Infinity PbP - Emerald Sunz

Discussion in 'RPG' started by Solodice, Dec 14, 2019.

  1. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Kenn Ta'al replying over Tacnet:

    Kenn Ta'al: "If that is the case we must annihilate them if we are spotted. If we can get by without them coming at us then we shouldn't get them to notice us. Does anyone here know our options to take out those Dom'r'u? I'm not confidant of Igor being able to break their armor by himself."
    stevenart74 likes this.
  2. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Kenn: 6
    Ric: 5
    Saito: 3
    Konrad: 1
    Eddie: 1
    Xo: 1
    Pappy: 0
    Igor: 0
    Waremart: 0

    Heat: 22

    Eddie had been uncharacteristically quiet since the brush with the Aleph team. He didn't even join in on the team's jokes about Aleph aspects.

    Waremart heard Kenn asking about being able to deal with the Domaru. It gladly highlighted that it was carrying two DEPs and one Panzerfaust.

    As he knelled next to a tree with his Americolt Eagle and sword in hand he spoke up. "Talk about a rock and a hard place. However, if what Konrad says is true about these Ikari I think we're going to have to side with the sex puppets."

    Across the tacnet an explosion went off between the massive trees Aleph was using. The lead buggy was cut up into millions of small pieces and its inertia carried those bits forward in a vomit of metal and flesh. The area looked like a piece glass with millions of fractures bending light and causing odd refractions. A monofilament mine.

    Then a deafening blast caught Saito's. Looking to his right a few meters away the lithe silhouette of a Mk2 i-Lhost materialized with a smart multi sniper rifle in hand. The spotbot spotted the round hitting the second to last buggy. It exploded as it hit the front of it killing the driver and gunner and trashing the buggy.

    Then combi rifle fire erupted from the trees. The Ikari reacted quickly to get out of the choke point. The trail team booked it back west. The other team went south. The three domaru dismounted. One of them sprinting northward to the rocks where Saito and the Proxy sniper. The other two stayed near the trailer buggies protecting them as they were pinned in.

    The last buggy peeled out and raced east.

    [Combat has started and the PCs are up. As with before all combat rolls and stuff goes in the OOC chat.]
    #242 Solodice, Jul 16, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2020
    stevenart74 and Golem2God like this.
  3. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    The explosions started, one of the Domaru started racing towards him. Saito panicked for a second wondering how this samurai knew where he was. Then remembered the MkII next to him. Blade already drawn, he aimed to strike as the domaru leapt past him towards the sniper. However, the angle was off, and he only caught the domaru in his upward slash in the leg, gouging deep, and throwing him off balance. Saito brought his blade back, intending to thrust through the chest, but the domaru was no slouch. Reacting quickly to dodge the incoming thrust. Luckily though, the ex ninja had both timed and positioned the attack to be in the cover of the nearby rocky terrain, somewhat shielding his presence from the battle at large.
    stevenart74, Golem2God and inane.imp like this.
  4. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    With the explosions and anything else unfolding Konrad loses his temper in this green hell.
    Without thinking he fires an EM grande at the buggy comeing through, but in his state of mind he misses.
    The grenade flies past the buggy and explodes somewhere in the green, toasting some insects and hopefully not anyone from the Aleph force.
    stevenart74 and Golem2God like this.
  5. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    The plan was to remain hidden and stay out of the fight as much as possible; Ric's plan was mostly to use his skills to make certain that anybody who stumbled across them wasn't able to report that fact.

    As Saito moved to engage the charging Domaru, Ric starts to search out the Domaru's Comms when he was startled by the obvious and unmistakable sound of an LGL being fired just a few metres away.

    Dios Mio!

    Frantically he attempts to work out the target, and realises that the crew of that Buggy were going to spot Konrad.

    @Gabo: Their Comms!

    He rapidly probes the Buggy's firewall, finding a wide open exploit. Following up, he brute forces an attack on the control logic: locking the accelerator down. He's rewarded by the sound of the Buggy slamming into something, hard. A quick glance in its direction shows that it's clearly still operational: hopefully the crash takes the crew out for a few seconds.

    Speaking while his hand dances across the AR controls of his AHD:
    @All: Saito. Problem: you're on your own for a second.

