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Haqqislam's Finest: Ramah Taskforce Tactica and Hub

Discussion in 'Haqqislam' started by Pride of Rodina, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. oldGregg

    oldGregg Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2018
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    We’re all pretty good at waiting by now. The only thing that worries me, is that it seems they may be waiting for a reveal due to something unpleasant happening to our faction. Hope I’m wrong.
  2. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Carlos said we get our own video for Haqqislam due to both Ramah needing to be discussed and QK update.
    Shoitaan, Xeurian and oldGregg like this.
  3. Agorapocalypse

    Agorapocalypse Namurr and Nahab are girlfriends

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Damn, i know it might be a little late, but i figured a great way to make a supersoldier HI without stepping on the toes of our other options. Just do an arm3 bts6 MI with 4-4 mov, shock immunity, forward deployment 1 and dogged.
  4. Papa Bey

    Papa Bey Clueless Wonder. Still.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Don't forget the two or three days of head scratching errors and wacky database hijinks. Like Bethesda.
    Deltervees and oldGregg like this.
  5. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    If it was like Bethesda or would be 6-12 months off wacky bug-ridden hijinks followed by rereleasing your fantasy game a dozen times :joy:
    Robtor and emperorsaistone like this.
  6. emperorsaistone

    emperorsaistone Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    And dont forget community mods that make the game better by far.
  7. Ghost_X

    Ghost_X Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2018
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    Sigh...3 videos and nearly zip on RTF. They could at least tell us when the RTF video will drop. They really could...
    oldGregg likes this.
  8. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    This week ;)
    Papa Bey likes this.
  9. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Protector of the Search for Knowledge

    Mar 8, 2019
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    I wonder if we will get biovisor and sensor? I could see that on a new model.
  10. oldGregg

    oldGregg Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2018
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    It would make sense. I wouldn't get a ton of use out of either, but it would be an interesting unit. I've always pictured biovisor and msv on Odalisques. Sensor would make sense too.
  11. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Protector of the Search for Knowledge

    Mar 8, 2019
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    I was thinking biovisor on the Odalisques, but the new art with the Tohaa Impersonator makes me think that is not the case...:slightly_smiling_face:
  12. oldGregg

    oldGregg Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2018
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    I have an update here for @Pride of Rodina or whoever is going to potentially update the tactica for RTF. Please note; at the time of writing, the newest Khawarij profiles have only been public for a short time. I've done my best to play with what was available the last couple years, and have crammed in as many games as possible with the new profiles. I've intentionally left fireteams mostly untouched, as we don't yet know how they'll be structured. I'll be revisiting that topic at a later date.

    I've left out some amount of detail intentionally, under the assumption that players can use the wiki to look up rules and the dice calculator to understand interactions. I'd love some discussion from the community to understand if more or less detail is desired.

    Most importantly, everything stated here is just my opinion, man.

    Without further ado, here we go:


    We’ll start off with these guys, as they seem to be the poster-boys of RTF. To generalize; Khawarij benefit from rules that aren’t incredibly common in most factions and are one of Haqqislam’s only super-jumpers. Super-jump is an inherently tricky rule to lose, as the jumping model loses cover while airborne. Instead of going in depth on its uses here, I will note how each profile can make the most of super-jump in turn. Every profile here also benefits from Bioimmunity, which goes a little way towards keeping your red-turbans alive, treating shock and viral ammo as normal instead. This rule has grown in strength with the proliferation of shock ammo accessibility across factions. Khawarij also have Poison, which serves to keep potential aggressors out of cc, more than it will generally be used as a main tactic. Note that poison is exclusive to these guys and Tarik, meaning you might have a chance of catching someone unaware of the rule. Finally, as is expected of the Red Turbans, every troop is Religious. It’s important to remember this, as you’ll be wanting to get the most out of these pieces by utilizing what cover you can. In a game situation, Religious on these guys means I’m often reserving an order to relocate to a more defensible area or out of sight entirely.

    An important thing to remember about all these profiles is that they are relatively soft, especially in the reactive turn. The handicap of 1 ARM and 3 BTS won’t keep you alive. Save an order to find total cover, or even consider suppressive fire, if you have the order count. I’m not generally as much of a fan of suppressing as others are, but finding a spot in cover, with only one or two easy routes of access, can go a very long way towards surviving. Khawarij are active turn masters. Play to that strength and then hide them away. If you opponent wants them dead, make it as costly as possible, order-wise.

