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Infinity PbP - Emerald Sunz

Discussion in 'RPG' started by Solodice, Dec 14, 2019.

  1. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Cool. :)
    They do say they need a Survival D1 test to set up shelter though. :)

    Resistance test:

    Resistance (TN13, FOC0): 2#1d20 19 14. Well bugger. Does BTS help against whatever this is, because Ric's Naughties are giving him +1 BTS (so 1 outside his Armour) until tomorrow (when I need to roll again)?

    Ric was BTS3, so doesn't get bitten at all.

    As the rest of the crew set up their shelters, Ric gets out of his armour: it's likely to be the last opportunity he gets for the next 7 days or so. Once he's out of his armour he secures it in his shelter and immediately slaps on Paradiso-grade bug repellent from his survival kit (having seen what the bugs have done to the other guys, it seemed only prudent).

    As the light fades, he gathers with the others to eat. He's wearing the fabric liner from his armour, open to about mid-chest to let his body breath. There's extensive, and relatively new, scaring on his chest, and the thoracic sub-dermal armour is visible. Incongruously, he's wearing the mirrorshades he'd had on earlier before he'd donned his helmet. To Ric's eyes the scene is picked out in false-colour hues, a mix of the MSV sight of his glasses with overlaid AR highlights as the Expert system does its thing identifying objects of interest.

    The Nomad grub, warmed by chemical heaters in the packets, reminds him of similar experiences from when he was in Polyvalent.
    The conversation meanders for a bit, as the guys take turns telling old 'war-stories'. There's a lull, and Ric takes his opportunity to ask Saito a question:

    "Hey Saito, what was up with the WarCor. You seemed really keen that he didn't know who you were? Dodging out on an ex-wife or something, eh?"

    Most likely Saito doesn't say squat, but he wanted to get a better feel for the guys he was working with.

    Edit: updated with IC text and based on Solodice's update re: Paradiso Sweats.
    #61 inane.imp, Feb 7, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2020
    stevenart74 likes this.
  2. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Kenn-Taal: "He seems offly nice doesn't he Igor." After a second of silence the Kumotail continued. "I'm being sarcastic in case you didn't notice." As usual Igor uttered no rebuttal to this one-sided conversation. "Lets see why the aliens call this an Emerald Hell." As he jumped off the ship making sure he was behind the humans which he "kindly" allowed to go first.
    Kenn-Taal: "Good riddance." He thought to himself. "Didn't like him anyway." "Bet you he gets eaten by some horrible monstrosity." He whispered to Igor. "I'd give him..." He stopped speaking to look down as he counted his fingers. "One..Two days tops before disaster strikes."
    "Well..we might as well set up our little bangaloo?..baungalou?..bungalow? I think that was the term used by that..." He turned to the Chaska who was already beginning to unpack the essentials for shelter building. As if the beast could instinctively understand what Kenn-Taal wanted. Or more likely Kenn-Taal's sub-conscience pheromone control over the Chaska caused the creature to act on an impulse that the Tohaa hadn't fully committed on acting out. "Ah yes..good thinking. Well if you want to call it that I guess. Carry on with your mindless labour while I'll..." He stopped to think on what exactly he was going to do. "Something or another..I just don't know it yet."
    stevenart74 and Solodice like this.
  3. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Konrad just follows the Nomad Merc into the green, as he seems to know what hes doing. His own experience on Spaceships and -stations isnt helpfull when the only green you knew grew in tanks.

    Resistance Test:
    Konrad is wearing a Light Combat Armour Reducing the test to D1 Brawn is 8 with 1 point Exp.
    Bugbite Resistance: 2d20 20 [2d20=9, 11]
    So one success and passed.

    Anoying little bugs keep Konrad from taking in the new environment, but he keeps them off enough so they dont crawl into his armour and try to bite some intimate parts.

    Even Konrad is curios about Saito and tries to listen.

    stevenart74 and inane.imp like this.
  4. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    As the team walks into the great green, Saito ranges ahead with one of the remotes to scout the approaches. He was trained intimately in the arts of stealth and reconnaissance. And felt just as comfortable here as he did in the cities of the sphere. After all, this wasn't his first jaunt into the Emerald Hell. Just his first as a 'Free man.' Saito chuckled to himself. "Free man. What a joke."