    Rest of you, frakking stay frakking hidden. Frakking idea is to let the frakking toasters kill the frakking pirates unless we can't frakking help it.

    Meanwhile, Gabo attempts to shut down the Comms of the two in the Buggy. Unfortunately the Hack was too difficult for him to execute on his own.

    Two icons on Ric's tactical pulse, highlighting the fact that their comms where still up.


    In the distance, perched hull down on one of the higher rocks. Xo continues to surveil the scene. It targets the furthest west Fireteam, excepting that one to attempt to outflank the Aleph fighters, which would put them right on the path to find Ric and the rest of the group.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  6. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Over the Tacnet to the rest of the party:
    Kenn Ta'al: "Do we have anymore of those things the trigger happy one threw? I think it would be smart to throw another at them. Just tell me where the nearest one is kept and I'll chuck?..chunk?..hurl?..throw. I'll throw one myself. And by myself I mean Igor."
    After this exchange the Tohaa turned to the alien named Eddie opening up the Tecnet agian.
    Kenn Ta'al: "Fellow Merc companion! You wouldn't happen to know where the throwing weapons are being kept?" Then realization that the Human was attempting to take a shot he blurted out, "Hit the weakest one! Kill whatever is the easiest to one shot then move on up! Now where is that throwing weapon?"
    stevenart74 likes this.
  7. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Eddie narrowed his eyes.

    "Shut up, Kenn." Eddie set through barred teeth.

    However the Tohaa did direct his attention at the buggy Konrad missed with his grenade. Good thing too as the splash would of enveloped them. The space pirate needed to be ran though a planet side combat course. He'd schedule him one back on Corregidor if they survived.

    Eddie crouched down and used his long legs to carry him up to the buggy. It's wheels still turning even though the front was planted firmly in the tree thanks to Ric. He swung around the tree, the nanopulsar nozzle springing forth from his palm, and the spray coated the gunner. He ducked back around the tree before he could see the damage. However, from the screams of two men that faded into one he knew the gunner was incapacitated or dead.

    Over in the rock formation the Posthuman in the Proxy Mk2 reacted in response to the Domaru rushing its position.

    The teams tacnet receives another message: "Either get lost or get busy helping! You don't get to be bystanders here."

    Saito could see the Domaru fighting against his armor as if the servos were working against him. Then his leg servos seized up and he was stuck for good. That Posthuman must of hacked him.

    However, the Domaru must of still had comms as the sound of a full fireteam caught Saito's ears. The ones to the west had pushed into the rock formation. They weren't quiet from the amount of profanity they spat out as they navigated and climbed around the rocks.

    The buggy driver got his act together and reversed the buggy and carefully navigated his way out of the tree thicket and back to the field to the west. He stopped and looked back towards the tree line his eyes scanning. He spotted something and he was talking into his mic. In the next instance the dreaded sound of a whistling grenade round filled the ears of the team. It dropped right near Kenn. It's shell exploded in shrapnel and released a fine dust like substance.

    Ric knew what this was. Azelik shells modified into a grenade. It contained loads of micro-sculpted depleted uranium that detonated into toxic clouds of radioactive dust!
    #247 Solodice, Jul 24, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2020
    inane.imp, stevenart74 and Golem2God like this.
  8. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Kenn Ta'al: "Some people just don't want help.." He mumbled to himself.
    The Tohaa's mumbling turned into panic as his body automatically reacted to dodge the incoming attack.

    Kenn needs 2 successes to dodge the incoming Azelik grenade. Otherwise he is going to experience another terrible aliment on the Emerald Hell. An extra dice/momentum is added to the rolls and the number to beat is 10. The results were: 17, 7, 10. That was very close. I'm glad the Artichoke made it just in the nick of time.

    Having literally dodged a bullet to his health & safety Kenn was understandably on edge. Crouching down & doing his best to hide from incoming Ikari fire the Tohaa tried to recollect his thoughts and figure out what action he should take next.
    #248 Golem2God, Jul 24, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2020
    inane.imp and stevenart74 like this.
  9. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Xo waits perched spider-like hull-down atop a rocky boulder. Once it becomes clear that the Ikari fireteam was moving to engage Saito and the others, it strikes.