    KHAWARIJ Rifle + Light Shotgun, Grenades / Pistol, AP CCW. (0 | 27)

    KHAWARIJ Lieutenant Rifle + Light Shotgun, Grenades / Pistol, AP CCW. (0 | 27)

    KHAWARIJ (Fatality L1, Forward Observer) Rifle + Light Shotgun, Grenades / Pistol, AP CCW. (0 | 29)

    KHAWARIJ (Chain of Command, Fatality L1) Rifle + Light Shotgun, Grenades / Pistol, AP CCW. (0 | 32)

    The new profiles here are the Forward Observer and Chain of Command. These are not to be overlooked, as they are the first specialists we’ve seen for the red turbans (outside of the doctor) and will be able to make use of super-jump in a few interesting ways. Chain of Command is particularly interesting, as it will allow you to run an extremely aggressive Lieutenant like Tarik or Khawarij Spitfire without the fear of loss. If this is your plan, remember that the Khawarij are relatively soft and find a safe roof to hide. PH 13 will also help you dodge with relative ease. Don’t forget it!

    Interestingly, both specialist profiles have Fatality L1, which means their damage is increased by 1. It also means that your opponent will know exactly which profile has Chain of Command, making it extra important that you keep him safe.

    Firstly, a trick these profiles will be able to capitalize on, is a little cheeky. By utilizing super-jump to navigate onto a high rooftop or similar perch out of Line of Sight (LoS), The Khawarij can remain prone and spec-fire their grenades onto the poor souls below. Due to reasonably high PH, they can accomplish this on 10s within 8 inches, which isn’t a bad play when a fireteam comes sneaking below you.

    Another great way to utilize super-jump will be on third turn (or other opportunistic) objective grabs. You can jump down diagonally off a tall roof or out horizontally off of a shorter one. This means you can leap out from total cover onto an objective. The light shotgun shines here, blasting away any close-range defenders of the area.

    As one of two Lieutenant options for our Khawarij, this profile is the more defensible. As mentioned above, you can simply find a safe roof, go prone, and lob grenades as needed. In general, though, I would look for a cheaper option, or invest in a more aggressive Lieutenant.

    As some of our cheapest Khawarij profiles, I’m guessing they’ll enjoy a lot of play acting as a fire team filler, but we won’t know until Armies have been updated by CB.

    KHAWARIJ Boarding Shotgun, Panzerfaust / Pistol, AP CCW. (0 | 27)

    This profile has two things going for it; its relatively cheap and comes with a Panzerfaust. As a Haqq player, you’re probably most familiar with Panzerfausts on Daylami or Muyibs. This red turban has better BS than both of those units, and the ability to pop off shots from a dazzling range of unexpected angles. You’ll get the most out of the Panzerfaust early on, taking your shots at 16-32” for maximum efficiency. When picking a target, look for those units that are a little bit tougher to crack for your typical Khawarij. The trick here is to always remember your Face to Face (F2F) odds aren’t incredible. Catch a hard target out of cover by jumping to an unexpected vantage point or leap up from the opposite end of a building to shoot your target in the back.

    As you hunt for an appropriate target, stay and cover and make your way to the midfield. Once you’re there/have expended the Panzerfaust, make the most of your Boarding Shotgun. Getting up close means +6 BS, which puts you at 19s! Even fireteams that have pushed up field will second-guess engaging you. Remember; make the most of your cover or hide when on the reactive turn. You can make use of the same jump-shoot trick with the shotgun, but you’ll likely be forfeiting your range and cover bonuses when doing so.

    KHAWARIJ Doctor Plus (MediKit) Boarding Shotgun, Grenades / Pistol, AP CCW. (0 | 30)

    Similar to the unit above, the midfield Boarding Shotgun is a strong play. To make matters even better though, this guy is a specialist! If you’re bringing the Doctor, I suggest using him to keep pace with your other Khawarij or midfield units like the Taureg, but out of LoS as much as possible. Use him as a late game reserve to pick up your strong attack pieces and score objectives that have already been cleared. In desperate times, the Boarding Shotgun can help you clear these objectives if no dedicated attack piece is available.

