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Infinity PbP - Emerald Sunz

Discussion in 'RPG' started by Solodice, Dec 14, 2019.

  1. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    Still in his meditative trance, the ex ninja sat in the corner of the living room, cross legged and continued to let his mind wonder. He honestly lost track of time but the words from Ric brought him back into focus on reality. He kept to himself for now. This wasn't his area of expertise and he isn't going to disrupt the pros while they're at work. That's how mistakes are made.

    But he now kept an ear to the conversation while sending his giest over to observe the situation unfold.
  2. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Before it was a trek through the Paradiso jungle avoiding and fighting Morat patrols, running across some helpful Caledonians, and getting caught up in a incident between Aleph and Ikari mercenaries. Now it was sitting in the house of the father of the man who the team was tracking down and watching through the sensors of one of his Energia Zonds that he lent the team. The time of excitement of slogging through the brush of Paradiso had given way to a stakeout of an apartment complex in Pulaski. The life of a Sunz detective agent sure did have some variety that was for sure.

    The stakeout lasted throughout the evening, into the night, and into the morning of the next day. The lockdown on Pulaski lasting through the same amount of time until an all clear was given at 1230 hours. Life could resume back to normal. It was also time for the team to make a move.

    Konrad, Saito, Kenn, Igor, and Xo boarded the second Energia Zond (Delivery Two) owned by Samuel and sped off to the apartment. Ric, Eddie, Pappy, and Waremart stayed behind until they could be shuttled over themselves.

    Half, except Xo which stayed aboard in the Energia's remote dock, of the team was dropped at the cafe where the other Energia (Delivery One) still was. Delivery One peeled away and went to fetch the rest of the team.

    Pulaski after being silent after a full day came bursting alive. People wanted to be out and about. There was a lot of foot and motorized traffic. Cafe fronts were packed full of people and there was a set of AR street performers putting on an impromptu show.

    Kenn's presence drew a small crowd of people who wanted to get a look at him. People were taking all kinds of photos with their comlogs and it was starting to create a scene.

    Delivery Two barked into the teams comlog indicating to them that Pedro was leaving his pod. There he was in tan clothes, a close shaved head, a small backpack, and a necklace around his neck. Pedro was on the move.
    Golem2God and Daemon of Razgriz like this.
  3. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Ric pushed inside the cafe, finding a table obscured from the street - even dressed as he was in 'off-duty', there was the real risk that his obvious augmentations would draw attention if he was visible.

    Unable to find a table, he leans up against one of the walls - as if waiting for a friend - before pulling up his AR overlay.

    As Pedro closed with the team, he starts his quantronic attack. Taking his time, he and Gabo carefully analyse the system before starting a covert exploit. This wasn't Ric's forte - usually he specialised in brute force approaches designed to rapidly overwhelm a target's defences so that his colleagues could take it out - so it was going to take a little bit of time.
    Golem2God likes this.
  4. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    Seeing Pedro move out along the street, Saito waits a sec, adjusting his AR display to lock on Pedro for easier tracking. Moving into step a ways down the path he begins tailing him.

    Ric, you can bounce off my comlog once you're out of range.

    Kenn, you seem to have drawn a crowd. Try to keep them focused on you. The others can try to gather evidence from the apartment module. Beware traps and security.

    Golem2God likes this.
  5. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Kenn nodded at the suggestion. But what kind of distraction would be fitting? Something that would draw in the eyes of the crowd and keep them entertained. After pondering for a few seconds Kenn had an idea. Bodybuilding poses. Humans like Arnold Schwartsburger & Sylvester Stallion were cheered for showing off their physic. Maybe having Igor imitate them would garner the same reaction?

    After viewing a gallery folder of various bodybuilder poses, Kenn felt confidant in being able to recreate them for the growing crowd. Igor begins to flex & flaunt his muscles. Each pose seamlessly flowing into the next one.