    Darting forward to the top of a rock Xo lets out a sustained burst of fire. The plunging rounds scythe through the fireteam, leaving four of them dead before the last makes it into cover. Xo immediately retreats into the cover and concealment of the boulders, hoping to avoid any return fire.

    Xo then responds to the arrogant Aleph hacker:


    Ric and Gabo

    Gabo@All: Incoming!

    Ric heeds the warning and rolls away into deeper cover. I told those putas not to draw fire! The shockwave of the blast buffets him, and his suit's sensors spike with the sudden increase in radiation.

    Gabo tracks the Buggy - fusing an AR image from glimpses of their REM's sensors - as it gets moving again and starts to return to the ambush site. This overaly allows Ric to smoothly rise to a knee, momentarily lean out of cover and fire a short burst before ducking back out of sight. The process is smooth, with even the sound of his shots lost amongst the general cacophony of combat.

    His shots fired, he stands and moves back away from the fight. They'd dealt with the hostiles threatening them - only Saito was still engaged, by Xo had flagged that Domaru as a mobility kill, meaning the ninja was fine - so Ric was breaking contact, as planned. Let the skinjobs deal with this on their own, if we're lucky a couple of them might bite it.

    He expected the other's to follow, but at this point he wouldn't mind putting some distance between the people drawing fire and himself.
    #249 inane.imp, Jul 25, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2020
    stevenart74 and Golem2God like this.
  10. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    Seeing the Domaru seize up, Saito was quick to surmise the cause. He glanced quickly at the MkII and gave a small nod of thanks, before he turned back and lined up a powered thrust attack straight through the domaru's torso. The attack struck true, easily stabbing through the bushi's armour and drawing blood. A small twist of the blade, then Saito removed the katana, and flicked the blood off his blade. He was still nervous about the origins of the wonderful blade that appeared inside his quarters after the Yu Jing mission. But he was glad he had it. But that nervousness appeared to translate into him not properly checking all avenues to see if he remained hidden from the rest of his foes.
    stevenart74 and Golem2God like this.
  11. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    After catching his breath and panning around to get a better understanding of the situation the Tohaa noticed that while he dodged the attack someone else didn't.
    Kenn Ta'al: "Igor!!" The Tohaa yelled seeing his Chaksa falling ill to the grenade's effects. "No no no! Don't die. Please don't..." Flashbacks to the room they shared at the beginning before they landed on this hellish planet replayed through Kenn's fiber-scalped head. It was silly to freak out back then when Igor's head suddenly hit the food plate but he was the only thing that the Tohaa could consider a friend. Thought of losing that single connection he had and being left alone once again was a existence Kenn wasn't willing to face.

    In Tohaa culture a member of their species that is solitary or isolates themselves is considered social crippled. Ill with a personality disorder. In Kenn's case after he was expelled from his first Traid he immediately tried to join another. But after a couple of failures and no support from his fellow Artichokes Kenn Ta'al just gave up. If his people didn't want him in their group then he didn't want to be a part of their special social order and their obsession of triples. Instead he bonded to creatures who weren't so petty, who didn't bite back or ridicule him for his "kooky" uniqueness. The mindless Chaksa seemed to be a perfect fit.

    Though he had a few Chaksa during his life none had survived nearly as long as Igor. For almost a decade Igor had been by Kenn's side. No one had been with him longer expect for the Tohaa's estranged parents. Now his longest lasting and best friend was in medical peril and all Kenn could think about currently was to prevent himself from being forced to be isolated and alone again. Among aliens whom he feared didn't like him very much due to some clumsy mishaps he caused. Including this recent firefight debacle. He wasn't going to sit around and watch Igor be taken away from him. Not now at least.
    #251 Golem2God, Jul 29, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2020
  12. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    In this mess Konrad common sense kicks in, at least for a bit and it comes to his mind it would be a bad idea to fire a grenade at his own feet.
    But a fast shot at the Druze Hacker should be no problem.
    The shot could have hit, but that hacker dodges the bullet.
    stevenart74, inane.imp and Golem2God like this.
  13. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Eddie and Pappy hunkered down as the grenade exploded. When the dust settled a very upset emoji came over the tacnet from Waremart. The mulebot was hurt and was having none of this. It scurried off west as it's fight or flight protocols kicked in.

