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Infinity PbP - Emerald Sunz

Discussion in 'RPG' started by Solodice, Dec 14, 2019.

  1. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Looking at himself with his skinny frame Konrad decides to take the same pill as the alien.

    "I hope this one goes better than piloting aunties cargo hauler with a bottle of her moonshine." Konrad mutters to himself.

    And with the Drug it seems like the climbing the hill is like a walk in the park.
    As he starts, Konrad is there again with his classic music Don Felder - Takin´a ride.

    Hillclime Athletics roll:
    Brawn 8 without any modifications
    Hillclimb Athletics.: 3d20 23 [3d20=5, 4, 14]

    Two successes, one saved as Momentum.

    At the their destination Konrad watches his comrades for this adventure and sees the Tohaa still struggle with the sweets and side effects of the drug.

    "Guy, come here, looks like you need a rest." Konrad says to the Tohaa.

    Medicine roll for the Alien
    Intelligence 11
    Medicine for the Tohaa: 2d20 24 [2d20=8, 16]

    Even without much knowledge about chemestry and Tohaa physiology Konrad is able to help with some emergency treatment.

    "Sorry, im neither a doctor or something like that, just a spacer to know to handle himself." Konrad explains his actions to the alien.

    As he is finished with his crude help, Konrad takes up his rifle to watch out.
    stevenart74 and Solodice like this.
  2. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    After the rest of the team rested and set up. Saito, hiding in the underbrush. Activates the TO camo once he got the go ahead from the others and made his way to the steps. Despite being invisible, Saito didn't take any chances and slowly descended, keeping his movements subtle, and soft as to not disturb the ground.

    Stealth roll. TO camo gives +2 momentum on stealth rolls. 4D20 plus one re roll due to scout.
    Target is 14. Roll is 5, 7, 1, 14. Four successes. No Foc so just four successes.

    Expertly decending even on these steep steps, Saito makes it to the pipeline and begins his journey across to the breadcrumb left behind.

    I'll leave it there for now @Solodice so you can add or do anything you want to. If all good, let me know and i'll continue the RP.
    stevenart74 and inane.imp like this.
  3. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Ric directs Xo' (Tsyklon) to get into a position to cover their Ninja as he descends in the open and Atl'(Lunk) to cover their back trail. Then he takes up a position to do the same, scanning the gorge and treeline opposite for any trouble.

    [Stealth checks to remain concealed in the treeline:

    Ric:Treeline Stealth (TN12, FOC0): 2#1d20 10 4. 2 success.
    Xo:Treeline Stealth (TN14, FOC1): 2#1d20 2 7. 2 success.

    Observation check (Xo assisting Ric) to see if they see anything:

    Ric: Treeline Observation (TN13, FOC1): 2#1d20 11 17. Reroll due Sharp Senses. Observation (TN13, FOC1): 1d20 5. 3 success with SuperAWA. Ric banks one as Momentum.
    Xo: Treeline Observation (TN15, FOC1): 2#1d20 2 18. Extra dice due Arachne-Eyed. 1 success.

    3 success total. Ric: +1 Momentum]
    stevenart74 likes this.
  4. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Eddie Athletics D1 (TN14 with Rigorous Training giving 1 bonus momentum): 5, 12, 7
    3 Successes, 2 Momentum generated

    [On Kenn's Resistance test he rolled a complication. I'll cash that in as heat.]


    Saito: 5
    Ric: 4
    Eddie: 3
    Konrad: 1
    Kenn: 1
    Waremart (Mulebot): 2

    Heat: 17

    At the gorge the team brakes apart. Ric goes off to find a water supply that doesn't require him going down into the gorge, Saito goes off scouting, while Konrad attend to the struggling Kenn, and Eddie stood guard.

    Ric finds a stream that feeds down into the river down into the gorge. He replenishes the teams water supply and purifies it.

    [All water bottles are filled and safe to drink.]

    Saito's scout comes up clean. The jungle was a big place after all and even with the advanced technology of the Combined Army they couldn't be everywhere at once. Still, the lack of any contact this deep into enemy territory was kind of odd. Must of just picked the right day and place to avoid the Morat patrols.

