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Infinity: Mercenaries - a skirmish campaign framework for Infinity N4

Discussion in 'Access Guide to the Human Sphere' started by Lareon, Nov 13, 2020.

  1. AssaultUnicorn

    AssaultUnicorn KTS is the best unit

    Mar 8, 2019
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    It would be great to add an example (to either a rulebook or this thread) of how a captain generation works now. Step-by-step instructions of how it should be done and all that. I am asking because I am now not quite sure whether this standard pool of points (12) is related to spec-ops XP or the RPs.
    Lareon, Capo.Paint and SpectralOwl like this.
  2. Lareon

    Lareon Well-Known well-knower

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Hi guys. I'm terribly sorry for the delay, but I hadn't the time to do a good followup of the update. But I read every comment and I thank you as always for the support :)

    • Yes, the unit must be a spec-ops capable model.
    • I meant the spec-ops table. Sorry for the confusion, I'm going to reword the phrase to be more clear.
    • Page 5 is a messed-up page-break. It's only a spacing issue, I'm going to correct it.
    • I'm aware. I was finally able to set up a beta campaign with my friends, so I will be able to analyse the rule on the field, and do the necessary fixes to balance the game
    Thank you for the suggestion about putting in red the new changes. I'm going to apply it as soon as the new version is ready!

    You're right. I'm going to draft a little example on how the company generation works. In the meanwhile, the correct answer is "the spec-ops XP".

    Aaaand, I did a quick Company Sheet to track the progress of your games. I will refine it in the following versions, but in the meanwhile I think it's ready enough to be used.

    Golem2God, Wizzy, coleslaw and 3 others like this.
  3. Lareon

    Lareon Well-Known well-knower

    Nov 23, 2017
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    In the meanwhile, here's an example of Company creation:

    Angus wants to create a new Company, for a local campaign he wants to join. First, he needs to pick the sectorials that will compose his roster. He already decided the theme of the army: a security agency, following a strict ethic, in which old foes have a chance to work together. So he chooses Qapu Khalqi and Military Orders. Thus, the Furusiyya Security Services is founded.

    Next, he creates the Captain, chosing from one of the spec-ops profile available from his sectorials: the choice fall on "Samir Al-Ghazzawi", a retired Hafza with a long outstanding service on several campaigns. He then spends the 12 points available for the spec-ops generation, gving him an higher WIP, a viral rifle, and mimetism (-3). The objective is to give him a somewhat solid combat package, without specializing him too much, as Angus want to see the outcome of the first matches before giving Samir a focus.

    Finally, he builds the Company. From the initial 60 RP, Angus deducts the 16 points of the Hafza Spec-Ops profile used for his captain (note: all the army spec-ops costs 1 more point - as stated in the Infinity Army), giving him 44 points to spend on the other troops.
    The first choice fall on an old rival of Samir: Friedrich Neumann, a now discharged Teutonic Knight that is currently looking for a new chance to shine. As Angus cannot select a profile with SWC cost, he decides to take the tinbot profile, costing him 20 points. He writes down Friedrich stats on the Company sheet and his units strength, and subtract the 20 RP from the remaining points available.
    With the remaining 24 RP, Angus selects a Fanous Remote (an old war memento, affably named Mascot) and Zahira the Bashi Bazouk, a Samir's childhood friend. Angus calculates the RP spent (7 for the Fanous, 14 for the Bashi AP rifle profile), and subtracts the values from the ramining points. With the last 3 RP, Angus could buy something from the Equipment Table, but he decide he wants to keep them for future purchases. So he writes down the remaining RPs in the Company Treasury.

    #43 Lareon, Mar 14, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2021
  4. Lareon

    Lareon Well-Known well-knower

    Nov 23, 2017
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    And finally a little contract for you guys (while I prepare the next version of the rules).
    Enjoy! :D


    • After the deployment rolls, the Experiment Omega is placed at the center of the table.
    • Two experiments Alpha are placed in the center mid-line, 8" apart from the the experiment Omega
    • Each player deploys 3 other experiments Alpha during its own deployment phase, on the enemy half of the table. The Alphas deployment zone is the area covering 8 inches either side of the central line of the game table.
      • Each Alpha must be placed at least 4" apart from each other