    As Saito pulled back into the shadows Eddie jumped into the fray right behind Konrad's shower of bullets. The Druze Hacker made a spectacular effort to dive behind cover before she was Swiss cheese. Her luck wouldn't last long as Eddie vaulted over that cover and drove his sword down into her chest. It found a gap between the ribs and punctured the heart and one lung. She was dying a quick death as he wrenched his sword back.

    The safety of the shadows didn't last long for Saito. The two other Domaru were up on on their brother, who was now unconscious, at the speed of light. One of them scanned through the pile of boulders and rocks before he spotted something... Saito. There was no pointing or words. Saito just saw the red lenses from the Domaru's helmet looking in his direction. Before he knew it the second one came charging from his flank with neokatana drawn. The Domaru fainted a stab before quickly rotating his wrists and bringing the blade in short arc at Saito's legs.

    Xo takes aim at the Domaru that spotted Saito and unleashes a torrent of rounds. None of them hit. Not that Xo's aim was off. It was dead on. The Domaru moved with inhuman reaction speed and contorted their body where they were never touched.

    As the team was in the thick of things Ric's move north turned out to be a poor one. There seemed to be a reason why the Ikari convey wasn't using the thinner tree thickets and scrubland up there. Now Ric knew why. He was standing in a minefield. He had four drop bears with very faded custom paint jobs of evil koala bears looked at him.

    The Ikari team that dropped the grenade on the team seemed to refocus their attention on the Aleph team hitting the convoy. The two Domaru that were protecting it were gone so now they were the only ones that could help out the last two buggies that were pinned down.
    Golem2God and stevenart74 like this.
  14. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    With heart pumping and somewhat inhuman speed himself, Saito manged to bring his own blade down in time to deflect the incoming swing after the feint. Sensing the odds very much against him, he decided to do his own feint, followed by a backflip onto and then over the boulder behind him. Before he even reached the ground, he re activated his TO camouflage, rolled around another rock and then made his way cautiously north to meet up with Ric to skirt the battlefield.

    Ordering his spotbot to move with him, he was given sad emoji faces as Spot struggled to clear the rocky terrain.
    Golem2God and stevenart74 like this.
  15. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Ric and Gabo

    Ric pushed north, opening range on the firefight that he saw as none of their real business.

    Pushing back a frond of alien greenery, he stops, stock still. In front of him he make the faded stylised face of a koaala.

    Frakking PanO, Frakking Drop Bear!

    Gabo responds instantly, pushing out an alert flagging the zone as a Minefield. 4 red markers appear on everyone's tactical overlays, complete with red shading showing their likely blast radius.
    Gabo@All: Standby. Ric's got the mines. You lot are on your own for a bit.

    Carefully, slowly. Ric and Gabo quantronically examine the first Drop Bear. They identify an exploit in the devices IFF logic and insert their StarCo credentials as the friendly-force codes, which allows them to shut it down safely. That Drop Bear now recognises the entire team as friendly, and could be used later if necessary. One down, and three to go. This was going to take a while.


    Xo's spitfire clicks; a grinding mechanical noise. Not only did it miss the Domaru, it's Spitfire was now jammed. Reacting quickly it withdraws away from the rampaging Heavy Infantry, scampering from a rock to a branch; before disappearing amongst the foliage.


    With both Ric and Xo out of the fight, it was going to be up to the rest of the team to take down the Domarus before they do too much damage.
    #255 inane.imp, Aug 8, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2020
    stevenart74, Golem2God and Solodice like this.
  16. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Meanwhile in Kenn the Artichoke's neck of the woods..jungle:

    Kenn Ta'al: "Igor hold on! Don't close your eyes or anything..!" Kenn's voice trailed off as he began to gather the medical items on his person to alleviate the Chaksa's radiation poisoning.

    Kenn Ta'al is going to perform an assist Medicine roll to help Igor recover from the attack. Needing to roll under a 14 for the assistance to succeed the result is: 11. While Engineering hasn't come up yet in the campaign, the high level of Medicine skill certainly has paid off mostly well.