    The poor Tohaa Kenn was feeling the effects of the Paradiso Sweats pretty hard. Even without understanding Tohaa physiology Konrad trusts his gut and mind to get Kenn to some shade, gets a towel from his survival kit, wets it, and places it around Kenn's neck. This seems to have an immediate positive effect.

    [Kenn has regained 2 Vigor Stress.]

    The team regroups and got on with the task of getting down into the gorge and locating that beadcrumb beacon.

    Down in the Gorge

    Saito descends down the cliff stairs completely invisible. He makes it down with out any complication to the platform by the river. There is a large instrument box and a small shack on it. It looks to be a river observation center. Below the instrument box and running out under the platform a pipe leads out along along the bank. About 30 meters away it bends left across the river. At that bend was where the mercenaries of the previous recovery attempt mapped the last breadcrumb beacon they came across.

    [Saito can make an Agility D2 to quickly use the pipe to get to the bend. He could also take it slow and easy across it or walk the bank for no roll but would take about 20 to 30 minutes. @Daemon of Razgriz.]

    Above the Gorge

    Saito's overwatch above keep their eyes out across the gorge to the other treeline and they one they are in. While everyone was focused on what was in front of them they forget to keep their eyes on what was under them.

    Xo's 360 degree visor lights up like a Christmas tree with multiple small contacts that just popped up out of the ground.

    [Spending 5 Heat here getting a random encounter Scorpionette Nest to surprise the group.]

    Someone disturbed a Scorpionette nest. One mature Scorpionette was a problem but now there's a whole litter of least ten semi-adults swarming around and out for blood.

    [This is a combat scene so please list your actions along with your rolls.]

    [Dealing with the Scorpionettes: Ballistics D3, D2 if weapon has Spread X and for each effect on the first set of damage rolls hits additional targets equal to X, D1 if it has Torrent and for each momentum spent can hit 3 of them. Close Combat D1.]
    stevenart74, Golem2God and inane.imp like this.
  5. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    "Frak! What...", his voice is inaudible behind his faceplate and he doesn't take the time to activate his comms.

    Ric reacts quickly, mentally cursing that he wasn't able to find any flame thrower fuel he drops his Fulgor. He draws a small rod from his webbing. Thumbing a button it extends into a full length spear with audible click.

    He stabs at the nearest Scorpionette, and then backs away away keeping his distance. Visual tags appear in his vision, identifying the Scorpionettes amongst the jungle litter.

    Gabo kicks into tactical mode and immediately starts pulling critical information on the Scorpionettes out of the Nav Suite's database. He pushes any pertinent information to the take net.

    Gabo@Ric: Armour should hold. Watch out for the weak spots.

    Gabo@All: Avoid all stingers.

    Visual cues flag their tail as 'Deadly`.

    Free Action: Drops Fulgor.
    Minor Action: Draw Nomad Spear (Extended Reach for +1 difficulty to hit with CC attacks)
    Standard Action: Attack

    Attack roll: Spending one Momentum for an extra dice.

    Attacking Scorpionettes (TN12 FOC1): 3#1d20 5 14 5. 2 Success.

    Attacking Scorpionettes Damage 1±4$±2$: 6#1d6 3 5 3 3 6 5

    That's awful, I'm going to spend the Bonus Momentum from the additional success to reroll the Dam.

    Scorp Dam Reroll: 6#1d6 1 5 5 6 2 6

    That's better. That's 6 Dam with Vicious 1 proc'ing on the 6s.

    FakeEdit: I did the reroll wrong, I should have only rerolled 5 dice (ie not the original 6). But it doesn't really matter.

    Gabo: Free Acttion: 'Speak'
    Standard Action:Basically I want him to do an Analysis/Education/Survival roll to see what info he has on Scorpionettes (using the Nav Suite's database for assistance), so that I can check out their profile without metagaming. Getting this sort of info is one of Gabo's main tactical functions in supporting Ric.

    Edit:Scorpionettes (Education TN10 FOC0): 2#1d20 3 2

    Ric will bank the 2nd success as Momentum. /Edit

    Outcome: 6 Dam to 1 Scorpionette. Tactical info of Scorpionettes. Ric -1 Momentum.

