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Haqqislam in N4

Discussion in 'Haqqislam' started by psychoticstorm, Aug 6, 2019.

  1. Papa Bey

    Papa Bey Clueless Wonder. Still.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Then how come it comes up almost every time Naffatun are discussed? :P Perhaps as much as every 'fire enthusiast'

    I've always thought they should have more profiles to round them out as a unit that takes the field. Not just holding coats in Ramah as a "counts as". Or just roll them into ghulam and pretend it never existed. At least then I can stop hearing about fire insert thing.
  2. vorthain

    vorthain Veteran Novice

    Apr 24, 2018
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    If you roll them into Ghulam, you'll lose their BTS. Not a huge deal. I agree the LFT profile is pointless unless you really want grenades and/or lieutenant. Swapping for only HFT and grenades as @Koval suggests makes sense.

    Maybe link them with Zhayedan instead of Ghulam? Gives them a filler role in a more bloated unit that could actually use it. Plus their masks have a pleasingly similar aesthetic.
  3. Cadfan17

    Cadfan17 Member

    Jan 20, 2020
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    I would like the thing I always want from Infinity. :-) Bring back more of the first edition flavor, but updated to work for the current edition.

    Way back in the day, the Haqqislam way of dealing with a camo trooper, at least for me in my brief involvement with the game, was "ten point dude with a heavy flamethrower and 14 willpower." Enemy Zero? Flamethrower. Enemy Cutter? Flamethrower. Disposable troop plus flamethrower. Maybe your Naffatun dies, maybe not, but either way, no more camo.

    I feel like that's gone away a bit because of how the meta has shifted to shorter games and greater degrees of forward deployment, plus better suppressing fire. Maybe I've got the wrong read on the situation but it feels like its not as great an idea to spend a bunch of orders walking an LI forward to try to discover/intuitive fire a camo marker.

    But that was one of the things that made Haqq what it was, to me. Solving problems with non standard solutions. So what if our AROs suck, so what if our visor access is only on one kind of expensive one wound model. We have flamethrowers! We will make it work.

    So... I would like to repurpose them as camo hunters. And I think that could be done very easily. Forward deployment. Now we don't have to walk them as far to clear a camo screen. Done.
    Brokenwolf likes this.
  4. KedzioR_vo

    KedzioR_vo Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    You're not the only one ;)


    But my Naffatuns still fill that role :) And I use them regularly, I really like them.
    And as I wrote few pages earlier, I'm really interested in what will happen to them in N4. I don't need more options for them, I don't need many changes, maybe just a small points discount to make them the cheapest regular line infantry in Haqq.

    PozdRawiam / Greetings
    Danger Rose likes this.
  5. TenNoBushi

    TenNoBushi Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2017
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    To think backward, why not remove Ghulam Shotgun?
  6. Papa Bey

    Papa Bey Clueless Wonder. Still.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Welcome to ITS.

    "People" currently bitch about non-marker state models being, well, pretty much anywhere on the table. But especially closer towards the enemy because it's apparently trivial to wipe them all out on the first turn.

    On a serious note, what about those people who want to play a more elite force and not 4 to 10 models of throw away guys?
  7. Papa Bey

    Papa Bey Clueless Wonder. Still.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Because one of the appeals is the tactical flexibility by having both. Also it means you have to fall back on your handy pistol to survive inside of 8". Rifles don't have a +3 mod like combi/multi do.
  8. Cadfan17

    Cadfan17 Member

    Jan 20, 2020
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  9. Fenrir

    Fenrir Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2018
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    Well, if fat2 = + 2Damage in n4 lets play muktar instead of kawarij, and just say bye to kawarij and tariq. the second thing is if they change superjump... just play muktar instead again. The new haqq vanilla will be boring using the 2 mukatars and the fidays all time...

