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Haqqislam's Finest: Ramah Taskforce Tactica and Hub

Discussion in 'Haqqislam' started by Pride of Rodina, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. Palomides

    Palomides Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Carmen is a weird choice. She does seem to fill a niche that I'd hoped would be filled by a Dervish style warband (cheap, fast smoke and CQB) and her profile could be really helpful for the MSV2 Khawarij. Even just providing smoke cover for our specialists will be useful.

    Like others, I'm somewhat hesitant about her thematic fit. The biker could look cool and RTF, but antipodes are very much not our "thing." Unless there's some sort of story about antipodes and failed(?) Haqq biotech? That could be an interesting combination.

    I think a lot of the success of the sectorial will come in seeing how they handle Naffatun/Zhayedan and the other "core" pieces. Right now, Khawarij are awesome...but they're kind of it. Who can Tarik Wildcard with? What are these other 'interesting' options?
    oldGregg and emperorsaistone like this.
  2. emperorsaistone

    emperorsaistone Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Something many of us want to know is, will there be any other Supersoldiers apart from Tarik and Khawarij? Is this still the sectorial we have been anticipating so much because of them and the expected appearance of the famous bioengineering prowess of Haqqislam?
    -Ghost- and oldGregg like this.
  3. oldGregg

    oldGregg Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2018
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    I echo your sentiments. (With less poise).
    emperorsaistone and Xeurian like this.
  4. YhGoauld_II

    YhGoauld_II Active Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Me too! I would like that too! Dervish and Mamluks!
    Xeurian likes this.
  5. Xeurian

    Xeurian Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2017
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    You should be feeling the opposite. Based on the fact that Ramah is later in the development cycle than the sectorials that you have considered to be cool means all that feedback CB got might easily have been worked into tuning Ramah.
  6. Bort

    Bort Stop the Planet of the Apes, I Wanna Get Off!

    Apr 11, 2018
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    @Koni will we be getting any new Haqq characters in RTF? Like a Zhayedan or something? My worry is Carmen being in the sectorial just takes up our slots for potential characters
    Deltervees likes this.
  7. -Ghost-

    -Ghost- Shalashaska

    Dec 12, 2017
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    So much this...
    I know Djanbazan are augmented humans, and there was talk they could have been in there, but I really want to see at least a couple new supersoldiers for this factions.
  8. Barrogh

    Barrogh Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Worst case, a "GMO dog" isn't the hardest thing to make out of some random model on the market. Trench hammer representation is the source of headache here, but I guess you can try to make some sort of a harness for it and slap some simple launcher (PzF-likes are among easier things to make from scratch) there. Then pair it with, say, a CR Kum. Not exactly a model with a professional air around it, but at least it's Haqq.

    It'd be cool to see "alternative skins" for profiles that appear in different armies (I would love one in this case!), Aristeia!-slyle, but I doubt this will happen.
    #288 Barrogh, Feb 8, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2019
    Deltervees, Melchior and oldGregg like this.
  9. Xeurian

    Xeurian Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2017
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    Where can I find the fluff for Carmen? Google is failing me.
  10. oldGregg

    oldGregg Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2018
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    3rd offensive book
    Xeurian likes this.
  11. ambisinister

    ambisinister Broken Zoetrope

    Mar 23, 2018
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    My thought on Carmen is: If you like the profile, but not the look of the unit, then find a proxy you like and run with that. The proxy rules are very generous and you could very easily take a different bike model that you like and use that. Batard might be a little harder considering he's s5, but if you don't like the anitpode, Andromeda comes with a robot dog, and if you don't like dogs at all, then come up with a cool way to model a REM on an S5 base.
  12. KedzioR_vo

    KedzioR_vo Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Don't talk bad about google ;)

    And about Andromeda - I always thought that her animal was supposed to be a cat ;)

    Still it's true, we have so many Kum miniatures, which are great, that I don't see a problem to use Zuleyka as Carmen, and any other big animal as a Batard. Even some of Tohaa beasts.
    TBH I would prefer to have a big desert cat than big dog, but Antipode painted with tiger stripes or even better with leopard's rosettes would look cool. If it is possible on Hawwa's cloak ( http://www.coolminiornot.com/352222 ), it can be done on big predator too ;)