    Kenn Ta'al: "Ladies & gentlemen come and see the marvelous beauty of the Chaksa form. Sculpted to perfection in order to serve their designed purpose on the battlefield & off. Don't miss the opportunity to capture a glance of this species rarely seen by most of Mankind. Feel free to ask questions, send pictures to your friends & family of this wonderful creature. See first hand why the we Tohaa utilize this workhorse in our daily lives. Take advantage of this once in a lifetime event and make a memory that you'll treasure for years to come."
    Solodice and Daemon of Razgriz like this.
  6. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    With Kenn distracting the townspeople it is easy to sneak to the entrance of Pedros appartment.
    Out of sight from the crowd, Konrad starts picking at the lock mechanism, but its something else than the old habitat doors and cargo crates he knew.
    Golem2God likes this.
  7. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    The showmanship of Kenn and the the flawless execution of poses by Igor drew in a massive crowd. People from blocks away were gravitating towards the "alien show". Anyone's geist's keeping tabs on Maya, especially the Pulaski channels, indicated that Kenn and Igor had reached viral status. They might even find themselves as new celebrities by the end of the day. The poor AR street performers couldn't keep up with the novelty of the Chaksa and Tohaa.

    Ric began his silent quantronic attack on Pedro. He was successful but he'd need to continue to chip away at Pedro's firewall to get anywhere. With the effect of the attack being marginal at best it would require a lot of chipping.

    Meanwhile Konrad made his way up to Pedro's now vacated apartment pod. All eyes from onlookers hanging out on the apartment complex's exposed walkways were on Kenn and Igor letting Konrad do his work in peace. Old habits died hard as Konrad tried to pick the lock like the ones he'd run across countless times in the Human Edge. A quick change to his technique allowed him to pop open the door and the quantronic pick jamming any alarm system. Konrad was inside the apartment. It was a spartan space (the apple didn't fall from the tree as it immediately reminded Konrad of Samuel's place). From a quick glance the only thing that stood out to Konrad was a small Chisisi Ark on the small kitchen table. Chisisi Arks were luxurious safe boxes made of slow-growing hardwoods surrounding a reinforced inner compartment, they always feature a geometric pattern of parquetry—inlaid blocks of especially exotic woods—that conceal a high-tech secret lock. Displayed by Haqqislamite elites as a symbol of status, simpler versions are regularly used by highly specialised couriers such as Tristeryon’s T8 Division to safeguard their charges and by Hassassins to transfer crucial information or equipment. In short they were beautiful looking lock boxes that were also incredibly secure.

    On the street Saito tailed Pedro. Saito quickly found it wasn't an easy tail as Pedro knew all the tricks and it seemed he had a sixth sense as he "felt" Saito behind him. Unfortunately for the ninja he was made and Pedro bolted. Unfortunately for him a big crowd coming to see the "alien show" greeted him around the corner he tried to go around. He was slowed by their mass and gave Saito a window to catch up.
    Golem2God and inane.imp like this.
  8. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    "Damn this guy has eyes in the back of his head."

    Everyone, he made me almost instantly. I'm giving chase. Stay on target everyone and complete your missions.

    As he began to sprint after Pedro, he notices the crowd forming and tries to herd the former guide into difficult zones to try to slow him down. Thankful that the AR tag around Pedro's halo is keeping him standing out within the crowd.

    With that, Saito expertly weaves inbetween the crowd to try to catch up to him with only time telling whether he'll succeed or not.
    Golem2God likes this.
  9. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Seeing that expensive gift box Konrad starts muttering curses under his breath.

    Over the tacnet.
    "Guys i have found something, but there is no fast solution." Adding a picture of the Chisisi Ark.

    Konrad grabs the box and shoves it into his bag and leaves the compund.
    Closing the door so it wouldnt be that apparently that somneone entered it.
  10. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Pedro does his best to navigate the mass of humanity in front of him as Saito slices and darts his way around closing the gap considerably. Ric's halo tag comes in really handy allowing him to track Pedro easily.

