Considering O12 loans their rifles (see box art) from aleph I think other loans logically follow: basic remotes from aleph (you'll get your yudbots, probots rebots, maybe even rudras) in the same way JSA sources most of its weaponry from yu jing (rifles, yaokong, yaoxie, pangulling). Considering the aleph bots have new sculpts and improved profiles this should be seen as a good thing. I agree that they'll want some loans to become interesting but the only loan unit indicated so far is the fluff from third offensive showing they use guijia tags, so this isnt a 'greatest hits' faction melange either...
Minor correction - it's the Aleph that uses (PanO-produced) O12 weapons, not the other way around. It's likely that they'll share the remotes, I agree.
Preorder miniature is Hypolitta, Amazon Officer. Fluff suggests she's a steel phalanx operative on loan from Aleph - any ideas? We talking a Myrmidon with benefits, an Andromeda clone, or something new?
Maybe Aleph created the Amazon officer exclusive for O-12. My bet would be a new unit with NWI that can be part of mixed fire teams. And hopefully some leadership skills like NCO etc.
An Andromeda clone would be kinda funny. One without the dog that makes her S5. Basically better Andromeda Though in all honesty she'll probably be a sleightly flavor of myrmidon like Perseus
I would personally make a wide use of nanoscreens ! High tech faction needs its own portable partial cover.
It turns out O-12 is entirely about management. They field no units beside specialists in psychological warfare and they turn enemy units to their side until the opponent has nothing left. I'm joking. I like the idea of every unit being named, but I understand that might work weirdly with the rules. I'm also biased as a RPG player, where every character is named.
O-12's combat branch is composed entirely of lawyers. Near useless in a fight, but if even one survives, the enemy loses the shirt off their back in the much longer and more tedious legal battle. Also joking. I actually tend to dislike named characters, they typically come with a lot of baggage from established lore and model design. While the named characters keep things grounded in the Infinity setting, I tend to find that more generic troopers are helpful for adding a splash of narrative colour to an army once they've been around long enough to get their own story. My prediction is around two or three characters in O-12's starting roster, because CB is fond of them. Personally, I wouldn't have done Hypolita in O-12 because her presence tells us exactly nothing about how O-12 actually work on a daily basis, and would have replaced her with a Concilium native to get across a bit more lore in the wargame. Fortunately, said presence also tells us a bit about the mechanics of the faction- she's Steel Phalanx, which means CC and durability possibly combined with visual mods and smoke. CB tend to use "loaners" or mercenaries to cover for weaknesses in certain areas, while using "native" characters to exemplify what a faction is typically strong in, so we can probably expect poor CC, a lack of NWI or similar states and a minor shortage of visual modifiers. We may also see PanO MK2 with a complete absence of smoke, but I'm less sure of that piece of speculation.
Preordered my Wildfire bundle today. What makes me really curious ist the Gangbuster. He looks like a former gangster to me (maybe some kind of O-12 resocialization program ). I´m really crossing my fingers for a cheap Hunzakut-like BS11 skirmisher but I doesn´t have high hopes here. And what will the TEAM SIRIUS K9 bring? Maybe Sensor, Climbing Plus and a Biometric Visor L2? Also the Gamma has got a Feuerbach and the Delta seems to have some kind of Light Shotgun or similar under his Combi Rifle.
I'm almost certain the sniper will have an MSV, either 2 or 3. I bet it'll be like PanO, plenty of MSV but no smoke Maybe a stratocloud??
You're spot on, Bostria said in today's video that Gangbusters are bad guys gone good, and they are a Camouflage trooper, I'm excited to see the profile. I really like the Gangbuster model with his big guns too, between him and Valk this release is a real Gun Show!
According to background - he actually is i believe he has full auto Also there was the leak with Gamma mov 4-4 cc 15 bs 14 ph 14 wip 14 arm 6 bts 6 w 2 s 5 Feuerbach Heavy Pistol, Knife Full Auto Since full Auto appear in unboxing video - i guess the leak was true. Delta seems to be hacker, underbarrel is not a flamer of emarat. If it's shotgun it's quite boring but i hope to see zapper or maybe something plasma related. Kappa apear to be smarter fusiliers mov 4-4 cc 13 bs 12 ph 10 wip 13 arm 1 bts 0 w 1 s 2 Combi rifle, pistol, knife Guess it's around 11 points or 12 if they have some special rules.
Is it? It,s only1. He will barely capable punch trough standard aro. We are not talking about good one
Full Auto Feuerbach is devastating. Against tough AROs I'm sure we shall have other units to deal with those.
naaah. To apply it's damage propperly, you need good difference between rolling stats. Against TAGs with average bs 14-15 it's quite hard even with 3 dices. But my point is little different. If Gamma will not have something like HMG, why we would even include it list if he's not capable to deal with aro units? For me, this is the main role of tough guys.
Well, even Sogarat has about 59% chance of damaging a Dragao, with only 12% risk of taking a wound. Even against something with mods, like a Tikbalang, the chances are at 49 to 17. These are pretty good odds. This is FA L2, of course. I don't remember what the rumours were saying about Gamma - L1 or L2 - or if it'll have some additional skills on top of that. But I'd still take that Feuerbach out for a spin. Testing Gamma against Jotum we get 50 to 20 (assuming L1), or again 59 to 12 (assuming L2). Not bad at all.
In the rumors was only the first level. But even if so, if there is a profile with a HMG, then this will be a good attacker, in my opinion.