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Haqqislam Fluff: "Are we the good guys?"

Discussion in 'Haqqislam' started by Kay Wroshyr, Apr 26, 2018.

  1. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    So, to sum it up... We Haqq aren't exactly The Good Guys:tm:.
    We're just Good Enough Guys.
  2. Xeurian

    Xeurian Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2017
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    My answer to the primary thread title question on it's own would be to change the question.

    "Is there a faction of good guys in Infinity?"

    To which I would say: no.
    Balewolf likes this.
  3. Kay Wroshyr

    Kay Wroshyr Clumsy Sekban

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Many very insightful comments! And thank you for all the references to all those darker spots of the Haqq fluff that I somehow seemed to obstruct in my apparently fairy-unicorn-and-rainbow-filled mind. Being a fan of both the very very goodguy-ish Sekban (I love both the models and fluff), I tend to forget things like the background of the Janissaires (who one could are basically brainwashed since childhood), Fidays, Al Fasid, Bashi Bazouks and Yuan Yuan... all of those are pretty ruthless and some are known for questionable actions to say the least (well, ranging from questionable to downright atrocious)...

    To be honest, the thread title question was more or less of a joke. I was mostly fishing for opinions and trying to start a discussion on how you see the faction, the way it is depicted and why it might be depicted that way (sensitivities regarding the real-world events regarding Islam and its perception is a very good point). And I must say you have delivered.

    The setting of Infinity is definitely made of shades of grey, some lighter, some darker, and I really feel like Haqq is on the brighter side of the spectrum. It also seems to me that many of the darker deeds performed, organised or commissioned by Haqq seem to be more "justifiable" (although this depends on where you stand morally as a person. Mmmmmmh, I feel like now is the moment where I have to say that I do not endorse killing, maiming, kidnapping, assaulting, blackmailing, brainwashing, or otherwise hurting people). Or to at least be more in line with Robin Hood, killing people, robbing, etc, but for "good reasons" than with, say, Jafar, to remain within Disney classics (yes, yes, I know, not the most "grey" settings there and gross oversimplification...) who is being nothing but a selfish jerk. Not saying that there are no selfish jerks in Haqq, but also now that Druze are "their own thing" they seem to have taken the spotlight away from the fact that Haqq does indeed hire guys like them...

    If you had to pinpoint a flaw in Haqqislamite Society, what would it be? A form of Hypocrisy? (related to their moral facade and they way it clashes with the people the hire and some of their methods) Greed? Corruption? All the examples regarding Silk, the way it is handled, as well as the hiring, financing (and in some instances, indirect creation) of ruthless mercenaries could point to elements along those lines.

    Haqq tends also to represent the "End justify all means" idea, where no action is unjustified when your goals are "noble" and for the "greater good". Something that could lead down a dangerous road...
    Golem2God likes this.
  4. Alkasyn

    Alkasyn Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2017
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    I can definitely see how Haqqislam is presented as the "better" guys, not necessarily the good guys. Some of the aforementioned things, such as the Janissaries being taught from a very early age are based in historical events/facts and is also leaving some room for interpretation (Haqqislam Janissaries are mentioned as being orphans very often, not abducted kafirin).

    That said, the Hassassin are definitely not a typical element in a good guy repertoire, and the Sultanate is presented as corrupt and in general morally lacking.

    The smaller Human Sphere factions are definitely presented in a frendlier way than the big two, though.
    Kay Wroshyr and Errhile like this.
  5. Danger Rose

    Danger Rose The Wrecking Belles

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The biggest flaw in Haqqislam is not giving Odalisques the Elite Troop class. They are more than qualified and they DESERVE to be allowed to Kidnap HVTs!!!
  6. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    You'd then have HVTs literaly begging - on their knees! - to be kidnapped, you know.