    Unfortunately for Kenn there wasn't that much he could do to help his friend. The treatment had given Igor a better fighting chance but most of the battle had to fought by the Chaksa's immune system alone. And waiting for any fruit

    Kenn Ta'al: "Come on Igor fight it!" Pouring pheromones into the air around the Chaksa hoping that forcing some determination into the creature's mind could turn the tide. "You can't give up at a time like this! Keep going..!" The Tohaa was mostly talking to encourage himself that things were going to be alright. Just like all his previous conversations with Igor it was mostly for his own benefit. Something to keep him from being bored or lonely. Loneliness..that horrible emotion. That terrible feeling which was a crippling debilitation to his species. At least those in the Tohaa Empire had this alignment. The Sygmaa Tohaa of the Combined army didn't seem to be affected by it. Kenn had wondered why that was the case but those thoughts where put aside. A more pressing matter was playing out before his eyes & around his person.

    Considering this next roll's importance I'm glad that the group has gotten a good amount of heat remaining. Which I can use as a safety net to secure the necessary needed successes to pass. The reason of using Heat is that Igor has run out of Momentum. Therefore Heat is the only way to save the poor beast from nasty viral effects. While I only need two passed rolls I'm not confidant in just rolling the dice or adding a single dice generated by a Heat point. After talking it over with the other campaign members I'm going to use 3 Heat to gain 3 extra dice in order to roll 5 dice at once. This is overkill but overkill is usually guaranteed to kill. At least that is the general idea of overkill.
    Now for the moment of truth & hopefully salvation in this trying time. Igor needs at least 2 rolls under 9 to pass. The rolls are: 3, 19, 13, 10, 8.
    That was surprising & frightening. I passed but barely. It was a good thing to go the overkill route or else we would have a more serious reverse play out of the events in the near beginning of the campaign. Namely Igor passing his rolls to get over the Sweats while Kenn Ta'al kept failing and continued to suffer under the aliments. At least Igor will recover from this but there is also the current firefight to consider. So surviving that is paramount now that this medical situation is out of the way.

    Thankfully for the Tohaa, Igor once again was made of sterner stuff than the average Chaksa. His body was fighting back and winning. However the beast would still need to rest after the ordeal before he was in tip-top shape once again. As the feeling relief flooded over his being the sound of gunfire and violent commotion reentered Tohaa's ears. Even though they were not as capable as Humans' the sounds of warfare began to ring loud in Kenn's ears. Then the fact that the whole reason Igor got hit in the first was due to the Ikari enemy finding where Kenn was hiding. They knew were he was! Shite! Shite! Shite! These Ikari had to be removed post haste.
    stevenart74 and Solodice like this.
  17. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    After missing the Druze Hacker which had been quickly dealt with by Eddie Konrad takes a quick look around at the situation.
    There are only the 2 Domaru left which are going after Saito.
    Konrads thought are running heavy infantry armour. What can he do?
    Then another thought hits. We prepared a bit for such stuff and Konrad goes over his gear to use a magazine of AP Ammo in his Combi Rifle.
    Without thinking he just uses the whole magazine in one go at one of this enemies and it seems to work.
    The bullets hit accross the torso and shred the armour and it seems the Domaru while have a bit of a handicap while moveing.
    After that Konrad dives back into the greens moveing into the direction of the lone Ikari buggy.
    Didnt it have a Spitfire for the gunner?
    Maybe Konrad could use it if the battle continues withtt hat 2 though nuts.
    stevenart74 and Golem2God like this.
  18. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    The Domaru were not done. The target was Saito. They wanted blood for their harmed brother.

    The one that attacked him earlier looked through the rocks desperately trying to locate the ninja. He had no success. In a rage his stormed off towards Eddie. He knew where he was and could let out his anger on him.

    The third Domaru on the other hand had better eyes. Saito knew he was spotted. However no attack came. The Domaru hunkered down and broke out a basic patch kit and tried to tend to his punctured armor and wounds that Konrad graced him with. He fumbled with the material and cursed to himself quietly as he gave up.