    With the mobility granted by super-jump, you will be able to doctor up all your other khawarij who have gone down in weird, hard to reach places.

    NOTE: Don’t forget the Doctor has grenades! Toss them at opportune targets as he remains hidden or use them to clear out pesky defenders around objectives.

    KHAWARIJ Heavy Rocket Launcher, Light Shotgun / Pistol, AP CCW. (1 | 28)

    Very similar to the BSG/Panzer profile in terms of tactical use, this Khawarij will be better utilized at a further range for more of the game. Use shoot + jump to lay down fire templates on fireteams or those dastardly Tohaa. Again, only leave cover when you must, or when you’re capitalizing on an angle that was unseen by your opponent. The Light Shotgun will help you get out of sticky situations and can be used to defend your own Deployment Zone if this Khawarij has been held back to snipe.

    KHAWARIJ (Fatality L2) Spitfire / Pistol, AP CCW. (1.5 | 32)

    KHAWARIJ Lieutenant (Fatality L2) Spitfire / Pistol, AP CCW. (1.5 | 32)

    The main assault profile of the Khawarij, the Fatality L2 spitfire acts as a budget Tarik. Here’s some key differences to note:

    • The Khawarij are 23 points cheaper than a Spitfire Tarik, meaning you can nearly take two for the same price-tag! This means you’ll be able to simply pick up where you left off when one of them goes down
    • Khawarij are a bit slower, with only 4-4 MOV. This usually means you’ll have to spend 2-3 more orders on them each game, when compared to Tarik.
    • Smaller profiles mean it will be easier to keep these units in cover, than it is with Tarik. Depending on your meta, it also means they can super-jump into second and third story rooms on the table, so long as windows or doors are large enough. From the tables I’ve played on, this is much more likely to happen for a S2 unit
    • CC is 3 points lower, so avoid those really tough matchups unless you are able to support by getting more models into CC. PH is also 1 less, meaning you’ll do slightly less damage.
    As with Tarik, the Spitfire Khawarij Lieutenant can make great use of their lieutenant order to maneuver around the table. Utilizing this extra order means you should always be able to retreat to a defensible location at the end of your turn. If you go this route, bringing a Chain of Command Specialist is recommended. The Spitfire WILL be hunted down. Make it a waste of orders for your opponent, no matter how they go about doing it.

    Some players really hate the increased Crit Chance granted to you by Fatality Level2 and will go out of their way to shut it down. This leads some players to think they can rely on Fat2 to do all the heavy lifting, and this line of thought is a trap. Pick your targets as you would with any other attacker. Try to create a range or cover advantage, and only jump + shoot with the spitfire when you’re creating a 1v1 or you find yourself able to shoot a target in the back without retaliation from them or any other ARO pieces.

    When I’m using my Spitfire Khawarij, they spend more time with both feet on the ground than any other red turban, except maybe the Doctor or Chain of Command. I’ll utilize Super-jump as an early turn/game positioning tool, so long as it keeps my piece out of sight until I want to go after something.

    This profile is probably the easiest to do well with competitively, with a cool Burst 4 and relatively good MOV. You’ll be able to really punish most pieces that have left themselves isolated or exposed.

    KHAWARIJ (Fatality L1, Multispectral Visor L2) Mk12 / Pistol, AP CCW. (0.5 | 36)

    My Favorite of all the new profiles, this guy is a real hunter-killer! MSV2 allows you adjust the modifier for all levels of Camo to 0, draw line of fire through Zero Vis Zones, and ignore the dodge effect of enemy smoke grenades. Combined with Super-jump, this can be absolutely devastating.

    The best play I’ve discovered is a simple, and highly effective measure, though it is a bit costly, order-wise.