    Knowing about the various insectoid maladies that can afflict someone on Paradiso, Saito didn't remove his armour at all. And didn't until the team had properly set up camp and he had time to spray himself down with the bug spray provided in his survival kit. Having heated up his rations and sat down at the 'camp fire' to relax and similarly let his skin breath. Saito was eating his meal when the inquisitive Nomad asked his annoying question.

    Looking up from his meal. He scanned the faces of his teammates before his said quite distantly.

    "Have any of you every fracked up so badly that you are wanted by an entire superpower? Namely, the superpower you are a citizen of? But wanted in such a severe way that you are not on the public wanted list...... No, you're on the secret wanted list. Two to be precise."

    Saito plays with his food for a bit before he continues.

    "I have a target on my head so big that i'd rather be out here dodging CA patrols than going back up that orbital elevator. Hell, i'm pretty sure I was made when we headed down and even now there's probably a hit squad of assassins being briefed for a kill mission."

    Looking up again, he said. "That's all i'm going to say for now. That info was in the brief that HQ sent you all as a disclaimer for being teamed up with me."

    With that, Saito went quiet and went back to finishing his meal. Fully aware of the silence that followed this apparent 'revelation.'
    stevenart74, Solodice and inane.imp like this.
  5. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Gabo@Ric: I did prepare a summary, Gabo says in a long suffering tone. A visual link to the document flashes urgently for a second and then fades.

    "So... Not the wife thing then?", he smiles as he says it, clearly trying to lighten the mood.
    #65 inane.imp, Feb 9, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2020
    stevenart74 likes this.
  6. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    Saito gets up. And looks at Ric square in the eyes.

    "You wouldn't know because you were not on the last mission. But we got involved with ISS and I basically kept my distance from the rest of the team and did all my objectives solo. So any kind of visual identification..... Like a warcor pointing a camera at me, kind of gets me worried."

    A sudden thought crosses into his head.

    "I'm worried that warcor maybe following us. The way he disappeared. It was too good." With that, Saito moved to his tent to suit up. Over the tac net he said.

    "I'm suiting up and going to do a perimeter sweep in TO Camo. Just to make sure no one is out there."

    With that Saito moved to his tent to 'retire' for the night. Only to don his armour and activate TO. With that, Saito exits his tent invisible and begins a perimeter sweep.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  7. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    "Saito's got the right idea.

    We'll want to start moving at first light, so up before that. We should turn in, it'll probably be our last night of decent sleep for a while. The REMs should handle it for tonight. "

    Ric packs the rubbish away, and gets into his hammock. Zipping the mosquito netting closed.

    @Gabo keep an eye out on the 'net overnight. Wake me if anything there's any weirdness.

    With that, Ric rapidly drops asleep.

    Gabo's going to be monitoring all the Drone's sensor feeds overnight, checking to make sure that nothing untoward happens.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  8. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Eddie hoses himself down with all the bug spray he has. "I hate bugs!" As he wanders out of the fumes of bug spray, he's got a ration pack in hand and walks up to the 'campfire'.

    "I'm not exactly fond of reporters, either. Got burned a few times, and some of them might have enough clout and a long enough memory to do something about seeing me in the news."

    [ Eddie gets an 8 and a 12 on that resistance test, 14 in Resistance with 1EXP and 1FOC. Crud, I didn't update his statsheet with the Moderator armor's info... That is two successes, though. ]

    Eddie swats at a bug the size of his hand that's buzzing around him. "I really don't like bugs..."
    stevenart74 and Solodice like this.
  9. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Resistance Rolls:

    Kenn-Taal: Wearing Doc armor giving him 1 BTS lowering D2 to D1. Brawn 8 Resistance+1 Exp. Rolls are as follows= 20, 16, :frowning:.
    Igor: Igor's Brawn is 9 with no boosts. Meaning his test is D2 instead. Rolls are as follows= 3, 19, :expressionless:.
    This looks bad. Both of my characters are sick.