    Golem2God, Solar, chromedog and 4 others like this.
  7. Ixidro

    Ixidro Deep agent infiltrated in PanOceanian HQ

    Nov 27, 2017
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    For me, it's the division-competition of the different regions/factions wich form Haqqislam. The non-involving yet oversee policy of the High Command makes for a peculiar and somewhat frail status quo. The Caliphate is over indulgent in their goal of study and illumination; the Sultanate is from just shady (sometimes) to corrupt (most of the time) and their income comes from their deals inside the Caravassaries and piracy; and the Shanate is openly ruled by mafia families and a lot of the people there are outright savages. Also the Haqq secret services use assasination and fear as their weapons and, ultimately, can't be controled. So, there's always a fight for power that hinders Haqqislam to reach futher goals as a bigger power in the HumanSphere.

    But that's exactly what makes Haqqislam so AWESOME! If each faction were somewhat different from what they're now, the nation as a whole would fall apart and lose its status in the Sphere. To be fair, hassassins are a good deterrent in this power struggle. So yeah, that's Haqq's bigggest flaw yet its even bigger strenght. This is what drove me to Haqqislam and I'm positive that with each new book, I'm loving the fluff more and more.
  8. Barrogh

    Barrogh Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Did you mean Khanate? Because that sounds like Khanate...
  9. ik3rian

    ik3rian Anti-Ariadnian Specialist

    Jan 19, 2018
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    It takes some willpower (exactly 14) to allow enough of morbid or fearsome actions to make your nation feel safe from extraterrestial danger, and even more to make your people feel good or at least indifferent about it. With time, people will see it differently even if it would be outrageous to other factions, but that would be a hypocrisy feom their side, eh?
    If anything, Haqqislamite people are strong, and their willingness to take such actions make them strong. In words of col. Conrad from Spec Ops: The Line, "it takes a strong man to deny what is right in front of him".
    Kay Wroshyr likes this.
  10. Ixidro

    Ixidro Deep agent infiltrated in PanOceanian HQ

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Yep, that's right. Book in spanish, answer in english :sweat_smile:
  11. EccentricOwl

    EccentricOwl Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
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    After reading all this, I'd argue that the setting is well-written enough to make very few people out as outright villains. Nobody really does moustache-twirling.

    With that said, I think that Haqqislam as a movement feels like one with an overall positive impact on the Human Sphere.
  12. DeepThought

    DeepThought Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2019
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    Well, let's put it in pragmatic terms: Islam as a worldview is a touchy topic. That happens when its primary source material literally says that lying to non-followers is righteous (Yes, that is true and provable). The culture is skewed by a lot of deception and fierce dogmatic feuds. This is where the tropes of warlike desert thieves and tricky sheiks come from after all.
    An aspect starkly lacking in Haqqislam for obvious reasons.
    CB knew they were playing with fire when they conceived of the idea. As such, they quietly pretended to 're-invent' the culture as some kind of secular humanist renaissance, so they could say "They're Islamic, but without all that nasty baggage the naysayers think of". Then had to go on to explain what that meant, without offending anyone if possible.

    What they didn't realize: Most of the 'positive' elements they were thinking of came from the culture that existed before the rise of Islam. Arabic focus on commerce, knowledge, and learning came from the Persian and Carthaginian influences, and the middle east actually went into decline after Islam took hold in that region. A tricky spot, given that Islam is currently so knitted into the culture of that area today, and detaching the two would upset just as many people. The result: Play the middle and pretend the secular-humanist reform brought it back and SOMEHOW Islam was the catalyst behind a pre-Islamic cultural revival.
    See where this could present a problem?
    The result: Haqq is a very fun-sounding faction, but it isn't actually reflective of the culture it tries to capture :(.
    I almost wish they could amalgamate Haqqislam into some kind of trade-union faction. Design-wise, a mid-tech level trade syndicate is brilliant and fits as a competing interest in human sphere politics. I suspect that is what CB had initially planned to make the faction's political niche. Unfortunately, Haqqislam, loses its flavor the more it resembles a commercial organization because the middle-eastern culture they've tried to base it on isn't really actuated by commerce, which makes the 'greedy cheating capitalists' paradigm unobtainable.