    1. Pick a target that you want to remove
    2. Assess that target’s current situation
      • Are they protected by other ARO pieces?
      • If the answer here is yes, only one thing is important; Are the other AROs able to have there LoS blocked by one or more smoke grenades? (1 is ideal).
      • Are you able to Jump-Shoot this target in the back (Or generate another unopposed F2F)?
        • If smoke will allow you to create a single F2F situation with this target, this is merely an opportunity check, and not required.
    3. Throw smoke with the Fasid or other Smoke generator in RTF
      • Use this smoke to block LoS from ARO pieces that will catch you when jumping
      • If possible, also cover the target with this smoke; throwing more than one grenade may be useful but remember to keep track of Orders/Value. Is this target worth the expenditure, or can you get the job done with less?
    4. Shoot your target with the mk12

    Pure brutality. Use the Mk12 in tandem with a smoke generator use this trick as you march up the table. The best part is, unless everyone in your opponent’s force has msv2, they won’t be able to stop you without getting lucky. They’ll quickly learn to fear this guy though, so remember to spend the orders getting him to a really safe spot before the end of your active turn.

    If you bring more than one, or you have other dedicated attack pieces, this guy can be used as an ARO piece as well, but he’s expensive and not very durable. If we’re able to in RTF, a fireteam around this unit will be very strong.

    NOTE: This unit has Fatality L1, which means you’ll be dishing out the pain with a DAM 16 mk12 on burst 3 – which is a decent chance of success against most targets in the game. Obviously you will have more success with low ARM targets.

    REMEMBER: Don’t let the man get you down! Avoid White Noise with this one.

    Fun Fact! Running one of each of these profiles gets you to this:

    4.5 SWC | 300 Points

    (You’ll have to swap out one of the Lt. Options for another profile though). It may be a fun thing to try, depending on RTF AVA.

    I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts and learn about any other fun tricks I've been missing!
    #472 oldGregg, Mar 12, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2019
  13. Ghost_X

    Ghost_X Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2018
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    RTF and QK video dropping today!
  14. Sojourne

    Sojourne Irregular

    Jan 5, 2018
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    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
    Section9, Deltervees and Jonno like this.
  15. Ghost_X

    Ghost_X Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2018
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    I really like the new units shown. Could do without the mercs (Carmen and Truckers) in RTF all together but that is just me. Looking forward to seeing the Nahab down the road.

    Everything looks very, very good.
    oldGregg likes this.
  16. Sojourne

    Sojourne Irregular

    Jan 5, 2018
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    the Mukhtar is so good for that price point. 6-2, mimetism, effective 2W, so many profile options! Honestly a lot of these troops would do so well in Vanilla. This is such a great boost to Vanilla.

    RTF has Fanous x3 though, which is easily overlooked but I think is quietly great. Core of Ghulams, bunch of Fanous and a couple of Kameels, Haris of anything you like, and flavour with 1 or 2 expensive units.
  17. emperorsaistone

    emperorsaistone Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Very interesting stuff. Especially the light Janissarys. I dont like that Janissarys took the place for a dedicated Ramah unit aswell as the MERCS, but whatever. The Namurr could have had a little more CC prowess (especially for those points) to make it fit my taste, but it is a toolbox nontheless. The Mukhtar is awesome.

    In general I like the theme of a fast and light faction with stayingpower. Glasscannons but not as glassy as Bahram.
    Sojourne, Manu_RLev, oldGregg and 2 others like this.
  18. KwarkyMats

    KwarkyMats Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2017
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    I really like all the new profiles and it seems Ramah gets a lot of fireteam options, which results in a lot of variety within the sectorial alone.
    And I agree on them being good in vanilla as well. The Hortlak CoC profile frees up the farzan for mid-field minelayer shenanigans if you're running a particular aggressive lieutenant like Tarik and I can see plenty of uses for the other new profiles as well.
    3 Fanous and 2 Kameels help to offset the more expensive profiles in the order department, which still gives you 260 points to play around with.

    All in all I'm really happy and excited!
    emperorsaistone likes this.
  19. Jonno

    Jonno Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2018
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    Fantastic stuff coming to Ramah :) I don't see how Carmen fits in fluff-wise, but a smoke throwing bike is going to pair very nicely with the Khawarij and Muhktar MSV2 units.
    So I don't see Saladin on the unit list, I guess that means he's not in Ramah Taskforce? I had thought he was a central part of their fluff.
  20. emperorsaistone

    emperorsaistone Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    I have always asked myself from where the thing with Saladin came. In the end I just believed it, because so many people here said he would be in, despite never seeing anything myself about that.
    Jonno likes this.
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