    I'll post Xo and Atl's actions after all the PCs have gone

    Edit2: info Gabo got from his test added in.]
    #85 inane.imp, Feb 19, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2020
    stevenart74 likes this.
  6. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Alerted by Xo's tactical senses and Gabo's quantronic info dump both Xo and Atl respond according to tactical programs written by NMF Paradiso vets.

    Xo, steps back towards the Scorpionettes. There's a sharp crack and the tang of ozone fills the air as it discharges its Electric Pulse.

    Atl, closes in from the undergrowth. One of its spider legs lashes out, and there's another crack like a stick breaking as it discharges its Electric Pulse as well.

    Both REMs attempt to cordon off the Scorpionettes from the squishier meatbags. While not entirely immune from the physical damage from the Scorpionettes pincers, the REMs were immune to their poisons.

    Standard Action: Attack with Electric Pulse

    Electric Pulsing Scorpionettes (TN14 FOC1): 2#1d20 20 16

    Umm... OK then. 1 complication, 0 success.

    Free Action: Move within Reach
    Standard Action: Attack with Electric Pulse

    Electric Pulsing Scorpionettes (TN13 FOC1): 2#1d20 2 11. 2 Success.

    Dam 1+4& Stun, Immobilising: 4#1d6 1 6 3 6

    I'm going to spend a Momentum to reroll, because I'm after Damage not Stunning.

    Reroll Damage vs Scorps: 4#1d6 2 4 6 4

    3 Damage + Staggered and Hindered

    Fake Edit: and I rerolled all the dice again, not just the ones that didn't do damage. Derp.

    Outcome: Xo rolled a complication; Atl did 3 Dam + Staggered and Hindered]
    #86 inane.imp, Feb 22, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2020
    stevenart74 likes this.
  7. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    "Frackin dirtside critters!" Konrad starts cursing at the Scorpionettes while aiming his gun at one of the aproaching critters and firing a whole magazine with his combirifle at them.

    Konrad uses his combi rifle with normal ammo.
    Combi Rifle: Range C/M Damage: 1+5N Qualities: Expert 1 and Vicious 1

    Konrad: Coordination 11, Ballistics: Exp 3 Foc 1 TN: Marksman and Clear Shot

    Bonusdamage for Coordination 11 = 2N

    Konrad uses his 1 Point of Momentum
    -added one additional die for using a Relaod with permission of Solodice

    Regarding to range, Clear Shot reduces the penalty for shooting out of range by one, so still no change in difficulty for range R.

    Doesnt help, as Solodice told me its a D3 difficulty to hit.

    Shoting Scorpionettes: 3d20 30 [3d20=7, 7, 16]
    Reload: added die for shoting Scorpionettes: 1d20 3 [1d20=3]

    Makes 3 successes.

    Damage: 7d6 24 [7d6=1, 5, 5, 6, 5, 1, 1]

    Reload: Bonus damage for reload: 1d6 6 [1d6=6]

    3 points of Damage and 2 Effect

    Now using the marksman skill i can reroll 2 damage dice for haveing 2 Ballistics Talents, so rerolling 2 fives
    Damage reroll: 2d6 4 [2d6=2, 2]

    2 points additional Damage

    End Result for the rolls: 6 Points of Damage and 2 Effects

    Additional Rules:
    Vicious 1 generates another point of damage for every Effect rolled
    Expert 1 generates 1 point of additional Momentum

    Overall End result:
    8 points of Damage and 2 Effect for 1 Scorpoinette
    1 Momentum generated for Expert 1

    The Zondbot isnt idle either and charges another Scorpionette in the shadow of his bigger brothers.

    Standard Close Combat roll for the Zondbot with Modhand:

    Agility 12, Exp 1 and Foc 1

    Damage 1+4N, Concealed 2 Stun, Subtle 1, Vicious 2

    Attack roll:
    Zondbot attack: 2d20 27 [2d20=13, 14]

    1 Success

    Damage :
    Zondbot Damage: 4d6 15 [4d6=6, 1, 4, 4]

    1 Point of Damge and 1 Effect
    Applying rules:
    4 Damage, 1 Effect and the Scorpionette is Staggered for 1 Round

    Post had been edited with permission of Solodice.
    Hitting the Scorpionettes had been harder than expected.
    #87 DrunkCorsair, Feb 22, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2020
    stevenart74, Solodice and inane.imp like this.
  8. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    Hearing the commotion over the tacnet as hostile tags start appearing on his IR display, Saito decides to take it a bit quicker. Both to help his team by finishing quicker and knowing that such a commotion will inevitably draw attention to their position. Saito decides to start using his cat's grace to head out along the pipeline. Taking a recording of the shack with his geist for later viewing, Saito takes a moment to see the best way to proceed.