    • The experiments on the table are considered hostile for both players, and they don't generate orders. All the AROs performed by them are chosen by the current reactive player.
    • The Experiment Omega is a S7 biotech creature, represented by a TAG model or similar unit
      • Use the Lizard stats (Multi HMG / Heavy Flamethrower profile) to represent the creature
      • The Omega is considered a TAG to all effects, without Cube, and with the following additional skills:
        • Immunity (Possession)
        • Total Reaction
        • Firewall (-6)
    • The Experiments Alpha are S2 creatures, that use Pupnik stats (see Uberfalkcommando profile)

    • All the BS and CC attacks targeting a unit controlled by the opposing player are subjected to the suppressors installed by Praxis staff. The attack is resolved using as if STUN ammunition is used, instead of the weapon expected ammo.
      • The suppressor doesn't work if the main target of an attack is an experiment, or if an experiment is included in an area attack.
    • By passing a WIP-3 roll, an hacker can target a friendly unit inside his Hacking Zone and disable his/her targeting suppressor for the rest of the game.

    • 2 OP if more experiments Alpha are brought in NULL state than the opponent
    • 1 OP if at least three experiments Alpha are brought in NULL state
    • 1 OP for each wound inflicted to the experiment Omega
    • 1 OP for delivering the killing blow (putting him in DEAD state) to the experiment Omega
    • 4 OP if the following conditions are met at the end of the game:
      • At least an allied unit is within 4" of the experiment Omega
      • No enemies units are within 4" of the experiment Omega
      • The experiment Omega is in a non-NULL state
      • The experiment Omega is in IMM-A or IMM-B state
    • At the end of the game, if a unit is in a NULL-state caused by an attack of a unit of the opposing Company, the opping player lose 1 OP.


    1-5 No Twist
    6-10 Unstable Evolution
    11-15 Power Outage
    16-20 Outta the goddamn walls

    • UNSTABLE EVOLUTION: all the experiments Alpha on the field gain the following additional skills:
      • Mimetism (-3)
      • Dogged
    • POWER OUTAGE: all the table field became a Low Visibility Zone until the end of the game
    • OUTTA THE GODDAMN WALLS: as soon as this twist is rolled, both players gain an additional experiment Alpha to place on the table. These Alphas can be deployed everywhere on the field, at least 4" away from any unit.
    #44 Lareon, Mar 15, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2021
    Golem2God, Willen, Zsimbi and 6 others like this.
  5. Daniel Darko

    Daniel Darko Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2018
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    That is a nice narrative contract. Very good.
  6. AssaultUnicorn

    AssaultUnicorn KTS is the best unit

    Mar 8, 2019
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    That's a cool mission setup! Funnily enough, I did create something kinda similar here. I'd love to try out this particular contract. It looks like it should be done in the late game of a campaign.
    Capo.Paint, Lareon and Wizzy like this.
  7. Lareon

    Lareon Well-Known well-knower

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Oh god, I didn't know that!

    I swear I never saw them, and I created it from scratch. But the similarities are quite uncanny. I will change the contract a bit to avoid plagiarisms :p

    (Btw, very nice custom missions!)
    AssaultUnicorn and Capo.Paint like this.
  8. AssaultUnicorn

    AssaultUnicorn KTS is the best unit

    Mar 8, 2019
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    No need to change it, I'm ok with your mission being the way it is!
    Lareon likes this.
  9. Lareon

    Lareon Well-Known well-knower

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Let's roll with the BIG FAT UPDATE! Version 0.7 is out!

    Sooooo, something has changed. I finally decided to rework the all the injuries mechanics, after all the feedbacks I received, and few betatest I was able to perform.
    Basically I toned down the Injuries quite a bit. The main thing is they're now less severe (i halved the penalities) and they're now temporary: if you put an injured unit on hold for a round, you will be able to mark off one of the injuries received. Due to this, the insurance token is quite redundant, and I removed it.

    Then, I added a new, shiny event mechanic, to replace the bland post-battle reward. I hope to give some more salt on it, and start to create a more rpg-esque environment for the game.