    Kenn-Taal: "Wha..what is..ah. This is a death trap! I should have never came here! Why didn't you tell me that we could get sick so easily?!" Turning to Igor as he looked on in a haze. "Correction, I would have never came here at all!!" Wiping his eyes as he spoke. "You should have told..oh no." He uttered as he began to see clearer for a few seconds. "Not you too!?!" Sure enough Igor was coming down with the Sweats just like his controller. "Ok I'll just fumble through my medical gear and find..find..find.." As if he could find anything with the current state of his eyes. "I'll go ask the aliens for help then." He mumbled while trudging along to where he could hear someone yapping. He could sear that Igor was somehow staring straight through his skull as he walked away.

    After bravely attempting to preserve some aura of health as he made his way from the unfinished shelter, Kenn-Taal called out to the nearest source fo intelligent life. Which happened to be Saito of all people.
    Kenn-Taal: "Greetings Earthling.." Trying to not appear weird at all while in a haze. "I seem to have concocted..contrived..contracted..? I've seem to have fallen ill!! Can you possibly tell me where the antibiotics are kept?!"
    stevenart74 and Solodice like this.
  10. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Ric looks at the Tohaa.

    "Frak... You see, there weren't any available when we were kitting out on Tunguska."

    He claps him on the shoulder. "You're just going to need to push through until we can get to a FOB."

    Edit: missed that you were talking to Saito.
    #70 inane.imp, Feb 12, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2020
    stevenart74 likes this.
  11. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Edit Reply: It's ok. It happens to the best of us.
    stevenart74 and inane.imp like this.
  12. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    While out on patrol. Saito places a call out to the 9th rescue wing. Wondering if it's possible to get a medical supply drop as some members of the team are suffering from the Paradisio sweats.

    Sorry about the short, curt reply. Just getting insanely busy with work.
    stevenart74, inane.imp and Golem2God like this.
  13. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    [Kenn rolled a complication and I'm going to cash that in as one point of Heat.]


    Ric: 2
    Eddie: 1
    Saito: 1
    Everyone Else: 0

    Heat: 16


    Father-Officer Ortega responded right back to Saito: Copy that. I'll have a VTOL air drop you some supplies come sunrise. Stay safe out there.

    Saito's perimeter check came up clean. The Sputniks confirmed it. No warcor, no enemy patrols, no hostile fauna or flora, just the jungle. Saito's paranoia was well founded and out here in the jungle it wasn't all that odd. [1 Momentum awarded to Saito for sticking to his traits.]

    D+1 (Arrival Day +1)

    The rest of the night passed without incident. If anyone checked the remotes feeds they showed a few curious marsupial like onlookers but that was all that got close to them over the night.

    Everyone's geists or in Kenn's case Igor gently awakened their charges. The jungle was dark but beyond the canopy it was twilight. Everyone packed up and suited up for a long day. It would be a long one: Get to the medical supply drop, cross the front, and then make it to the blown out bridge leading to Ramhorn.

    The team arrived at the dedicated drop zone which was literally right at the edge of the front. Ortega had given the time and everyone's chrono said it should be here in less then twenty seconds. Right on queue the sound of a low flying VTOL started to fill the air. It didn't come into a hover above them and instead passed by dropping a cargo box out the rear ramp. Probably to dangerous and suspicious giving up the teams position if they floated overheard. Good looking out by the Mercedarians there.

    The cargo box came crashing through the canopy before inflating crash bags that softened the fall. The antibiotics were there alongside a few unrequested items.

    [The team has gained 12 doses of Antibiotics, 2 Locational Beacons, and some herbal tea packets stamped with the Order of Mercy sigil.]

    [Both Kenn and Igor need to give me D2 Resistance tests. This isn't effected by BTS as the disease is already inside them. Each dose of Antibiotics they take will give them 1 bonus momentum on the Resistance test. If failed take 1+2d6 Physical Stress (Vicious 1), Harm Effect: Dazzed, and they still have the disease.]

    Now it was time to cross. As the team got with a few meters of the AR wall warning messages came in over their comlogs. Warnings about the area ahead being Combined Army territory, making sure your cube was backed up, possibility of cube failure, insurance being voided, no Mayanet connection (or Arachne if that was what you're using), you know... the usual stuff.

    Then you passed over. You were still in one piece. Everyone grabbed their Kumorpu bike from Waremart (the Mulebot). It was time to ride into enemy territory in style. With room on Waremart now Igor climbed aboard the remote and hung on for dear life.