    D2 agility test. I'll burn one of my momentum to help with the roll. Target No. 11. Roll is 20, 6, 3. Two successes but one complication. Damn.

    Hopping down in a makeshift hero landing. Saito somewhat sticks the landing but didn't account for how damaged the pipe was. Fumbling somewhat his landing. He proceeds to progress along the pipeline towards the bend in the river.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  9. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    While leaning against the shade of the tree or whatever he was resting under, Kenn-Taal was content with watching the action from a safe distance. One reason was because he was under the weather with the Sweats. The other was because he was the Doctor of the group. Having the medical profession badly hurt or worse from these alien beasts on top of being sick could be potentially disastrous for the group at large. No, it was best to scan the scene before him and see if his occupation was needed. He know how bad these Sweats could get and it would take a a serious need for medical help to get him into the commotion.

    Then it dawned on the Tohaa that he had a Chaksa. The fact that Igor had completely been forgotten was worrisome to Kenn-Taal. He must really be under the weather in order for that to have happened. Maybe his body coming down from the high of Surge had a small part to play as well? Regardless, he didn't know where the creature was in this commotion and that current state had to change.

    Kenn-Taal: "Igor!" The Tohaa gave a yell while sending out pheromones to pin point where it was. "To me!" It didn't take long for the Chaksa to appear beside him. Since only a few seconds past between the call and Igor's timely arrival. Having not noticed the Chaksa was that close to him didn't help Kenn's mind. Only making him feel more worried about the Sweats he contracted.

    Kenn-Taal: "Stay here Igor. No..." He stopped a moment to think "Move a bit away form me. You will need a head start to rush in just in case." Kenn loved the beauty of remotes organic or mechanical. Allowing one to reach out and interact without endangering themselves hopefully. Now all the Tohaa wanted to do was watch and wait. Conserve he mental facilitates for a push of concentration to control Igor. However, he was hoping that all would go well and he could just rest as his body fought with the aliment of this terrible planet.
    stevenart74 and Solodice like this.
  10. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    [Some book keeping here. 3 doses of Surge were used. That leaves the team with 4 doses of Surge.]

    While almost everyone scrambled to deal with the Scorpionette's Eddie instead casually backed up and took in the situation. He looked at the underbrush where surviving Scorpionette's skittered around. The nanopulsar built into his arm was basically being begged to be used. He thrust out his hand and and a nozzle revealed itself from a fake palm compartment and doused the underbrush with hostile nanobots.

    Free Action (Quick Draw talent): Draw Item
    Standard Action: Attacking with Nanopulsar

    Eddie Ballistics D1 Test [TN9, Spending 1 Momentum for extra d20, Spending 2 Momentum to hit 6 more Scorpionettes]: 17, 16, 6

    1 Success

    Damage: 2, 1, 1, 1, 6, 3, 6

    Effects triggered (twice): Vicious 2

    Total Damage: 9 against BTS


    Ric: 5
    Saito: 4
    Waremart (Mulebot): 2
    Konrad: 1
    Kenn: 1
    Atl: 1
    Everyone Else: None

    [Two complications were rolled and I'll cash that in as Heat.]

    Heat: 14

    Above the Gorge

    Everyone leapt into action as the scorpionettes descended upon them. Ric skewered one on his nomad spear, Atl zapped one to death, Xo's discharge was a badly timed glitch causing a premature electric shock discharge, Pappy the Zondbot got another with its Modhand. Then the world erupted into gunshots as Konrad dumped a whole magazine from his combi rifle into the undergrowth only netted himself one kill and announced the team's presence in the area.

    There were Scorpionette's still left until Eddie hosed the undergrowth down with his nanopulsar. The indiscriminate nanobots turned everything into a gooey slag and as quickly as the threat appeared it was gone.