    Please don't mistake this as a rant against Haqqislam. I don't think badly of the faction; I simply don't know how to rectify the serious gap in culture they created for themselves and still make it resemble the "1001 nights meets mecha" (no pun intended) paradigm they keep wanting to have. It seems to me they will have to drop one or the other, and I don't begrudge their choice since a lot of people like this faction for different reasons.
    Dragonstriker and Golem2God like this.
  13. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    I think this is a gross overgeneralization and misrepresentation of several cultures and religious expressions across several centuries of history, I believe it should be reconsidered.

    I should also remind that contemporary politic discussions are not allowed in the forum.

    As far as the topic goes, Haqqislam, while inspired from the golden age of Islam, shares no connection with any contemporary Islamic country or religious group and should be considered its own culture born from the fictional, but quite dramatic foundations of their nation.

    I am not sure why this is not obvious it is like trying to find connections with Military Orders and the Military orders of the past they share name with.
    CalamarRojo likes this.
  14. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I agree. I would rather that Haqqislam was more like the Middle East before Islam existed. The idea of Persian, Babylonian, Syrian, Israeli, Philistine, Egyptian, Ethiopian, Sudan, etc...Sounds much more interesting in my view. Maybe that would make me want to play the faction or give me conversion ideas. The Middle East & northern Africa lost alot of what made them unique as cultures. Plus Islam did other things that is a topic for a different discussion. Namely against my people the Jews & Christians.
    I do think that having the populace of Bourak and Haqqislamites in general believe this reinvented ideal of themselves & their religion is actually a good lore point. Haqqislam tries to forget it's dark past but yet clings on to certain aspects of it at the same time. Khawarijs & Janissaries are two examples of this. One look into the historical record of these troops and you'll see what I mean. It is as if the government, Hassassins & the citizens are trying to forget the past by replacing it with an alteration of the same thing. So that in the future when one thinks or hears the word Khawarij or Janissary they will only think of the current iteration never knowing or caring about the previous incarnation that the unit was born from.
    "Its members are recruited from Funduq orphanages and among children of non-Haqqislamites freely donated to the service of Haqqislam. The Government accepts these children to convert them to the one true faith and as a sign of their parents’ commitment and loyalty. In colonies located in some of the most inhospitable areas of Bourak, many dhimmi parents, followers of other religions, give one of their children away for them to have a better education in the city and, with it, better future prospects. Some of these kids are sent to high-performance training centers around Funduq, where they are educated in the Haqqislamite creed and the military life. Young Janissaries are raised into solid warriors and staunch believers who reject the faith of their biological parents, vowing instead to defend Haqqislam’s ideals to the death."
    Why is being a believer in the "one true faith" important to a secular humanist ideal? Secular humanism is against such things as religionist dogma, supernaturalism & superstition according to wikipedia. It embraces human reason, secular ethics & philosophical naturalism. It reminds me of the Sadducees of the Jewish Sanhedrin which did not believe in neither angel nor spirit nor resurrection of the dead. In other words secular humanism is anti-God & science among other aspects takes that place in a secular humanist heart.

    If Haqq was truly secular humanist why is making the children reject the faith of their parents so important? You can't mix religious belief in God with the ideals that rail against it like secular humanism. This is where the problem with Haqqislam's teachings lie. They are trying to mix two things that can't coexist together. Oil does not mix with water but is separate from it. They are attempting a balancing act that is hindering and preventing themselves from true growth that they say they are trying to achieve. Ye cannot serve God and a teaching that is completely against the very idea of His existence. Wikipedia states supernaturalism as one of the things that secular humanism rejects. It denies the intervention & existence of spirits. Therefore their whole belief system is botched & broken because of this.

    You can do good deeds, have academic & societal growth without proscribing to this mindset of secular humanism. Yet in an effort to erase the past they have introduced this way of thinking in order to appear more progressive and changed. When all that it has done is muddied the waters further. Now that things have gone on like this for so long it has become the status quo and the powers that be are intent on keeping it that way.