    Hope you enjoy!
    burlesford, Wizzy, Golem2God and 4 others like this.
  10. kendofarfar

    kendofarfar Member

    Feb 5, 2018
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    Amazing! :)
    I have been considering making something like this myself but haven't started yet. Pitching it to my local group atm and we might start playing it after the current tournament (1 game/2 weeks) is over.
    If we do I'll get back to you!
  11. kendofarfar

    kendofarfar Member

    Feb 5, 2018
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    Reading through the rules and checking through the document a very (maybe too) specific question has come up;
    Will you be adding any more restrictions to the Peripherals?
    Because currently the Pupniks seem game-breaking at 1RP each. I mean even if you loose them replacing them is basically free.
    And I know balance might be hard to achieve/might not even be a goal with an overlaying system like this, but still :)
    Maybe set all Peripherals to a maximum of one and not just the servants? They would still be extremely powerful, but at least there is not three of them, moving in synch with a fourth model, in a game where there are no Fireteams? :)
    I just realized order starvation might be an issue though, if they each count as one of the five allowed, so maybe I'm overthinking this...
    #51 kendofarfar, Apr 17, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2021
    Lareon likes this.
  12. Lareon

    Lareon Well-Known well-knower

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I had the same exact feedback from various sources, all pointing the pupniks :D
    I agree, I'm currently thinking a way to balance them in the game. In the current version I added a cost to rebuy them (previously they were replaced without cost), but I'm sure there's something more to add to bring a bit of balance.
  13. kendofarfar

    kendofarfar Member

    Feb 5, 2018
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    We will play that every Peripheral takes up one of your slots, making them less powerful :)

    Btw our campaign is about to start next friday and I just launched a spreadsheet for the campaign :)
    (I'll send you a link in a pm)
  14. GrudgeMAster

    GrudgeMAster New Member

    Nov 2, 2018
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    How it's looking at the moment :)
    Lareon likes this.
  15. Robock

    Robock Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    i'd love to play!
    Lareon likes this.
  16. ElakaGurkan

    ElakaGurkan New Member

    Apr 12, 2020
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    Hey! Really enjoy your work on this!
    We did the Praxis Rampage yesterday and, as a result, we have these questions for you:

    * At the end of the game, if a unit is in a NULL-state caused by an attack of a unit of the opposing Company, the opping player lose 1 OP

    - What is your definition of a "unit"? If the experiment Alphas are units too, then there's a big risk of both players scoring 0 OP. If they don't count as units, there should be a high probability the game ends in a draw.. so we don't know.

    * The combination hacker + Immunity (total)
    - This combination is just brutal, and rather unfair. If you have a hacker and, for example a chimera or a polaris bear, then you can go kill your opponent who can do absolutely *nothing* to stop you (since immunity total makes stun a non issue). We feel this should be addressed (and without a hacker to cancel the targeting suppressor, how are you supposed to win if the experiments are not units? ...in which case you are quite likely to score 0 OP..

    Overall, the mission is interesting, but complicated. As we rolled the mission "on site", we didn't have the extra models (including a tag!), so we had to use paint bottles as proxies. Easy fix on TTS but more difficult AFK.

    AND an idea for skill swap in progress chart, if you are swapping out either MA1 or MA2. Perhaps NCO? Is probably of great value:)

    Lareon likes this.
  17. Lareon

    Lareon Well-Known well-knower

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Sorry, I incorrectly wrote the sentence. It should read as "at the end of the game, if a friendly unit is in a Null-state..."
    The idea behind this point is that you shouldn't be able to directly hurt the units of the opposing player, unless you hack the suppressor (or use an area attack near an enemy unit). Bringing down the Alphas doesn't give you penalities, nor if your action indirectly kills an opposing player unit (e.g.: you put him/her in Stun state and consequently an Alpha tears him down).

    Uhm, that's true. I had other similar issues with Total Immunity, so I was working to tune it down in the game (or removing those units from the available to be picked in a company). But I need some more time to figure a solution :)
    About the last sentence, the suppressor works only against unit controlled by the opposing player (as stated in the rule), so Alphas and the Omega are not influenced by the Stun rule.

    That's true, I was already notified by MA issue. NCO could be a very good idea for a switch. I'll add it in the next version of the rules.

    Thank you for your feedback!
  18. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Haven't got the rules in front of me, but wouldn't making the Scenario stun a Comms Attack get around the issue?
    Lareon likes this.
  19. Lareon

    Lareon Well-Known well-knower

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Honestly I believe it should work even without workarounds, as "non-lethal" is a weapon trait, not an ammo one. However it could be a really wonky rule, so in the meanwhile treating the Stun mode as Comms Attack (or simply stating it doesn't benefit from the "non-lethal" trait) could be a good workaround for now.
    SpectralOwl likes this.
  20. RobertShepherd

    RobertShepherd Antipodean midwit

    Jan 2, 2018
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    I might see about running a little side campaign of this locally - although I admit that I'm a little sad there's no way for me to get my Kum Riders into a mercenary company as they aren't in any legal sectorial (only Dashat).
    Lareon likes this.
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