Which makes it annoying that skins don't come with extra Tactics cards either... Is there a good reason to pack all the languages rather than just focusing on one and having each skin come with stats + tactics? I have one Aristeia set and split it between my and my GF... We thought with extra characters via skins we'd be set for a tournament, but apparently that is not the case. What is even the point of having the cards downloadable on the website if printed versions aren't allowed?
Most people speak English badly. I know at least one person my own age that doesn't speak the language at all (and unknowingly alienated her during my birthday party as we had one foreign guest as well and most of us switched to English...). What's more, most board games get local publishers and get translated, Polish players are used to Polish editions. ROOT, one of the best games from last year, is getting a Polish edition, all add-ons included. Even the print-on-demand expansions for Space Hulk: Death Angel were available in Polish. On top of that Aristeia is not an easy game to wrap your head around on the first play, it's pretty front-loaded rules-wise. Having to learn it in a foreign language on top of that doesn't help. I would love to introduce the game to the mentioned friend and her BF, they love games with miniatures (they got Bloodrage for that reason) and Aristeia is pretty colorful and eye-catching. But with that language barrier it's a no-go. Maybe a Slav version could be feasible? Include cards for Polish, Czech, Slovak and Russian. Dunno if I'd splice for a second Core game, but I would have something to point friends and gaming cafes at.
In these forums there is a korean version of Aristeia! in PDF. We cannot afford to translate and edit the game to more languages, but you'll have our support if you do it.
I wonder when we'll see previews for the next expansion. On that road ahead graphic they showed for what 2019 will bring, and we should be getting the next one in late March, assuming that graphic is still accurate.