    [Travel times. Option A: Through the jungle to the Zawacka-Ramhorn road: 2 Hours. Zawacka-Ramhorn road to blown out bridge near Ramhorn: 2 Hours. Option B: Straight through the jungle to the blown out bridge near Ramhorn: 6 hours and D1 Athletics due to mountainous terrain. Local time is 0800.]
    #73 Solodice, Feb 13, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2020
    stevenart74, Golem2God and inane.imp like this.
  14. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    [Option B won out.]


    Ric: 2
    Eddie: 1
    Saito: 1
    Everyone Else: 0

    Heat: 16

    D+1 (Local time: 1400)
    The option to slug it out through the jungle and up mountain paths was chosen. It would be slow and a little treacherous but it cut down on possible contact with hostiles. Hopefully everyone was up to the task of mountain biking in thick foliage.

    [Everyone (including the remotes but not anyone using the Mulebot) needs to make a Athletics D1 test. If reduced to D0 by gear you can still roll for momentum if wanted but you auto-pass. If failed it's a struggle and a half to get up this mountain: 2+3d6 Resolve Stress (Vicious 2), Harm Effect: Hindered. You will still make it your destination though.]

    [The team has also spent 2 bottles of water and 1 survival ration each (10 water bottles and 5 rations). The team is out of water until refilled. Will need a Survival D1 from anyone to do so. The team has 2 momentum and 1 re-roll to use for Survival tests thanks to Saito's pre-mission research.]

    After 6 hours of tough biking and navigation the nav suites say you're nearing the bridge. As you approach you hear water rushing heavily below you. There's a break in the trees and you can see across a deep gorge with a river at the bottom that separates your mountain from the one across from you. There's the old remnants of a long bridge that spanned it. At its ends twisted metal and support structures that point down into the gorge. Down below protruding from the river is more twisted, snapped, and melted metal. To those with military and/or explosives experience you note multiple detonation points.

    EDIT (2/16): Changed stress damage type of the failed Athletics roll.
    #74 Solodice, Feb 17, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2020
    stevenart74, inane.imp and Golem2God like this.
  15. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Kenn-Taal: "Ok, now hold still Igor. I'm going to admen..inject these antibiotics in you. Hold still don't move." Igor remained as stiff as a board. Aside from his breathing that is.

    Resistance Roll: Igor's Brawn is 9 with no boosts. Test is D2 with 2 doses of antibiotics adding 2 extra dice for a total of 4.
    Results are as follows: 10, 6, 11, 7. With 2 successes Igor passes and is cured of the Sweats.

    Seeing such a promising results in Igor's health gave the Tohaa confidence to try the same amount of antibiotics on himself.
    Kenn-Taal: "Oh yes, finally.." He rubbed his eyes to get a better look at the treatment taking effect. "Now I will get some relief from this accursed aliment." Injecting 2 doses into himself as he finished his statement.

    Resistance Roll: Kenn's Brawn is 8 with Resistance+1 Exp making it a total of 9. No boosts or defenses for this roll are added.
    Test is D2 with 2 doses of antibiotics adding 2 extra dice for a total of 4. Results are: 12, 9, 20, 14. No successes whatsoever.
    I'm beginning to feel sorry for the Artichoke's current state of being.

    Kenn-Taal: "Why? Why? Why is he ok but I'm still miserable?!" Kenn-Taal ends up losing 3 vigour as the Viscous 1 damage roll produces the following: 6, 1. Meaning 2 points +1 point of stress damage. At least he doesn't receive a wound but now the climb seems more taxing than before.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  16. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    The morning was a success, with the team moving early and the supply drop going off without a hitch. Ric does notice Kenn flagging as th day progresses.

    As the hill starts to steepen, Ric stops walking the bike through a particularly thick section. "Frak..."

    @Kenn. Hola mano, in your bag you've got some Surge! The small blue pills, si? Grab some for me: it'll help with the climb.

    Ric walks over to Kenn and takes the offered drugs. "Gracias. Better living through metachemistry!" he throws them back with a swig of water, winks and then pulls his faceplate closed again. He continues the hill climb, the additional addrenal in his system causing his vision and focus to narrow. During the worse part as he's pushing hard, he disconnects from Atl: leaving the REM's LAI to manage itself.

