Perhaps. It would be a somewhat easy conversion to accomplish. Maybe Necron it more by using all Necron bits, giving it one eye and other similar aspects. It can even be used as those new Necron bucket bots shown here:
I was actually goign to type that into my first response but forgot to do so. He'd defiantly would bide his time and be patient until the time to strike happened. Though he'd probably wait a good hundreds of years before he would get a chance to try subverting her.
Oh, he can wait. How long ago did the Necrons go into hibernation..? A few hundred years would be like one week more from the Bunny King's perspective... ;) And good idea re: the Bucketbots. Heh, I actually have them. Even though my idea would be just taking the SpotBot and putting it in the midst of the Silent King set (which is going to be quite complex).
Cryptothralls: When your keg party goes horribly wrong. (they look like someone stuck arms and legs onto one of our style of beer kegs (I'm not sure if it's a global standard thing or not).
The fandom is calling them Murder Buckets, and i'm still waiting for somebody to put a KFC logo on the side of one
Because they were an existing WFB race that needed to be shoehorned in to this new setting. Tyranids didn’t eat everything back then anyway, they were just another xenos race with the quirk of biotech and mind controlled slave species. Tyranid and genestealers were also entirely separate which is why genestealer cults are a thing.
Nice! But I can't place some of these guys. The brain-eating meteor is from the old Maniac Mansion game, right? But what is a Decapodian or an Irken?
Irken is probably something from invader zim? Something about the green skin and red eyes. Never watched it bar a commercial. Decapodian has distinct cthulhoid appearances. Only drawn through a bad anime filter.
The Irken is from the 90's show Invader Zim and the reference about height is based on the Irken leaders being taller than the rest of their kin. While the Decapodian (after doing a search) is from Futurama. The species of Crab people that one of the characters Dr. Zoidberg is part of.
The Taxxon and Hork-Bajir are from Animorphs, the YA novels that SHOULD have got all the focus in the late 90s but instead everyone bought Goosebumps and Harry F***ing Potter and frankly I [insert seventeen hour rant about Robert Galbraith here]. They're actually enslaved by another species called Yeerks, who are like Gou'ald but don't have hilariously woeful weapons tech that sees them get their asses kicked by 2 USAF troops, 1 doctor, and 1 rouge Jaffa with P90s and MP5s.
Hm. Now I'm trying to imagine a Genestealer Shasvastii and my mind boggles. That would be one ugly creature...
That would be an interesting thing to see. I think at least a portion of the Shasvastii race would become infected with the Genestealer strain. Some Shas might accept being infected as an controlled experiment in their species' quest for survival. Just like the Eldar from Craftworld Zaisuthra who all willingly accepted the Genestealer Kiss due to them not having Soulstones to save them from Slaanesh. Considering what we know of the Shasvastii mindset it isn't far fetched that a group of them would do the same.
Don't know, wouldn't it be more likely that the Shasvaasti become the Genestealers? Over the millenia, they just begin assimilating the dna of other races and making big monstery Shas!
If they included Tyranid/Genestealer dna then they'd come under the sway of the Hive Mind. Tyranid dna is designed to dominate creatures it infects. If their goal in overcoming Genestealer is to use Tyranid dna it will be a Trojan Horse event. As long as they stay away from using the species dna they could create something monster-like. Though I bet a couple of Shassvastii groups would end up trying to integrate Tyranid dna before outside groups notice "Is Pod 7974 is acting weird?"
Right, but the other way around. Not the Shasvaasti including Tyranid DNA. The Shasvaasti (or, one of their ships drifting out there, possibly never having met the Combined Army) engineer their DNA to infect other species and assimilate their advantages, and in a few millenia, they're invading the galaxy with the help of their cults.