    Pedro starts to panic when he sees that Saito is within essentially touching distance from him. He starts to run into people and throwing them into Saito's path. None of it works and Pedro himself falls to the ground after an awkward collision.

    Pedro puts his arms over his face expecting the worst. People in the crowd have become interested/alerted to what is happening. Saito and Pedro now have eyes watching them to see what happens next.

    Konrad leaves the apartment without issue. Everyone is still paying attention to Kenn and Igor.

    The rest of the team was on its way (retcon: Xo is traveling in Delivery One allowing Ric to be here on location) in Delivery One.

    Eddie had been keeping his eyes on the action through the teams tac-net. "Things are getting spicy and attracting eyes. Ric and Konrad jump into Delivery Two and go and pick up Saito and Pedro. We need to get out of here. Kenn and Igor we'll circle back around for you. In the mean time keep soaking up the popularity and money."

    Eddie was right about both. Kenn and Igor were on their way to becoming small time celebrities on Maya. Some producer somewhere was probably already making calls to try and get the two on contract.
  11. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    Coming to a stop hovering above the prone Pedro, a menacing, hard boiled look on his face. The Japanese man looks down glaring at him, then his features softened into a look of relief as Saito extends a hand to get Pedro back onto his feet.

    "Pedro, your father wants a word with you. Come with us."
    Golem2God and Solodice like this.
  12. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Pedro lowered his balled up hands away from his face. The look on his face conveyed that he couldn't believe what he was hearing. He slowly reached his hand out to Saito who hauled him up off the ground. Delivery Two, loaded with Konrad and Ric, came around the corner. Delivery Two switched its paint scheme back to that of Huerto de Samuel and Pedro knew this wasn't fake. Delivery Two even chirped at Pedro over his comlog making the man smile as he crawled into the back compartment alongside Saito.

    A few blocks away, Eddie was clapping in the back of Delivery One.

    On the way back Pedro could tell Konrad had something in his pocket. The Chissi Ark wasn't the biggest thing in the world but it did show up. He didn't say anything but Konrad could tell he knew.

    Back at Huerto de Samuel the team met up with Eddie and the remotes. Delivery Two turned back and sped off to pick up Kenn and Igor. The crowds around them had dissipated as the novelty began to wear off.

    Samuel stood in the doorway and stared down his son. The two disappeared into the house and Eddie had everyone stay outside. He had Xo and Pappy circling the house just in case but he doubted Pedro would try anything. Whatever was going down inside lasted a while as Delivery Two was able to return with Kenn and Igor.

    Eventually Pedro emerged alone. His eyes were red. He looked around at the team.

    "I believe you were looking for these." He said in a hoarse voice and takes off his necklace which contained six different colored jewels. "They're all here. Every last one of them."

    He asked Konrad for the Chissi Ark so they could be safely transported. He showed everyone the combination and placed the necklace containing the cubes of the research team into the secure container and handed it back to Konrad.

    "He said it's up to you what you want to do with me." Pedro said lowering his eyes.

    Eddie tipped up his stetson. "While it was practical what you did there is no excuse for how you executed it, no pun intended, and for holding onto those cubes for all these years." His face hardened and he bared his teeth more. "You robbed them of time they'll never get back with loved ones, friends, and colleagues. Not to mention the trauma you inflicted on some of them. Those are mental scars that can last a lifetime." His facial features relaxed. "While I can judge you I don't play jury or executioner. Not right now anyways. I think those tasks are best left to your peers."

    @Team We have what we need but there is a wrong here that needs to be corrected. I'm of the mind to hand Pedro over to PanO authorities and pass along the evidence that we have gathered. Let them decide on what to do with him.
    inane.imp and Golem2God like this.
  13. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    "I think you are right Eddie, but we may run into other problems."

    "Those researchers are worth much to anyone. We should first leave the planet before we inform the authorities or we may end up in a PanO prison without finishing our job. So lets move and give the Haqqs a tip about Pedro when we leave orbit."
    Golem2God likes this.
  14. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Ric shrugs visibly with his hands:

    "He's a puta; but I'm for whichever options gets us out of this hellhole and back into space sooner!"

