28, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2022
  16. SCTerranPlayer14

    SCTerranPlayer14 Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2022
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    Taisa nodded and thanked her contact, “Nice to see you again Chumani. Still, wearing little to the imagination eh? If I didn’t have a job right now, i would hang with you for old time’s sake. Again appreciate you helping us out.” Just as she said that her geist started freaking out alerting her. “Ummm…Chumani you did remember to keep this on the downlow right? My geist is having a nervous breakdown as someone is probing with a freaking volcanic eruption!” Taisa was using old Bakunin slang (still understood and not quite outdated but was still used as code by Moderators for when trouble was about to blow up in one’s face) for when a hacker was making waves and didn’t care if anyone noticed.
  17. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Chumani nodded her head. "You and your friends are the only one I've talked to about this. So, whatever is going on I didn't cause it."
  18. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    The tropical shirt clad Tohaa waved at being mentioned but kept close to Igor in case any animals or psycho humans lunged at him or his partners.
    DrunkCorsair and stevenart74 like this.
  19. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    From the words used to describe the ferocity of the hack Kenn started to slowly or at least non-conspicuously turn around to see if a perp or suspicious person was to be found. The Padre should have noticed or just seen to increase in cyberwarfare currently happening.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  20. SCTerranPlayer14

    SCTerranPlayer14 Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2022
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    “Hmm…Well I trust you. But I might need to check this out just to be sure we don’t have any unwanted attention.”
    stevenart74 and Golem2God like this.
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