There's a significant cost to the EVO hacker though, the Panguuling is AVA1 for IA which means if you take it to support Liu Xing you lose out on a cheap order in an army that probably needs it more than most others. Plus you're also forced to put the evo hacker into the link the Panguuling is allowed to run in if you're using that.
A pangguling in a 4+ linkteam would be even better(not by much in my opinion). Breakwater without ssl1 is useless ^^
Pangguling upfield alongside anything with Perimeter Weapons or good limited-ammunition weaponry would be fantastic, but that's probably going to stay in the realm of theory forever. The Minesweeper variant could be great for clearing mines and E-Maulers that would threaten the link or other vulnerable pieces like the Zhencha. The TR version with Link Bonuses would be a fantastic deterrent to close attackers during the reactive turn, and could be buffed to create a truly terrifying gunfighter. The EVO hacker probably won't be much benefit to a link, except for emergency Specialist duty or filler, but can have supportware up, make Sat-lock easier to deny massed camo and, in the only on-topic use, make Liu Xing drops easier. Question for anyone who was around during Caskuda times and saw the Explode rule in action, could it hit Camo markers or Impersonation markers? If the rule works the same and allowed those attacks then it could be a counter to tough Camo-users, and I would dearly love to arrange a friendly fire incident against Bob from Accounting hanging out in the enemy deployment zone if I'm finally allowed to.
We don't know if you can do it with the Liu Xing but you can already do this with Kuang Shi. Just do a Jump order next to them. TBH it's easier to just use Kuang Shi to discover them though. Just coordinate discover+discover orders and bob will get revealed pretty quick. Monks are also quite good at this with WIP 14. Two models coordinating discover+discover checks at 10s have a 94% chance of succeeding at least 1 roll. Second order you pick somebody within 8" and do a discover and shoot entire order, normally encourages the Fiday to try throw smoke or shoot back.
These are excellent points, and seriously viable to my untrained eye for Vanilla or ISS, but in IA I'm a lot more worried about Impersonator assassins getting through because of the lower model count and higher cost. There's no expendable Warbands to use in the known list, do you know anything that works with a list that really doesn't want to risk a trade? I'm also concerned about HD+ or KHD users in Cybermask since against a squad of footslogging Heavy Infantry jogging through a Repeater-laden field they're better than Hidden Deployment for choosing an ideal moment to mess up your plans, and being able to airdrop on their heads would be the fastest counter the game has to the Impersonation state protecting hiding Hackers.
Doesn't have to be warbands I was just using them because Kuang Shi were in the topic of discussion and they usually get the job when I play, it's about throwing volume of dice on the discover rolls to make them stick. Coordinate orders with whatever can see the impersonation marker to do it. REMs, Zencha, whatever. You can do stuff like move small fireteams like duos etc into position to spot them, break the fireteam, coordinate discover checks to get them out of impersonation, then reform the fireteam after.
Well, the “ORA Crítica” podcast just spoiled Explode LX as follows: “Direct Template placed after the trooper lands. DMG 12, normal ammunition.” Don’t know if the trooper placing the template has to roll ARM or not though. Any chance a CB staff member could clarify it for us?
lol that sucks, I didn't even have high expectations for this and it still came in under that. To put in perspective how totally pissweak that is, a generic PH 10 shitkicker trying to dodge a template from behind at -3 still only has a 35% chance to eat a wound. This is after you have to roll to land. Even if we take it at the best possible odds of +3 for EVO and no hacking attempts, this revises our chance to wound the shittiest of the shitty troopers to a total of 26%. That's our new elite trooper ladies and gentlemen, it can't hit for shit. AAAAAAAAAAANNNNND IT'S STILL HACKABLE AND HAS TROUBLE LANDING/ATTACKING IN DEPLOYMENT ZONES BECAUSE REPEATERS AHAHAHAHA WHAT A LET DOWN. Jesus it sucks.
Does it? Against LI, Skirmishers and such that's a 50 to 55% chance of a wound if they get hit. Pretty good for efficiently clearing a dug in suppression troop during the drop order.
IF the Liu Xing manages to land (75% assuming no enemy hacker and presence of EVO) IF the LI/SKR doesn't manage to Dodge (~50% or ~35% depending on LOF/6S) = Best case 28,12% to kill a Zhanshi-equivalent.
Like we said in the podcast, its not only the kill factor of the template, if the enemy dodges he does not shoot back, and the liuxing does not magixally disapear after that, after they dodge now they have a 2W Arm3 CD13 armed with a shptgun right up they face, and this is where the explode shines, in avoiding being shot on landing regardless of the people in the zone.
Fun fact, shitkicker sitting in the back with a rifle on suppressive has a 21% chance to just outright kill the Liu Xing trying to drop on him. 65% to deal a wound. This model is awful. I'd rather drop the HI tag and the explode rule, and take whatever cheaper cost that comes out to and do the same job. At least that would open up the attack vectors by not getting its brains hacked out in every single stupid repeater bubble on remotes
enemy without repeater, not hacker, not cheap SK, not HI and without BSG realy in danger from old Liu
If tou are clumsy enought to drop it in front of him and not behind it, its not that the liu xing is bad, its the player that is bad.