    PozdRawiam / Greetings
    Errhile likes this.
  13. emperorsaistone

    emperorsaistone Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Its true that you can proxy that thing, but you are still bound by the bike rules and that doesnt work well with my vision I had for such a profile.
    Either way, I really hate her fluff. Doesnt belong to Haqq imho like Yuan Yuan and Druze. It already was hard to swallow the background of the Fasid...
    Hopefully I can forego her in my lists...if not a proxy it is.
    #293 emperorsaistone, Feb 9, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2019
    Ghost_X likes this.
  14. Ghost_X

    Ghost_X Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2018
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    Agree 100% with emperor on this.
  15. Papa Bey

    Papa Bey Clueless Wonder. Still.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Her back story is... uninspired.

    Not that I care much. Unit back story for me is to show me how I ended up with the profiles at hand.


    I should probably clarify. I do seriously enjoy the unit descriptions and the like. They help ground me in the game and give me a clue to the intent of a unit and make sense of the profile options that make up the units.

    Instead of the shallow and cut-and-paste ideas that generally wash up on these shores.
    #295 Papa Bey, Feb 9, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2019
    Ghost_X, oldGregg and Errhile like this.
  16. Ghost_X

    Ghost_X Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2018
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    Sure wish we could get a real preview of RTF soon.
    oldGregg likes this.
  17. oldGregg

    oldGregg Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2018
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    It sure would be nice of CB to give us an inkling of what RTF is supposed to be, but I can’t remember a time they have done that for us.

    I expect we’ll continue to see a drip-feed of dossiers until the sectorial is realeasd along with a bitter-sweet surprise that a chunk of players hate. (I don’t think I’ll be one of those players because I’m already getting my beautiful, linkable, khawarij - consider me satisfied).

    I hope we get the release of RTF in the very near future, and that it satisfies in a way similar to what VIRD did.
  18. emperorsaistone

    emperorsaistone Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Since the next book is due for Adepticon, the wait to see RTF in full glory (talking about rules) isnt to long anymore. With the Khawarij Box we should also see the new profiles for them in two weeks, and that might give an indication where RTF is going. It might even be possible to see an adjustment on all the profiles...but I dont get my hopes on that too high...wait and see is my premise here.

    Yeah Greg, I am most certainly one of those who will be disappointed, because I heard the stories of the Supersoldiers who can rival Achilles in combat prowess, are fast like bikes and just have some crazy superhuman powers. BUT, I still hope that CB pulls off something good which I can grow to like or even love. Time will tell...and can you guys imagine how it is, when the wait is finally over? Its been a long road and now the finish line is in sight.

    But then there is always the next Sectorial and the Khanate has a lot of potential too. Maybe we see a Biker Gang Link in there (5 Bike Model have been released) and a Core of Halqa seems to be quite scary. The Hunzakut is in there too. So theres a lot to look forward (and no overhyped expectations;) )
    Ghost_X and oldGregg like this.
  19. Papa Bey

    Papa Bey Clueless Wonder. Still.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I discounted those even before Carlos had discounted those as having been dropped. The background clearly has a less um, extensive use of it and even the RPG only defines three programs of it. It does drive me nuts at what people think "superhuman" or "super soldier" should look like, since 30% increase in capability (Khawarij) isn't apparently enough?

    Besides, once these soldiers are released from service, how does one rehabilitate them back into society?

    don't mean to pick on anyone in particular, this was just the clearest expression of the feelings that seem to be going around.
    Ghost_X likes this.
  20. oldGregg

    oldGregg Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2018
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    They don’t.

    Serve until death? Fairly common theme.

    I don’t think many people are asking for an army full of Achilles or Ajax. It would just be nice to see more use of rules like super speed, dermal armor, super strength, regeneration, climbing plus, and super jump. (They gave us the last one with recent box of upgraded khawarij). It would mostly be nice to see all of these themes come together in a well-built sectorial, like they did with VIRD.
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