    [Ric: Hillclimb: Athletics (TN11, FOC0): 3#1d20 17 3 14. 1 success
    Atl: Hillclimb: Athletics D0 (TN10, FOC1): 2#1d20 15 12. 0 success.
    Xo: Hillclimb: Athletics D0 (TN11, FOC1): 2#1d20 13 15. 0 success.]

    As they get to the gorge, Ric whistles into his helmet. The size of the feature was staggering to someone used to the closed confines of spaceborne existence.

    @All. Looks like the last 'breadcrumb' is down in the gorge. Until we know there's another way out, it makes sense to keep an eye on our backtrail. Me, Kenn and Xo can stay up here and provide overwatch while everyone else heads down. Let's take a break, catch our breath. I'll see if I can find a stream to refill our bottles.

    Partly he suggest it because it's tactically sound: having everyone exposed climbing down the 'stairs' to the gorge floor is asking for trouble, but partly he suggests it because Kenn is clearly struggling.

    He instructs Atl and Xo to establish a perimeter as the group stops for a quick break. Ric assumes Saito will do a quick perimetre search so doesn't bother, tired from the effort of the climb.

    [Ric Finding water: Survival D1 (TN12 FOC0): 2#1d20 12 4. 2 success + 1 for SuperAWA. Spending 1 Momentum to find water near to our route, to reduce the time required to refill our water; banking the other success.

    Ric: 3 Momentum]
    stevenart74, Solodice and Golem2God like this.
  17. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Kenn-Taal: "Objection!! I object to..great they've already started without me. Come Igor lets..Igor? Igor where are you?" Apparently the Chaksa went on ahead without him. That wasn't supposed to happen.
    Kenn-Taal didn't need to be reminded of what he had on his being but with the current state of health he was in any help was help regardless. After silently thanking the Human he pulled out the pill and downed it with his personal flask. Now came the long upcoming trek.

    Now for the Athletics test.
    Athletics Roll: Kenn's Athletic score is 8 with no positive modifiers. Test is D1 needing only 1 success to pass. Results: 14, 5. The candidate passes and through grit or Surge (perhaps both) he manages to make it despite his sweaty condition. The Tohaa is quite the trooper after all.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  18. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    Biking through the morning, with Saito scouting through at times to satisfy his paranoia. When it came time to hit the rough patch, Saito instinctively went ahead, pushing himself to go off track at times to check for anything out of the ordinary.

    Observation roll. Target 11. Roll is: 14, 8. One success.
    This is my reasoning behind taking the athletics test even though i don't have to. I don't expect anything from this. Just flavour.

    Athletics roll. Target 14. Roll is 12, 12. Two successes.

    With his years of physical training, the climb was quite easy for the Japanese decent Yu Jingese. And despite being on point somewhat with his scouting, Saito was starting to enjoy himself. Perhaps too much, and was starting to get a little distracted doing his job. Taking jumps and movements he didn't have to, perhaps somewhat egotistically showing off to the others.

    After the team stopped at the gorge. Saito went and did a proper, thorough scout of the area to secure it.

    Stealth roll. Target 14. Roll is 19, 3. One success. Scout talent to reroll 1D20. Roll is 14. Two successes.

    Observation roll. Target 11. Roll is 18, 2. One success.

    Perhaps a little too tired from the showing off. Saito was somewhat distracted during his scout.

    As he comes back to the group he hears Ric over the tacnet.

    If we're really this worried, which is for good reason. After a bit of a rest. I can easily go down those steep stairs myself. And i can pop the TO to conceal myself during the climb.

    With that said. Saito takes the spotbot off the mulebot to set it up on overwatch concealed near the edge to watch the gorge and otherside, plus approaches.

    What rolls are needed for all this @Solodice ?
    stevenart74 and inane.imp like this.
  19. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    [Going into the gorge requires no rolls. The stairs lead you right down there to a overlook platform by the river. If you want to be stealthy it will be a Stealth D2. From the platform there's a pipe that leads to a section that crosses the river. At the pipe section crossing the river, on your side, is where the mercs mapped the last beadcrumb beacon they spotted. Getting to it quickly would be an Agility D2 to use the pipe. Saito could slowly make his way there but it would take a good 20 to 30 minutes to do so for no roll. @Daemon of Razgriz]
    stevenart74 likes this.
  20. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    @All. Just cautious. That could work. Let us finish up here and get set up to support you before you start.
    stevenart74 likes this.
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