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Infinity Army 7 (N4) Updates & Bugs

Discussion in 'Infinity Army' started by Koni, Sep 25, 2020.

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  1. CrazyNomad

    CrazyNomad Member

    Jan 6, 2021
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    Army: Nomads & Corregidor

    Troop: Billie

    Browser used & Operative System: Firefox on Windows

    Description of the bug: On the printed version (private and public) of the lists, Billi is missing the Pistol and the PARA CC Weapon (-3) (added in blue below)

  2. Delta57Dash

    Delta57Dash Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2020
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    Jazz is also missing her Pistol and CCW by the way.

    The same bug affects KISS from Bit & Kiss; he doesn't get his Para CCW (though Bit does get her Pistol and CCW added as normal).
  3. Ben Kenobi

    Ben Kenobi Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2018
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    • Game: N4
    • Operating System and Browser: IOS App
    • Army: TAC
    • Troop: RATNIK Spitfire
    • Description of the bug:
    Flammenspeer has no differences between Blast and Hit Mode other then the template

    Delta57Dash likes this.
  4. Delta57Dash

    Delta57Dash Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2020
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    For clarity, the ACTUAL bug is that the Flammenspeer's "Hit Mode" should be Damage 15, while Army is showing it as Damage 14.
    HellLois and Ben Kenobi like this.
  5. Lawson

    Lawson Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2020
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    It looks like this issue is with the Flammenspeer weapon profile itself, since Hit Mode Damage is also wrong for troops like Mowang, Hassasin, etc.
    Delta57Dash likes this.
  6. Ashtaroth

    Ashtaroth Aragoto GP Organizer

    Aug 22, 2019
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    Game: Infinity N4
    Operating System and Browser: Google Chrome/Mobile App
    Army: ALEPH
    Troop: Eudoros
    Description of the issue: Eudoros is showing the Impetuous symbol although he has no mention of being Impetuous in the skills.
    kinginyellow likes this.
  7. Robock

    Robock Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    post from another thread:
    army is still capped at 75pts merc but this season's ITS has changed it to 85Pts.
  8. karush

    karush Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    Four suspected bugs

    1. Army App: under Military Orders there is a Knight of Santiago Lieutenant with spitfire that costs 0 SWC. I know lieutenant options can sometimes mess with SWC but usually by 0.5 SWC not 1.5 SWC (usual SWC cost of an spitfire on an HI is 1.5)

    2. Army App: Kiel-Saan red fury cost is 1.5 SWC. Unusual as red furies on Kiel-Saan used to cost 1 SWC. Additionally strange as there are +1 damage red furies in the game on models that are 1 SWC. Xenodron in particular comes to mind but also Bronzes.

    3. Army App: Salamandra in Nomads. The Salamandra costs 2 SWC, seems like a hold over from last edition when they were 2 SWC. In current edition seems off as all other base options for a Hyper Magnetic Rail Cannon equipped model costs 1.5 SWC, including the Dragoes which shoots better than the Salamandra and has greater durability( two levels of unconscious, and the Zeta which has greater durability (2 levels of unconscious and has high wip engineers in faction).

    4. In the NA2 Mercs option for desktop Chrome does not apply the flat 1 SWC cost like it should.

    Less of "bugs" but notable inconsistencies, almost like Nomad TAGs were finished first in play testing and then ideas were created afterwards without revisiting the Nomad TAGs.

    1C. The Iguana is the only TAG without a specialist pilot. Notably the Anaconda now has a pilot that is a specialist operative, which in N3 was the other exception. Another 4 active wound TAG, the Gorgos, has a specialist pilot.

    2C. The Iguana is one of two TAGs which does not have AP ammo, and notably of the TAGs that had only an HMG n N3 is the only one not given an AP HMG or AP Spitfire option (I prefer the AP Spitfire option given it's overall combat role of mid field TAG)

    3C. The Lizard TAG is the only "bare bones" (usually armor 8, multi HMG, no marker state, no mimetism, not a lot of fancy rules to make it something other than a conceptual tank) TAG without Fireteam Duo in a sectrorial (compare to Squalos in NCA, Guijia in IA/White Company, Maghariba in Ramah, Raicho in MAF, and Anaconda in Druze/Starco/Spiral Corps). I would suggest adding "Fireteam: Duo" to the lizards in Bakunin, and changing AVA to two (though the real tactical purpose is adding a wild card or "counts as" model to a duo with the TAG) .
  9. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I think those are (honestly, very minor) faction specialisation quirks. I think they want the Nomads to have slightly worse TAG options.
    chromedog likes this.
  10. Lawson

    Lawson Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2020
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    Stats are no longer cut off, but the Antipodes themselves don't show any weapons (the handler's weapons are listed). Their AP CC Weapon will appear in the weapon list, but the statline for the doggos makes it look like they have no weapons.
  11. Lawson

