That is very possible since we only know of one strain of the species. There could be an Infinity equivalent to a Genestealer be they of Shasvastii origin or another species entirely.
What do you think about this bit of lore? There are some interesting differences between Inquisitor Ideologies. Which one or ones stood out the most to you?
I came across a thread on Dakka Dakka that was about "Basically you are about 7-8 years old & one of the Primarch gestation pods lands on your family's front yard and your parents are given custody of the Primarch. How do you get along with your new sibling?" I thought is was an interesting conversation piece for this thread. So which one of the Primarchs would you pick & how would you do with a randomized Primarch. I rolled and got Corax as my brother. Not a bad choice in my opinion. So what Primarch did you roll and your thoughts on your new brother?
10, Ferrus Manus; honestly we'd probably be OK, once the rapid growth kicks in he'd be real handy for helping fix up the house. active but also interested in learning and craftsmanship would really make him fit in with both sides of the family. aside from the silver hands/eyes and the dark hair he'd fit in just fine.
I guess I should also have added to the original post above, "What would it be like if you were in the 40k universe and the Primarch was your brother." I think it would interesting how a brotherly relationship being an inhabitant on the Primarch's home planet would be like. Besides them being brought into our world. As for Manus I think your example is spot on. I wouldn't mind having him as a brother & his craftsmanship skills would be nice boon. Building a house or anything else will have gotten a whole lot easier.
16, Horus Childhood would be great, Horus was a pretty cool and chill dude. But it’d probably end up being like having a family member fall into the clutches of a conspiracy theory and we end up drifting apart in adulthood.
That was Fulgrim's downfall. Besides that he would be a nice guy to be around. Considering how well he and Fanus got along I think Fulgrim has potential if he can overcome his need for perfection streak. Agreed. Horus was also a born leader. I could see him becoming a military commander or even political career. Perhaps that would be a possibility for drifting apart.
Its a pretty common conversion actually, (at least while you could still find Men-at-arms for sale) looked great with Knight households. I'd post pictures but its such a PitA on the forum...
I use and have had no problems with pictures at all. Or I just copy the picture's link & use the image button in-between the smile face & film icons.
I really like this picture of an Emperor's Child & Iron Hand Astartes being friendly together like their father's before hell broke lose. Or this could be during the beginning of the Heresy and both of them don't know about it just yet. There groups being away from their parent legions like on a joint endevour against some alien or Human civilization. A new chapter of the Imperial Fists that seem to take alot of ques from the Emperor's Children.
What is your opinions on the new Slaanesh Mortals models? Have female Norse Warrior as well. Change the runes and you got a female Chaos Warrior.
And while we are on the subject of models I really like these Blood Bowl Halflings. The song in the video fits the little guys as well. Makes me want to name one of them Figaro.
The Genswick Rifles were Dave Taylor's guard army (he was one of the managers of what was my local GW store back in the day). They were just as impressive in the flesh (well, plastic).
Not a 40k video but this Halfling Blood Bowl team is amazing. I'm shocked at the great work this guy did for all those conversions, theme & not to mention the color scheme.
If I may do a little thread necromancy... Slaanesh mortals are *awesome*. They are so awesome I actually started building a Slaanesh army for AoS. And I even have fluff for them I'm really invested in emotionally... Seriously, a year ago I would've never thought I'd be building a Slaanesh army. But then, these models came. I purchased a Shardspeaker and the Blissbarb Archers on a whim, along with the new battletome. I started reading, I started thinking on this faction - and suddenly, the fluff just downloaded into my brain... And I knew I had to build this army. Overall, Hedonites of Slaanesh are my total AoS surprise, along with the new vampires. Yup, I'm collecting them, too... ... and don't ask why I'm also building a Death Guard army for WH40K, because I'm surprised by it, too. I guess I just like the idea of mutated, armoured, overweight warriors...
Hah, funny I've got a friend building Hedonites and my brother plays both Soulblight and Deathguard. They're all fantastic looking models and Soulblight and Deathguard both let you go way out into left field and make some deeeeply unpleasant looking models on purpose. hope you have fun with all three. Since we've been Necro'd I'd also like to put in a good word for the new Kill-team. It's no Infinity but it's a pretty solid Skirmish game and head and shoulders better than the last one.
Oh, I am having fun - even when assembling them. They are gorgeous. The only problem with Hedonites is that these models can be a bit tricky to assemble - the pieces fit together in some really unobvious ways. On the other hand, Death Guard are extremely pleasant to assemble. Big, solid pieces of plastic, they come together like LEGOs. I still need to try out WarCry. I have both of the starters... BTW. Infinity models look really good among the scenery. You just need to pretend you are playing Operation ThemePark :)