    Kenn along with Igor and Waremart just stood back and enjoyed the show.

    [Combat is over.]

    Down in the Gorge

    Saito made his way to the pipe bend and plopped himself down on the river embankment. The mercs had marked an exact location and Saito looked there but saw nothing but sand. Saito then began to dig and his hands came across a rough metal rectangle with an antenna. This must be the breadcrumb beacon. It looked and felt scratch built.

    @inane.imp Give me a Hacking D1 test.
    @DrunkCorsair Give me a Tech D2 test.
    @Daemon of Razgriz Give me a Observation D2 test.
    #90 Solodice, Feb 27, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2020
    stevenart74 and inane.imp like this.
  11. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    Target No. 11 Roll is 7, 3. Two successes.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  12. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Tech D2 Roll:
    Int 11, Exp 1 Foc 1 Talent Natural Engineer, Geist Helper Tech 1
    Target 13 with Foc 1
    Tech D2: 2d20 26 [2d20=19, 7]

    Rerolling the 19 for Natural Engineer:
    Tech Reroll: 1d20 1 [1d20=1]

    Makes 3 Successes.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  13. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    Saito hears a strange buzzing sound down river. Hearing that sound. That all too familiar sound. Saito heads a massive panic button over the tacnet.

    Head's up crew. I'm picking up at least 2 buzzers coming along the river. Those are Morat VTOLs. Prepare to make yourselves very scarce. Konrad. Buddy, that burst of rifle fire may not have been a good idea.

    With that. Saito pockets the beacon as best he can and looks around for some kind of hiding place.
    stevenart74 and inane.imp like this.
  14. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Ric piggy backs through Saito's Commlink, accessing the Beacon with ease. Using the data in this Breadcrumb he's able to determine the location of next one in the chain. Working on it a little more he's able to refine the location, enough to start planning a route to it.

    He immediately starts working up a route through the mountains to the next objective. He wants to be gone. It takes a few moments though, the terrain is complex and he trys to find something that stays on the ridges as much as possible. Slogging up and down mountains in this terrain would slow them down significantly: 20ks through unbroken, dense and mountainous jungle could easily become days.

    As he finalises working the route, Saito's warning comes through.

    Dios! In the green hell, it doesn't rain: it just pours.

    @All. Too soon to be a reaction. Get to cover, and pray it's just routine.

    He'd much prefer to have regrouped and moved away from Konrad's discharge before there was any chance of pursuit. But no such luck.

    He directs both Combat REMs to seek cover in the underbrush, and then finds a dense thicket to hide in himself.

    @Gabo. Talk to me?

    [Education(?) test to tell us about the capabilities of Buzzers?]

    Gabo@Ric: Standard combat-VTOL. Weapons and sensors ++. Working to reduce TacNet emissions.

    Ric acknowledges the information, and hunkers deeper into the foliage.

    Ric@All: Minimise comms.

    [Edit: updated with Stealth tests and the information about Buzzers.

    Xo: Hiding from Buzzers: TN14, FOC1: 2#1d20 17 8]. 1 Success.

    Atl: Using 1 Momentum, Hiding from Buzzers: TN13, FOC1: 3#1d20 8 3 6. 3 Successes. I'll bank the extra Momentum.

    Ric: Using 1 Momentum Hiding from Buzzers: TN12, FOC0: 3#1d20 9 8 4. 3 Successes. I'll bank the extra Momentum.

    Outcome: Ric, Atl and Xo are all Hidden. Atl +2 Momentum, Ric +2 Momentum]
    #94 inane.imp, Feb 27, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2020
  15. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Konrad tries to get his nerves under control after Eddie eradicated that critters with the Nanopulsar.
    Still a bit shakey he reloads his combirifle when the pictures of the beacon show up in the Tacnet.

    @All: That looks like the reseaerch team used some of their own equipment to rig that beacons together. Parts if it look like taken from a mulebot. But the one building those little breadcrumbs knows what hes doing. After all its still working after 3 years.

    Then Saitos warning come in and Konrad nearly looses it again.

    Frack, the one time you could use one of this police frigattes they arent there.

    Konrad still continues to curse everything and all in different languages which sound like being on the loading deck of a cargo hauler while diving into the trees with Pappy the Zondbot.