    Each faction has dark aspects to it that the lore points out in order for each nation to appear morally gray. Some like the continuation of Communism in Yu Jing/Greater China is more obviously darker than say Ariadna at first glance. But there is evil/hypocrisy in all of the factions. I think Haqqislam and the Tohaa are alike in some ways. Painting an image that showcases themselves to be a bastion that is uplifting people & species across the universe. But when you scrutinize them they are full of dead mens' bones and the same sins of the past they swore they left behind & preach against others who commit them. Haqq & Tohaa are two sides of the same coin in my view. And Haqq's advancements in the biological fields over other G5 nations is also another similarity the two factions share.
    I agree with your complete above post as well Wroshyr. Like the Tau from Warhammer 40k. Where philosopher kings unquestionably dictate the societal structure of a species guiding them through pheromones to bring others under the same mindset they have implanted in the conscience of their people. Wait that sounds alot like the Tohaa to me. Even the use of pheromones seems to be on the nose.
    Daireann likes this.
  15. QueensGambit

    QueensGambit Chickenbot herder

    Jan 31, 2019
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    @psychoticstorm this is going nowhere good. Please lock this thread before it descends into (further) overt racism as it inevitably will.

    If you don't want to acknowledge the racism, the ban on contemporary political discussion is sufficient grounds for thread lock.
    CalamarRojo and Brokenwolf like this.
  16. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    I will agree it does not go anywhere good.

    So this is a last warning for this discussion to stop.
    QueensGambit likes this.
  17. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    I'm mostly curious why an almost 4 year old thread got necro'd for red text. It already had a nice and quiet death and now it's been summoned up from the depths.
    chromedog likes this.
  18. Daireann

    Daireann Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2020
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    Hah! There are no good guys in this world. Haqq are just a guys. Sometimes good, sometimes bad.
    Very elude to show their full picture and act bold in some questions like bigger factions like PanO and YuJing.
    Some of haqq forces act like end justifies the means.
    I think, this is already not about good and bad. As people said before, everything is gray with them.
    Or you can look at them as on eastern carpet with lots of different patterns in different parts.

    And you can make your own story for your forces. Your squad.
    I have one, if I would buy at least something to play... T-T
  19. sololobo

    sololobo Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2018
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    Eh, on one hand I can say all great story telling is derived off of history, cherry picked reality, exaggerated stereotypes. On the other, reality of the modern day events and being an American I refuse to play YJ knowing I may be sent off to fight China. Each to there own. But, good gravy, those models are awesome! lol

    Haqq is a very open but some what based faction that gives CB a lot of writing space. It’s a blessing and a curse. And, so far I think they have done a great job.

    As for the good guy trope I would say we just haven’t been exposed to the darker side of Haqq just yet. I used to play Tau, another game faction, that was considered the “good guys.” I haven’t kept up with them, but I’m sure the writers have gleaned more of there underbelly by now. Same can be construed here. Give it time. Maybe we can infer and use those assumptions to strike up a great fan fiction novel or manga.
    Golem2God likes this.
  20. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Agreed. I wish that there was a universe/franchise that used a faction based on pre-islamic middle-east & north africa. Any representations always seem to be islamic wether sci-fi or fantasy these days.
    As someone who likes Tau and still like them even though I dislike the Ethereal due to how they control their citizens. Philosopher Kings in lieu of Plato Republic. I have no want of removing Haqqislam form Infinity. And I think the old lore bits did showcase a dark side hidden from view. I disagree with changing the lore to omit these bits from the unit's lore. I mean there has to be some corrupt officials in the government of Haqq that patreon human traffickers so that Haqqislam gets a renewable source of citizens and manpower to keep up with the hyperpowers of PanO & Yu Jing. I think an Infinity story showcasing some of the dark side of Haqqislam would be an interesting read or of any faction for that matter.
    I do like Yu Jing's HI models too. White Company has given me an excuse to pick up some of the models to play with my PanO force. I don't care to play the faction either. Though I really good conversion idea might get me to buy a couple of models.
    Daireann and sololobo like this.
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