    I think some profiles need more things:

    - Namur I like this profiles but is not worth at all. If HI now moves 6-2 why is namur special? BS 12? CC? playing this for e/marat and claiming?
    - Hakims: they are useless now, just play nahab or bashi even ragik is better. maybe with akbar doc in deployment zone will be better
    - halqa: they are good, but feeling like wasting points on them
    - Kawarij: they are expensive in points comparing with the new yu jing and pano "kawarij" that are better in all things except CC
    - Naffatum: just need something, if not we pick new Ghulam shotgun
    - Odaliscas: well let’s see n4.
    - Zayedan: they even exist?
    - Hafza: thinking about rework I mean any skill will be nice counterintelligence?
    - Djanbazan: just too expensive now a day
    - Lasiqs: Just too expensive now a days too
    - Ragiks: move 4-4
    - Azrail/al fasid: they even exist?
    - Ayyar: surprise shoot lvl 2 sniper profile maybe viral sniper? one more with red fury?
    - Horalak: 1 profile spitfire or redfury
    - Maggy: just expensive, don’t feel comfortable playing it
  10. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I take from that you do have the N4 rules and profiles (especially their costs) on your desk already, and have analised them in depth, right?

    Because if that is not the case, why are you stoking the flames...?
    loricus, Solodice, Mahtamori and 7 others like this.
  11. LoganGarnett

    LoganGarnett Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2018
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    I don't like the nerf to the Super Jump and Khawarij's/Tarik, but that might just be a C1 thing for all we know. Even if that's the case, I'm eager to see how the profiles and roles of our super-soldiers would change. They might drop or pick up new skills and equipment, would see changes in pricing etc.
    After all, if we only judge our super-soldiers based on C1, they all just suck. Mukhtars, Namurr and Nahab without NWI? Why bother, huh? =D

    To be honest, if some of the C1 changes get into N4, namely the Regeneration/Automedkit ones, I'd just love to run Zhayedans and Hakims, they become so much more appealing and cool. And my USARF friend would finally stop flaming me for not picking Zhayedan Sniper and Doctor =)

    Edit: And my God, Maggie. I love you, babe. Finally I won't lose you to some Combi/TR Bot crits <3
    Brokenwolf likes this.
  12. krossaks

    krossaks Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2017
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    Are you all sure that the light shotgun will have direct template mode? Beacuse they could make it just +6 fire mode as today in N3 it only have one mode. Otherwise this game will become more templte party with tons of kamikaze low cost porfiles.
    Ofc not, but is clear than some haqq porfiles more than a cost reduction need a complet rework.
  13. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Protector of the Search for Knowledge

    Mar 8, 2019
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    In Code One, light shotguns have two modes (Burst 2 normal ammo and Burst 2 small template). We are strongly inferring that N4 will be the same. IMO, templates have always been strong in Infinity. Looking at the additions from ramah and this change, it seems to me that CB is making it very clear that the 0-8" range is supposed to be extremely deadly.
  14. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Myself, I'm 99% sure (leave the 1% for the unexpected maneuvers from the CB).

    That's the way shotguns work in C1 (you are free to download the rulebook and check it up), which is said to be simplified, streamlined, newbie-friendly intro into N4. Ana, as much as I like the Shotgun Impact Template, I have to agree that getting one's head wrapped around how itworked in N3 was quite a feat. Not really intuitive for new players, and even the older hands in my meta (2ed players) had some trouble with it.
    So C1 turning it into "+6 in 8", no template or Direct Template only" makes it way easier to grasp, IMO.
    Sure, CB will have to handle Terminal Templates in N4 somehow (things like grenades and missile warheads), but having the same mechanics for shotguns seems to me like an unncessary level of complexity. Also, would make the C1-to-N4 migrants have to unlearn what they have learned already.

    IMO, the way C1 handles shotguns does sell the point - facing a shotgun up close is bad news - well. Sure, I like the N3 way we can use shotgun shenanigans (it was pretty useful in 2ed, too), but this new approach does simply work in a different way, and still isn't bad - for example, C1 doesn't have Intuitive Attacks, but assuming these would remain a thing in N4, now every shotgun could pull these. We lose soem tricks, yet we gain other tricks.

    As for template party - Small Teardrop Template is useful, true, but it does depend a lot on a tightly-packed terrain. Well, the Large one does as well, if to a lesser degree. If your games become tempalte parties, I'd risk a guess your table is way too thick in terms of terrain. Same as if your table is ruled solely by sniper rifles and missile launchers it tends to mean you have not enough terrain there to break Lines-of-Sight.
    I've been through both of these phases before we learnt in my meta how to set up tables (and they are still a bit terrain dense by comapison to what CB tournaments show... but we do have fun playing them, so...).

