Until the moment you are shot through smoke... But i have to admit that 2 3-man fireteam sound delicious. My usual choice is two combat groups, one with myrm ft and thorakites in the other (plus Scylla). Trasimedes, HMG/Feuerbach/LRL, FO and Paramedic. Enviado desde mi Mi A1 mediante Tapatalk
For me Thorakite are an all too often overlooked piece in steel phalanx lists. I mean, I understand why, the myrmidons and other characters get more press and perhaps rightfully so as they are iconic to the faction. Let us not forget though that the chandra and the line troops of the Steel Phalanx are Thorakite. Traditionally, when I am looking at missions for a tournament I am looking to see whether the selection is focused on button pushing single points of the board or holding multiple pieces of terrain on the board simultaneously. For any of us that have played Aleph or Assault SubSection for any length of time those points tally up quick resulting in a lot of players leaning towards limited insertion style lists. The presence of numerous enomotarchos helps offset order starvation but there is no quick solution when you are faced with a mission like Safe Area, or transmission matrix where up to 4 models must be strategically positioned to score OP. In a perfect world where you haven't lost any models of your limited insertion list that is 40% of your army spread across the board with the sole purpose of standing inside a bubble or touching a console. Now how many of us expect not to take any casualties? For me this is an area where Thorakite excel: board control and presence. In missions like these the ability to put a larger quantity of bodies around the board is key. The lower cost of these medium infantry line troops helps push the order count to 15-17 orders when supported appropriately by remotes. While your myrmidons will rightfully draw most of your opponents attention, cheaper Thorakite links are often able to cap nearby objectives with little order expenditure thanks to the buff to Medium Infantry in ITS season 10. The gold standard profile remains the humble 13 point forward observer with 360 visor, submachine gun, chain rifle and flashpulse. Equipped with 3 different special ammo types and the staying power of a USARF grunt they can be surprisingly difficult to dislodge from medium length fire lanes and are terrors when hiding around key junctions on the table with their chain rifles and smg's. In a faction with access to Machaon I have little use for the paramedic outside of highly classified where the diversity of specialists could be useful. The engineer I'm particularly fond of given the small discount over its Dactyl brethren, its positioning often makes it ideal in repairing my roaming Zayin or Lamedh as well closer to my DZ where Hector and the Dactyls traditionally are pushed up field. The last profile that jumps out at me among these troops is the HMG, outside of the Zayin and Ekdromoi this is the Steel Phalanx's only other HMG and the only one present in a link. I appreciate how the HMG's rangeband and burst fill a unique position in the link even when you consider the potential officers of Thraysmedes, Nessaie, or Hector. With reliable ranged options being limited in the faction the Thorakite HMG is not to be overlooked, especially with the prevalence of 5 man defensive link recently. There is something to be said about being able to bully your way with burst across the table. Even when not taking a link of these efficient troops I am tempted to take 2 to place near my table edges to dissuade AD or Impersonating units. Should the link cross the midline of the table I would give serious thought to entrenching them with suppression fire but most often I find that Thorakite work best while your opponents are distracted by an aggressively stanced myrmidon link, operating under their umbrella of aggression. Religious makes it additionally difficult for your opponent to move them from the positions you have chosen to defend with armor 6 in cover. As to the officers I have to admit my preference is to use Thrasymedes. The lower SWC is attractive in a traditionally SWC hungry faction. The submachine gun, light rocket launcher and stun grenades give him access to 4 different unique types of ammunition while his ODD makes him a more reliable gunfighter in both active and reactive turns. While I love Nessaie's sculpt the 1.5 SWC would be better spent on the 1 SWC myrmidon spitfire platform (same gripe with Hector's spitfire). Additionally forward deployment bonuses this season to medium infantry make the lrl a great ARO choice turn one, especially in the numerous missions that now use the 16" DZ. In this situation you are able to set up a superior defensive stance, ideal when you take deployment. Taking Phoenix in a link and a forward deployed Thrasymedes thorakite link forces your opponent into the unenviable position of having to choose between two poor choices, backed up with the Zayin and you can really exert some pressure on your opponent in the reaction turn. Lazy or sloppy deployment is often punishing against these fire template weapons. Sixth Sense and a 360 visor give him an unparalleled view of the field and like many other aleph units his optical modifiers and SMG allow him to excel in suppression fire. In closing I find the Thorakites to be key in opening up a different kind of playstyle in the assault subsection. They may not be flashy or loaded with NWI or ODD but ask any of your local USARF players what they think of the Thorakite loadout when compared to the Grunt and you will have a better appreciation for what they bring to the table.
Here we have a traditional list I would run utilizing Thorakite. This was ran all 5 rounds at this year's Iowa Incident. Coincidently, strikingly similar to the last time I faced @locksmith at Twinfinity.
Running Phallanx is very easy to form a Rock with a thorakites link fielding Thras + LRL or Feuerbach although I prefer using the HMG to have a long range assaulting piece other than Phoenix or spitfires. I usually also take two unlinked thorakites to act like "living mines" with their chain rifles. I put them controlling short approaching lanes to my myrm link and if needed, they can look after the back of your troops Enviado desde mi Mi A1 mediante Tapatalk