Daylami and *especially* Hunza with a second irregular on them will be pretty bonkers too heh. Agreed with Geodron. I hope Zhayedans and Khawarijs get some kind of interesting sectorial only twists which we now see being more common in IA and Varuna. Perhaps NCO on the Zhayedan? Really fits the fluff. The action packed grizzled vet. /Extreme optimism: the new sectorials can be seen as guinea pig prototypes for Ramah hopefully. Hopefully!
I find that unlikely. This seems to be a skill custom-made for expensive veteran troops to offset their poin cost and give Limited Insertion lists and edge against massed Orders of a two-Combat Group lists. So far the only troop I've noticed to receive it was Sorogat HI on just one HMG profile. Keep in mind this skill would be counterproductive in a Fireteam of any kind. Also - wide application can lead to pretty bonkers results. Could you imagine an Asawira Lt. - definitely a high-cost elite troop as far as Haqq goes with these - getting it? Regular Order, plus Combat Sense (or however it is named), plus Lieutenant Order plus active Frenzy? I.e. one Regular Order and three "irregular" ones for his own use? I'm pretty sure CB are well aware of the abuse potential, and are going to tread lightly with it!
This is certainly true. Bostria said RTF would have interesting link teams and, as we've seen, they've been thinking a lot about interesting link teams. But I think we're looking at next Spring or Summer at the earliest for RTF.
If anything got tactical sense (the extra irregular order skill I think) I think it would be something like Azra'il. Something big that costs a lot.
NCA got unexpected gifts. The zapper on the Squalo was unexpected. A free gift for a pretty good unit (hopefully no point increase coming). The Deva upgrades for NCA though is changing lists as we speak. I'm hoping we might get something in that same way. Models getting touched up because of their presence in armies getting loved inadvertently provide a boost to existing sectorials. Mind you nothing in Haqq should get indirect/splash damage upgrades in that way because nothing in Haqq is getting touched up. The only thing I can think of is the changes to mercs and any new mercs that are added might get upgraded and or added to Vanilla/QK.
I would slay slay for the Azra'il to get Full Auto L2. The HMG screams bullets for days. Didn't Azra'il used to have an X-visor? I'd take that too as well.
Yes, but only on the Feuerbach profile back in 2ed. And Feuerbach was way shoreter-ranged back in the day. Not to mention 2ed Azra'il were a completely different bunch than today - the size of a normal HI, with ARM 3 and able to field Fireteams (AVA 3, but they were usually boosted up with 2 Hafzas). ...yea, my 5 Azra'il models keep staring sadly from my display cabinet...
I'm cool with X-visor on the feuerbach and full auto on the ap hmg lol. I just want a reason to use the Azra'il over the Fasid once and a while.
Haqqislam honestly seem pretty good to me. QK and Hassassins are both good and varied, and vanilla has lots of options. New stuff will be welcome at some point, plus a general sprucing up, I think we'll see that treatment when RTF comes along in the next book. Given that there's only been six months between Uprising and 3rd Offensive, another book pushing the fluff along and bringing new stuff will be likely around May next year. In the meantime, PanO is celebrating getting new stuff which only now is roughly as interesting as Haqq has been for ages! All will be well for us I feel, Inshallah.
Yup, Azra'il (especially Feuerbach Azra'il) makes for a very nice defensive model. In Cover, it has effctively ARM 8, and with BS 13 and Feuerbach, one nasty ARO.
In Infinatheory maybe but in practice its just dead meat against any half decent active attack model. Mainly because its just a weapon turret with no ability to give itself an edge in a FtoF for ARO and its too slow and can pull an edge in active either. So to me it needs something to give it some pizzazz.
The trials and tribulations of generic faction play. Don't worry. Everyone assures me it's overpowered.
Well, he works for me. He's also a decent TAG-stopper (of course this makes him a big target for enemy attackers, but hey. He can withstand it). I'd say it is a matter of positioning - he works decently when he can outrange the opponents, so needs to be placed with long lines of fire available. As for being slow... he's as slow as a MI. 4-2 used to be HI standard back in 2ed, and frankly, it is not that big of a deal - as long as you don't need him to negotiate half of the board to get a LOF on target. And if you manage to take a Janissary Akbar Doc to hold Azra'il's back, the guy becomes gorram persistent :P
I preffer the Al'Fasid HRL for that duty. For only 6 points more, your getting a LOT. Mines, SSL1, Veteran L1, and an SMG. Also better BTS, and 1 higher PHYS. I also prefer fire/exp templates if I am ARO'ing.