    The game is going to change. We know that. We don't know how exactly will it change (well... we have some hunches, based on what Bostria slipped. And what is in the C1. But it is far from a complete picture. And the rest is simply speculation and rumor-mongering).

    This means the balance is going to change. How specific unit profiles and loaduts are going to work. What tricks and maneuvers will become no longer viable. But again, it is something we have exactly no data on (sure, there are C1 profiles, though none for Haqq. We can make some assumptions based on these, but one should note these changes seem to be far from universal. Therefore, again, speculation and rumor-mongering).

    Does that mean Haqq units will require some adjustment and rework to fit into N4?
    Yes. But we have no idea how exactly is that rework going to look like. How much will actually change.
    Remeber the 2ed to N3 transition? Exactly the same way: we had no idea what was going to change, and how stuff is going to work. Or be priced, for that matter: for example, Shotguns - expecially underbarrel Light Shotguns on our Haqq rifles went significantly cheaper. If memory serves me, a basic Ghulam Rifleman costed 14pts back in 2ed. We were really, really enthusiastic when we've noticed our basic troops went, suddenly, 2pts cheaper on average...

    Therefore, complaining that a profile is worthless in N4 today is merely stoking up the flames. Because it means somebody is valuing an N3 profile on an N4-era battlefield. Not knowing how said battlefield is going to look like, and knowing that what he is judging is an N3 profile, not an N4 one.
  15. Brunmar

    Brunmar New Member

    Jul 29, 2017
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    All the line troopers went down slightly in all factions when N3 hit. I still loved the changes but not for points cost reasons, more that Shotguns became awesome and I had them everywhere.

    Am I lamenting the fact that it now changes (assuming it does)? Not really. I like having the option to play like I do with templates now in N3 but I concur that it can cause a lot of headaches explaining how it works (Yes, I will draw LoF from my foot to your head and template the guy on the roof you just walked past).

    Also, as an opponent walking up toward a shotgun wielder around a corner, it causes hard decisions with the new rules. You know that they always have the option of just template you and you can do nothing about it compared to before when they had to win the FtF with their one ARO dice. Different times, different tactics.
  16. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Well, except for
    Order Sergeants
    Securitate (didn't change until the tunguska release)
    Line Kazaks

    So it was pretty much just the Haqq and CA ones (I don't remember if Daks and Thoras changed cost for Aleph)
    Errhile likes this.
  17. Brunmar

    Brunmar New Member

    Jul 29, 2017
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    Hah, clearly my memory was not what I thought it was. Sorry about that.

    Guess it was just the reduction in points cost for the shotgun then.
    colbrook and Errhile like this.
  18. sololobo

    sololobo Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2018
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    Hey guys, does anyone know when the new edition will be released? And, will our faction be updated with all faction changes right away? And, will these changes be made in the army builder?
  19. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Last news was August. All in production factions are included at launch with CB aiming to get the rest (such as QK) out by end of year.
  20. Papa Bey

    Papa Bey Clueless Wonder. Still.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Possibly a few/many/all of the other factions depending on how things work out over in Spain. Currently I suspect it will be on the lighter side.

    As to what will be there on launch day? Who knows.

    Take for example, the Kaplan. QK has been retired so logically that unit would be dropped. Except they just released a box set of them like a couple months ago, and they still exist in Foreign Company. Will they still be in 'vanilla'? Will QK get moved to the head of the line and be released on N4 day? Will they be dropped from Haqqislam but still exist for Foreign Company? 'Tis a puzzle.

    Otherwise it's been indicated that Haqqislam as a whole will be released alongside everyone else who makes the start time. ;) The Army build was said to still allow N3 on a toggle as well as N4. Y'know, for the grognards.

    In past years there was a hype week a bit before the GenCon weekend with dribbles and drabbles of panic inducing hints. Hopefully that tradition will be able to continue and capstone with a seminar video, most likely frustratingly released the Monday following. :p
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