I assume background is in the Endsong book. All rules will be in the ITS15 booklet, it seems. Aside from that, I have the same ideas you may. Which are best identified as educated guess. I imagine using OOP sectorials as source for reinforcements (doubly so for Tohaa...) is a consolation prize. Look at it this way: I already had all models from QK aside from the Az'Rail... (which I hope will be in the blister).
My hunch is that a lot of these reinforcement releases are pre-releases for later revamps of entire sectorials. So QK will be coming down the line, but for now we get like a third of the sectorial combined with a third of Merovingia, a sixth of Exrah, a quarter of NCA and so on. They are basically releasing all of those pending sectorials at the same time within the framework of a new way to play the game. I'm not seeing them stopping there with those sectorials, just a different approach to their previous release strategy.
No... not really. I've never been able to predict Corvus Belli's expansion to any faction. I rather enjoy knowing they are more clever than I. I mean it's low effort, but that's been Haqqislam for over a year now. I'm not so proficient that I'm out of things to use that already exist.
Very grandiose. I'm still waiting for a Hortlak Janissary sniper, Mukhtar viral rifle, Mukthar rifle+shotgun, respectable Mukthar doctor, and Tauregs. Help anyone looking for much of the line as like three more boxes are disappearing into the ether. Since those have seen no movement, I can only hope you are correct.
I too love buying a box where I don't want 2/5 or 3/5 of it just to get the couple of models for my sectorial and then throwing the rest in the bin or trying to sell them as singles.
We have always done that. You'd buy a box of whatever, take the one or two that were "worth it" and shelved the rest.
That's why I'll wait for it to show. Then, I'll make my call. Options: Buy it, and shelve / try to get rid of what I don't need (note: Op:Blackwind and other stuff I bought in that fashion don't really give out stellar results). Buy just the models I need via ebay or some other box-splitter. I'll pay more per model, but I'll skip all the stuff I already have in its older iteration. Convert what I need (especially easy for Korsar, given their pirate nature) out of the models I have shelved before. Or proxy. I have lots of models from my oher armies, after all. Just ignore this box.
This is why I miss unit boxes and individual blisters. The new packaging of 3 random unrelated things in a box, 1 of which you want, is so god damned annoying. Just release a box of a unit, like Wildcats, with all the SWC weapons and basic weapon alternate arms. Done. Or go back to blisters.
If i played vanilla they would be neat i guess. But i don't. I think vanilla is an overall detriment to the game.
But both vanilla and sectorials get the same reinforcement choices, so it makes no difference in this case. That being said, I'd prefer single blisters as well.
I think I see where the issue is. I am not going to be playing Reinforcements. And while it's nice that they are all QK units (when or if they come over) I do not want 2 of a random unit in this, 1 more in a booster, another in a new starter, and another that is in a Beyond box. So for me the box is just a liability to get the 2 new things in it.
So I was super excited when I saw that Haqqislam Vanilla would be able to have TWO Haris in reinforcements, then played around in Army and realized it was literally impossible (reinforcement Haris requires Sekban) and the cheapest two haris were 102 points... Well Played, CB. Well Played. Other than that, being able to drop a single Haris in vanilla is cool. The Azrail reinforcements profiles (cannot be in a haris) look fun and inexpensive for what you get. Dropping 3 Strength 16 continuous damage small teardrops for 33 point on an Armor five platform could be fun. So is the 1 SWC Damage 15 (Continuous) AP Spitfire. Killer hacker Al Hawwa is nice as well.
Funny things first: Burkut with SMG + Light Rocket Launcher +1B is 31pts/0,5 SWC - and Burkut with SMG + Heavy Rocket Launcher (+1B) + AP Mines is 27pts + 0SWC in Army7 I think the HRL-Burkut will see more action than the LRL-profile. Positive for me are new Al'Hawwa Profiles and QK getting 2nd Haris + Korsan/Burkut Profiles. On the downside I am currently quite fruststrated: In REF I HAVE to take a 0,5SWC/21pts plain Ghulam (skipping SpecialistOperative as I find this highly ineffective on this profile), leaving me effectively with 229pts to choose my Team from. HAVING to use a subpar expensive Sekban to get a REF Haris is... uncool. I liked these guys in N2 but since then their profile did not age well. In QK, what are Korsans doing in a Kaplan/WildBill Fireteam? Crawling forward, protecting a Kaplan Specialist on his way to a mission objective? Staying back, protecting a Kaplan MSR/HRL in my DZ with his ChainRifle? Both scenarios are a waste of Korsans MOV 6-2, Climbing plus and CC skills. And Korsans lack the means to go solo. No smoke, no dodge(+X), no Super jump - for nearly half of their points I get a YuanYuan in QK with smoke, Booty, Parachutist & AD plus extra imp order