    He rubs the back of his neck as he says this.
    Golem2God likes this.
  15. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    Saito kept silent throughout the initial exchange, silent in thought, hand resting on his now stubbly chin. What the biggest question on his mind was, is if they could somehow take Pedro with them. After all, while not fully required. Bringing all personnel back would increase the mission's success rating.

    But his inner voice was fighting itself between making sure Pedro faced justice by WHOM. It was between the local world's government or the Haqq government due to the researcher's affiliation with Medina University.

    Eventually his pragmatic approach won out and the ex ninja speaks up. "He should come back with us. The employer wanted us to retrieve everyone if possible. It is possible."

    "A debrief and justice is required, but at the end of the day, that's our employer's job. I assume you will not make trouble Pedro?"
    Golem2God likes this.
  16. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I personally think Saito is right on this one. We should give Haqq the cubes and let Haqqislam deal with Pedro. It was their problem to begin with not PanO's.


    Kenn was continuing his showcase of Igor's physic to the Human crowd. Hoping that his idea for a distraction ended up being satisfactory for the team's attempt at nabbing Pedro. He soon got his answer over the Coms when Eddie informed him that Pedro was caught but the team was debating on what course of action to take next.

    : "Just keep your distraction going for a little while longer. I'll give you a ring when it is time to pack up the show and head out."
    Daemon of Razgriz likes this.
  17. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    "No, I won't cause you any issues." Pedro responded to Saito solemnly.

    It was a short and quick conversation on which route the team should go with Pedro. It was decided he was going to come back with the team and leave justice up to someone other than PanOceanian authorities.

    The journey across Paradiso was over. No longer did anyone have to worry about alerting a Morat patrol, tripping over some camouflaged Ariadnan, or worry about which sides they were going to have to pick when Aleph and Ikari mercs came to blow with one another. The time of dealing with PanOceanian officers, O-12 handlers from Bureau Noir, or civilian truckers was also over. Most importantly they were getting away from all the damn bugs.

    Getting Pedro off world was easier than everyone thought. No need for smuggling or anything fancy. The team's mercenary credentials gave them enough leeway until they linked back up with the Sam Spade a few days later and then they were heading back to Tunguska. The team had told the Sunz their intentions and they didn't disapprove of them nor did they exactly endorse it either.

    In the end Pedro was taken along with the cubes by Haqqislamites when they returned to Tunguska. The University of Medina had hired one last team to escort Pedro and the cubes back to Bourak. From their tattoos, equipment, and demeanor they were most definitely corsairs.

    After that day no one heard a thing about what they did with Pedro.


    Mayanet Front Page News
    Emerald News: Some thought they were lost forever but a research team from the University of Medina, that had disappeared during the Second Offensive, was successfully recovered by the Sunz Detective Agency. Read the whole story here!
    Merc Spotlight: Tristan Pullman from Autofocus dives deep into the world of mercenary work on Paradiso. From a incredibly interesting Tohaa and his Chaksa apart of a Free Company of the Star team to Ikari mercenaries with three samurai brothers.
    Ascending Star: The Maya viral sensation of the Tohaa Street Show had taken the entertainment industry and public by storm! Who are these two and where can we find them!

    Underground Five: The Emerald News might have gotten to the story first but we have all the details and information that they didn't publish straight from the Sunz Detective Agency about the recovery of the cubes from a University of Medina research team on Paradiso.
    Puzzle Collector: I always look into things to deep and chase down things that ultimately lead to nothing. This time though my obsession for finding a connection has paid off. The Tohaa Street Show viral sensation that I'm sure people are sick of seeing by now is much more than everyone thinks.

    [That is the official end of Emerald Sunz! Thank you to the players for coming and playing in the infinity universe with me for a second time.]
    Golem2God and Daemon of Razgriz like this.
  18. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Same. I hope that we can do this again soon. Really enjoyed this adventure & the time I spent with you all.
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