    Lawson Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2020
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    • Army: Any (Ariadna)
    • Troop: all HI (Ariadna exceptions)
    • Browser used & Operative System: Google Chrome, Mac, Windows
    • Description of the bug: The "Hackable" symbol does not appear in the pdf or print outputs from Infinity Army on the requisite troops.
    This unfortunately really only affects Ariadna, since it's the only faction in the game with some non-hackable HI. I know it's kinda stupid that every trooper in the game that we already understand to be hackable (based on an otherwise universal rule) needs an additional symbol on it for the sake of the exception, but I don't make the rules.
    crouchingotter likes this.
  12. karush

    karush Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    To what end? Why give the human faction with the second highest numbers of TAGs demonstrably worse TAGs? From a gameplay stand point it is risky as TAG play should be a plus for the faction, else why give them the TAGs in the first place? Second it makes little lore sense. Nomads helped build the Zeta for O-12, the Anaconda has more tactical options and better weapons than the Iguana (it's successor), and Haqq which in lore admits it has trouble incorporating TAGs into it's military doctrine and plans can form duos with it's larger (S7/S8) TAG while the nomads can not (and are the only faction without the option entirely).

    Regardless of the reason, the appearance is the nomads were finished first in play testing (something CB has acknowledged) creating a baseline, other factions were tested and new ideas were created, but they never revisited the baseline (fireteam duo options for TAGs, AP HMG/Spitfire options for TAGs which previously had only an HMG, and making all TAG pilots into specialists). I don't need Nomads to have the best TAGs, but it is weird they missed out on three identifiable trends and the Salamandra's SWC cost being priced like N3 rather than N4.
  13. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Might be better discussed in the Nomad forums, but maybe Nomads are meant to be driving hotfixed, but still obsolete, TAGs and not the latest tech and they wanted that reflected in game. Or maybe this is the token restraint they showed.
    chromedog likes this.
  14. karush

    karush Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    It would be a fine discussion there as well. But as the larger issue can be boiled down to "It appears CB missed the last step of beta testing, adjusting the baseline to fit with the new ideas we came up with" it seemed appropriate here. The nomads TAGs are useful as a barometer as TAGs are typically uniform in stats, weaponry, pricing, and tactical purpose across factions so any deviations are very apparent.
  15. QueensGambit

    QueensGambit Chickenbot herder

    Jan 31, 2019
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    So... not a bug in the Army app, then.
    Willen and RolandTHTG like this.
  16. YueFei23

    YueFei23 Durian Inspector

    Nov 29, 2017
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    Army: Any
    Troop: n/a
    Browser: Google Chrome on Mac OS
    Bug: Total points initially loads as 300 points then flickers over to 30 points and 0 SWC. When I reset it to 300 points, it waits a little while, then decamos and sets itself back to 30 points. Experienced on multiple computers, and with cleared cookies / incognito browser windows etc. This plagues me if I start a new list, or load an old one. It's been like this since N4 and I'm sure I've reported it before, so happy to help diagnose or test if it means this is fixed.

  17. yoink101

    yoink101 Chandra SpecOps Complaint Department

    Jan 20, 2018
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    • Army: Any (O-12, PanO, Yu Jing)
    • Troop: Hippolyta and Liang Kai
    • Browser used & Operative System: Army App iOS (code one, not N4)
    • Description of the bug: Both troops have impetuous orders. Hippolyta is also missing her regular order. This is just in the code one version, not N4.
  18. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    • Army: Yu Jing, White Banner, White Company
    • Troop: Jujak Missile Launcher + Light Flamethrower
    • Browser used & Operative System: Any
    • Description of the bug: Should this profile have a Light SHOTGUN? It seems to pay for a Shotgun and not a Flamethrower.
    (There's no real reason for this particular profile to have an inflated price.)
  19. theomc

    theomc Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2019
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    • Army: Dashat
    • Troop: Lu Duan
    • Browser used & Operative System: Chrome/Windows (don't think it matters)
    • Description of the bug: When printing Courtesy List with Lu Duan in it, options for Holomask are Rui Shi and Kameel, but for Dashat Traktor Mul is also a valid (near as I can tell) S4 holomask option (that does not show up as a choice in the drop-down menu)
    chroma.mk likes this.
  20. crouchingotter

    crouchingotter Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2018
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    I see you already made the point that I was going to reply to you with in the CodeOne thread. I agree 100%, so much so that I’m going to repeat what you said to show how good an idea it is. Here goes:

    If Hacking Programs tell you what troop types are viable for hacking, then not all normally hackable troop types need the Hackable skill.

    However, those troop types that are the exception to the rule, they need the Non Hackable skill listed in their profile.
    Lawson likes this.
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