    I use one point of my own Momentum for myself and give one point generated by the Tech test above to the Zondbot

    Stealth 1est Konrad: Agility 10 with Exp 1
    Stealth roll: 3d20 23 [3d20=9, 4, 10]

    Makes 3 successes

    Stealth test Pappy: Agility 12 (ODD doesnt help here) Fields of Expertise: Movement Exp +3 Foc 3
    Stealth roll Zondbot: 3d20 28 [3d20=17, 8, 3]

    Makes 3 successes.

    Both dive into cover and even Konrad shuts up with his cursing.
    #95 DrunkCorsair, Feb 29, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2020
  16. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    Stealth roll. Target No. 14. Burn a further 1 momentum for 3D20. TO camo gives +2 bonus momentum.

    Roll is 10, 3, 11. Three successes. I believe with TO that makes five success?

    (Will post the RP element tomorrow.) Will edit this post.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  17. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Ric: 5
    Eddie: 2
    Igor: 2
    Saito: 2
    Konrad: 2
    Pappy: 2
    Atl: 2
    Kenn: 1
    Waremart: 2
    Xo: 0

    Eddie Stealth D1 (TN13, FOC1, using offered Momentum from Ric): 14, 1, 13

    3 Successes. 2 Momentum generated.

    Waremart Stealth D1 (TN14, FOC1, Spending 1 Momentum): 18, 4, 2

    2 Successes. 1 Momentum generated.

    Oh how wonderful. A Morat aerial patrol with impeccable timing. Eddie thought.

    There wasn't any time to gripe though. The Uberfallkommando just threw himself into a thick patch of foliage. He was grateful for the light armor and subdermal plates as the foliage dug into him and his gear. That's when he noticed his stetson was gone. Either knocked off by the plants of the sudden movement.

    He turned around and spotted it back in the opening. Before Eddie could move to grab it Waremart came racing over and snatched it up in its mandibles and tucked itself underneath a large tree root.

    Good mulebot.

    Waremart responded with a animated smiling emoji over the tacnet.

    Heat: 13

    Saito generated 4 momentum on his Stealth test. On the face to face against the Buzzers they're looking to beat that.

    1st Buzzer Copilot Observation D1 (TN11, FOC1, 1 Heat Spent for extra d20): 20, 7, 1

    3 Successes. 3 momentum generated (+1 from MSV1). 1 Complication.

    2nd Buzzer Copilot Observation D1 (TN11, FOC1, 1 Heat spent for extra d20, +1d20 from MSV1): 12, 13, 14, 14

    0 Successes. 0 Momentum generated.

    Down in the Gorge

    Saito put his trust in his TO camouflage to protect him. He was about to put that a very real test when the drone of the Buzzers was deafening. The two Morat VTOLs swung into view with their skids no more then 8 feet above the river. He could see armored Morat boots handing off the sides.

    He crouched down and they went right over and spraying him water and sand. No one noticed the material stopping mid air on him...

    They continued on their course and gained altitude heading upwards and towards the rest of the team.

    Top of the Gorge

    Everyone was able to seek cover deeper in the Paradiso foliage. Everyone but Kenn. The Tohaa stood around looking for everyone else.

    The two Buzzers climbed up over the edge of the gorge the team was using.

    Morat Passenger Observation D1 (TN9, FOC1): 7, 3

    2 Successes. 1 Heat generated.

    One of the door seat Morats spotted Kenn, pointed at him, and said something to the others as the two Buzzers banked their way towards Ramhorn. The VTOLs moved off that way but everyone was sure they could hear the shift of the turbofans and they were heading back towards them...
    #97 Solodice, Mar 5, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2020
    stevenart74 and inane.imp like this.
  18. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Kenn-Taal: "Not Morats, not now." The Tohaa groaned under the effects of the Sweats as the evolving situation became more dire. If they were Sygmaa then he could try to reason with them to allow him to join their numbers. After all he disliked the Triumvirate and Tohaa society in general as much as they did. Maybe not as much but he left the Tohaa Traid forces the first grand opportunity he got. Now he was stuck with these aliens who had no pheromone sensors to speak of while having better hearing than his kind. It was just not fair...what was he thinking about just now? ...Oh ya, the killer apes or monkeys, whatever those Humans called them, are attacking!! Time to hide!!

