@Robcock. You're not getting it: you can't generalise what we know is true for G-Sync to G-Servant despite the fact that they have exactly the same wording. They're entirely different skills./s Also, I hope that @Tristan228 that if one member of a Fireteam is IMM the whole Fireteam is prevented from doing pretty much anything. Since they can't declare the skill, and the whole Fireteam declares the same skill. Without an example covering that example, this seems the best interpretation and is coherent with your G-Servant one. However, all members of a Fireteam must declare the same Order, declaring the same Short Skills of the Order or Entire Order as the Team Leader. Since IMM prevents the declaration, the second point won't come up (because, as you point out, declaration and performance are distinct). Any Short Skills of the Order, or Entire Order, a Fireteam member cannot perform are considered an Idle. However, troopers will perform the Short Skills of that Order they are able to perform. In this situation, the other Fireteam members will perform their Order normally. Edit: I'll let this post stand. It's a lot snarkier than it should be. The point I'm making is that this issue is a general one and having one interpretation of the same words for one rule and not another is extremely frustrating.
@ijw actually my POV didn't invalidate the Servant's use since the servant's sole existence is to fulfill that task and due to that part combined with my assumption that every skill can be declared but as soon as the requirements aren't met it turns into an idle makes it functionally the same way to play (otherwise any of my in part international opponents would've told me, I assume). But to be honest, as far as I remember I never had an immobilized Engineer or Servantbot or synchronized Troops in any of my games. It definitely happend at least once to my Riot Grrl Fireteam @inane.imp but since one can always cancel a fireteam and reform it I did exactly this. Well, I learned something about something that didn't affect me so far and that's a win for all of us :)
As a player I need clarity. Especialy if I play agains someone who has time to read the forums. If a rule is incorrectly written, there is a mistake etc then you issue an errata to cover that. When you have a rule or a combinaiton of rules that are not understood, that are missinterpreted, missued or simply unclear or have people arguing about them it simply means you have people asking questions. If those questions are constantly asked then you have a freaquently asked questions the game developers shoudl answer for all our sakes. Reading though this pots clrealy states this should be covered by FAQ, No how much time does it take to take the question, verify with rule designer and publish official and binding answer. I rekcon lot less than having this forum discussion. That's just my point of view and and expectation as a customer who has been playing this gamefor 10 years now and spent more than 3-4k EURO on models.
Yes, I agree. I’ll have to read the rules again for myself to make up my own mind, but I take back my earlier remark that it didn’t need an FAQ; it looks like it does.
https://forum.corvusbelli.com/index.php?posts/201608 That seems to answer it. And now for the can of worms it opens.
No. As the G: Servant trooper doesn’t have the Engineer Skill it is the G: Servant's Controller who is performing the Engineer Skill, and this cannot be done while in Immobilized state.
Does this apply more generally or is it specific to Engineer? I ask because your other answer said that in a situation where a G-Sync controller was IMM the G-Sync'd trooper could not declare Move.
So: This answer is specific to Engineer/Doctor because the nature of G:Servants mean that it is the Engineer who does the Engineering/Doctoring. However the G:Servant could still Move and Electric Pulse, because those skills are performed by the G:Servant not the Engineer?