    Eddie skirted around the rocks after he finished off the Druze Hacker. Then Saito pinged him that he had incoming. The Domaru was on his position in a blink of an eye. The powered armor samurai threw his servo assisted weight behind his blade but Eddie calmly turned the strikes aside. With a quick half rotation of his forearm his sliced across the Domaru's thigh. He sliced clean through the power armor into tendons and muscle. The Domaru dropped to a knee. Eddie had already spun back around a rock and crept his way to the other side. He slipped out and leveled the Americolt Eagle at the Domaru's back. The Domaru saw him and tried to spin to the side but it was too late. The high powered rounds ripped through the upper chest cavity and the mercenary samurai dropped to the ground.

    @All Another one bites the dust.

    With all the excitement little old Pappy followed Konrad into the field. The Zondbot knew in it's programming that Konrad was going to try and commandeer the buggy in some fashion. However, the Ikari mercs probably had their stuff locked down tight. They might be ruthless and unethical assholes but they weren't dumb. Pappy wasted no time tearing at the buggy's firewall until he punched right through. He found the authorized users for the weapons and added Konrad to them.

    Pappy sent this to Konrad over the tacnet:

  19. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Seeing the large armored Human start to rush towards Eddie's position, Kenn faced a decision dilemma. If he opened fire on the charging Domaru to attempt to wound it there was the chance of inuring the HI's wrath upon his own head. And with Igor healthy but not in fighting condition...Kenn didn't like his odds of surviving a charging behemoth on his own. At least with Igor by his side the Chaksa could buy him a few seconds of time to make a last stand or scurry away. Despite any emotional attachment he had towards the Chaksa Kenn own well being came first and foremost in any situation. He was not comfortable facing incoming fire with himself as the only target. Therefore a choice was made and enacted upon.

    Kenn Ta'al: "Come on Igor get up! I'm not going to die here! Not today!"

    Kenn Ta'al is attempting to shorten the time Igor recovers fully back to fighting shape. Rolling a single dice in Medicine that must make it under 14, the result is: 11. Makes me happy Kenn that has high levels in Medicine as it has been very useful in this campaign alone. Now with this success and the 4 Heat payed Igor is back with all systems running as usual. Now the Tohaa could turn his attention towards the rampaging Domaru.

    Feeling a small release of stress leave his mind Kenn turned to the next bit of trouble plaguing his existence. Taking the kitbashed, ramshackled hybrid of a Rifle (named after the mad doctor Frankenstein) he carried on his back the Tohaa looked down the sight to see if he could take a shot. Unfortunately for him or perhaps a blessing in disguise, the Domaru was out of range along with what looked to be two wounded Humans in similar armor. Taking this into account he turned his attention back to the bulking armor monstrosity galloping towards Eddie with the grace of a bumbling bear in full stride. At least that is what Kenn likened the Domaru's gait to. Even if he could take a shot perhaps he could locate something on the Domaru and call it out for anyone in the party to take advantage of. That way they won't think of him as a bumbling idiot dragging them down like a lead weight. He would be contributing to their success. Maybe they would even congratulate him on his participation in taking the Domaru down.

    Kenn Ta'al peers down the scope searching for any opening that he can relay to the other members of his party. Rolling an Assist Observation roll with the number to beat being 12. The result is a: 14. Well...that is a bummer. Looks like Kenn has failed to make himself look useful and help his teammates. Hopefully the rest of the group will be able to still take out the Domaru without any casualties on their side.

    Nothing. One big stinking chuck of nothing. No matter how hard he tried to notice an opening or detail to convey Kenn could come up with zip. If he survived and got paid a good amount of credits then perhaps he could invest in a weapon that could hit something from this distance. Frustrated with the results of his observation and the range of his weapon Kenn resided himself to stay outside of the firefight. Maybe if he scanned the rest of the area he could spot something. Anything out of the ordinary would be wait, that would be bad. It was best for his own sake and everyone else that he didn't spy something hostile through his Rifle Frankenstein's sights.
  20. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Konrad sends a "Well done Pappy" at his little mate.
    While climbing the buggy to get control over the mounted Spitfire.

    Pappy can you get us more access while i try to get at the last of those badddies?

    While the Domaru is occupied with Saito Konrad aims as much as he can through the jungle and let a full burst rain at the Domaru.

    Plant parts, rocks and dirt a blown away as the bullets patter over the Domarus armour.

    Hopefully that was enough to get rid of the last one of them.
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