    Kenn attempts a Stealth D1 test and will need 1 success to pass. The number to beat is 8 with 2 dice. The results are: 9, 10. A close but utter failure. Nothing is going right for the Artichoke.

    With the grace of a sick puppy the Tohaa floundered in his vain attempt to not bring attention to himself as he swayed about.

    Kenn-Taal: "Igor!!" He managed to shout. "Enter engagement range!!" Hopefully nothing bad will happen but as the medic of the group Kenn felt that if he wasn't ready then he'd hear it from any of the survivors. The last thing he wanted on top of his current symptoms was nagging. Or being blown up, shot or any other unimaginable things that he didn't want to think about.
    Kenn-Taal: "Shit!" Was all he could think realizing that his bad situation had just turned worse. Then without thinking he blurted out franticly..."Igor to me!! Forget about them!! Save me!!"

    Now it is Igor's turn to attempt Stealth. D1 test with an Agility score of 12 using 2 dice + 1 extra compensating for Chaska Stealth tests. Results are: 17, 8, 7. Two successes & gains 1 momentum point. Igor is having much better days than his master.

    Unlike his master's recent attempt Igor completed his commanded task with much more grace. Not to mention being stealthy with a swift burst of speed. He snatched Kenn away to safety before the Morats attacked. Though he could also ambush them if they decided to rush into the foliage that Igor was currently hiding in. Time would tell what action he would have to take or was ordered to accomplish.
    #98 Golem2God, Mar 5, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2020
    stevenart74 likes this.
  19. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    @All: MOVE! Eddy help Kenn.

    Ric holds back invective. Frakking alien groundpounders: you need something doing you get a frakking Nomad to do it.

    Ric sends snappy AR orders directing Xo' and Atl' to bring up the tail end, and then starts GTFOing. He wants any engagement to be at a place on their terms after they've worked out what they've facing; or even better, not to happen at all.

    Grabbing his Fulgor, he takes point heading into the jungle. His route away from where they were spotted prioritizes speed; it's vaguely in the direction of the next beacon but that's mainly to avoid getting in a situation where they put the Morat patrol between them and their objective. He uses the sensor feed from Atl' to ensure he doesn't push too fast, so doesn't leave any of the team behind.

    @Saito: we've been made. Breaking contact. Pursuit likely. Recommend you shadow pursuers. From what Ric had seen, the ninja seemed able to look after himself. He would likely be able to keep tabs on any Morats pursuing them. This should give them the info they need to work out their next move.

    Gabo@Ric: send contact report c/d? Gabo had packaged up a contact report for transmission back to the 0-12 command; packaged as a small burst transmission with a low probability of intercept. Unlikely to save their bacon in the immediate shit-storm, but potentially offering options for longer term solutions. Ric takes a moment to consider the likelihood of detection before deciding.

    Ric@Gabo: D. There's no real support that could help their immediate situation, and it risks giving away that too much information. Not just to the Morat's either, but also to anyone keeping an eye on this location.

    [I've previously done the test for a route to our objective, if we break contact with the Morats we can start back onto that route; but in the meantime do we need a test for getting away from where we were spotted?

    I'll give everyone an opportunity to interject before continuing with Ric's actions.]
    #99 inane.imp, Mar 5, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2020
    stevenart74 and Golem2God like this.
  20. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    They should of gotten away with it but Kenn messed up. Eddie couldn't fault him that much with him dealing with the Sweats but now they were probably going to deal with Morats nipping at their heels for a couple of kilometers.

    Eddie moved out quickly. Snatched up his stetson from Waremart. Dove into the foliage Igor dragged him into.

    "We're moving fast and with a purpose, amigo. I'm here to make sure you keep up." Eddie instructed Kenn as he fitted the stetson back on his head and flashed the alien a devilish grin.

    Eddie@Ric: Copy. Putting some distance between us and those Morats would be best. They out man us and out gun us severely. If we really get into deep trouble we better activate those locational beacons and get some Mercedarian backup.

    @Saito: Wish I was you right now down there under the cover of TO. Keep frosty.
    stevenart74, inane.imp and Golem2God like this.
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