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Guide to the Caledonian Highlander Army

Discussion in 'Ariadna' started by Commoner1, Dec 18, 2017.

  1. Maksimas

    Maksimas Heavy Infantry Addict Maxim

    May 23, 2018
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    Pretty neat TBH.
  2. mightymuffin

    mightymuffin Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2018
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    Apologies, although if you've had success with Limited Insertion then how do you manage it on the table?
    Every time I try, people die too quickly & then I don't have enough orders to achieve anything, (queue reference to "diminishing returns").
  3. Maksimas

    Maksimas Heavy Infantry Addict Maxim

    May 23, 2018
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    Quality over quantity is how I'd describe it.

    The lack of orders evens itself out as the game progresses I find. While the opposing multi-Combat Group player may have started off with more orders, I find that over the course of the game, due to them having taken cheaper stuff in order to achieve that amount of orders, and me having been able to take more of the premium strong stuff due to confining myself to a single combat group, the order counts tend to even out towards the last round, if not the second.

    I feel like the main challenge to a single combat group list is in how well you know your units. You only have 11 orders at best to spend on them ( IF you have a Strategos Lt. ), so you have to make those orders count. Getting into a habit of ''rationing out'' your orders helps. Y'know, out of all my orders available I'll keep 1 spare for putting four models into suppressive fire with a coordinated order, another spare to put several Camo troops back into camo at once with a coordinated order. I can allow myself to spend X orders trying to isolate/immobilize/posses this TAG before. Keep maybe two orders spare to let your infiltrators walk around and push a button/drop a mine or two. Command Tokens are your friends here as well.

    Another thing I find useful is to try seeing if a unit can try to fill more than one role, even if that secondary role is something it's not quite as good at as it's primary. One very simple and basic example would be to have your cheerleader line troops ( For example, a handful of Zhanshis. ) double as a handful of troops put into suppressive fire to be ARO speedbumps for overextending skirmishers and warbands. If you position them well enough, they might actually manage to perform admirably in that role while still generating orders for your wider list.

    There are a few innate advantages to running single-combat group lists. Most obvious being that your opponent can't reduce your order count with a Command Token. Another one would be that, unlike with multi-combat group lists, having your heaviest hitter die is quite a big blow, since you probably only had a couple of them around, which is less of a blow in a single combat group list, because you probably packed several competent fighters in your list, since you had the points to spare for that, and odds are, even your less combat oriented units are probably still a smidge more competent than the chaff your opponent has brought, so even then it's not so bad. And even though I am familiar with the saying ''Crits kill!'', I'd say that when done right, for a single group list you might find yourself having a nice amount of units for whom you could rephrase that statement as ''Several crits kill!''

    Ofcourse, there are downsides too. Most obvious being the small order pool. Depending on your lists, you might not even start the game with all your orders on the table already! So that is a hurdle to overcome indeed. And ofcourse, there is the fact that every death on average stings more than it would in a multi-group list. And your ARO potential is a bit more... challenging to accomplish in a single group list. A multi-group list probably already has quite a few disposable speedbumps to bolster the ranks of the actual ARO pieces they brought. In a single group, your units aren't that disposable and numerous, so you might find yourself being a bit more reserved in your sniper or speedbump placements.

    I mean, multi-group lists and single-group lists each have their ups and down IMO. I'd like to try some more multi-groups lists myself ( I feel like 1.5 combat groups is a good number. ), personally.
    mightymuffin likes this.
  4. mightymuffin

    mightymuffin Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2018
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    Thanks for detailed write-up.

    The thing that normally hinders me the most is a lack of orders; many games I find that I never have enough of them to achieve what I need. Sometimes to the point where I only have a single opportunity to succeed, so if that fails then I simply can't use any back-up plan!

    However, I'm starting to see the light;
    > I'm pretty certain it's my deployment that is the root cause of the order expenditure, so need to experiment with alternatives.
    > ARO pieces don't seem to wok for me, so avoiding them is probably a good idea & concentrate on active-turn attacks.
  5. Maksimas

    Maksimas Heavy Infantry Addict Maxim

    May 23, 2018
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    Live and learn, as they say.
  6. InventorofSoup

    InventorofSoup Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2018
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    I strive by Zapp Brannigan's logic of throwing waves and waves of my 45ths at my enemy till they succeed.
    RasPuto likes this.
  7. earl_monroe

    earl_monroe New Member

    Dec 31, 2018
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    Dear fellow Caledonians,

    I´m playing Infinity for about 2 years now and fell in love with the Caledonia Highlander Army recently. I startet with Hassassin Bahram and developed a philosophy that helps me building lists and playing each Mission with a different approach.

    Playing CHA requests obviously a different approach and I have a lot of problems getting my guys and girls on the table to work. Could you offer me some insights about dealing with specific common issues, like Camo, limited Insertion, picking the right Rambo (McMurrogh, Highlander Grey, Uxia, Mormaers), having no mines or deadly ARO Units (except Caterans [not linkable]) or using and protecting William Wallace.

    Beside the adressed problems I do feel a bit handicapped when playing limited insertion. Do you have different experineces?

  8. daboarder

    daboarder Force One Commander

    Apr 26, 2017
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    You'll need to be logged out to view the images though
    Silas7 likes this.
  9. fari


    Feb 21, 2017
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    try to link two scot guards w Missile launcher haha
    RasPuto likes this.
  10. earl_monroe

    earl_monroe New Member

    Dec 31, 2018
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    Great Article, I really appreceate your efforts! Must have been a lot of work.

    I'm still wondering if I have to use a more aggressive approach in general.
  11. Commoner1

    Commoner1 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The answer is simple: CHA is not made for 300 point LI. If I absolutely have to play LI, I just run another faction to be honest.

    You handle Camo spam by utilizing the high willpower of your Galwegians for Intuitive Attacks and Discover + Shoot.

    My usual rambo approach is to clear the long range ARO units with Uxia. Then either McMurrough or the linked Grey HMG advance and take care of the rest. So the normal setup is to put uxia into the main group with the Grey and to spend the first orders on her to make room for the actual advance. Then McMurrough jumps into action with the orders from group 2 and kills as much of the opposing order pool as possible. At the end of round 1 Uxia and McMurrough are usually dead, but the enemy has hopefully lost his ability to fight back. At that point I start doing the actual mission with SAS FOs and 112s. If Uxia dies before doing her job the Grey has to do it the hard way and hope that he doesn't eat crits early. If that fails as well it's time for the Cateran to step up. If that doesn't work either you're usually screwed but that doesn't happen too often for me. William Wallace usually just sits back and chills on a roof top (unless he's facing CA or Haqq. Then you have to be more careful and link him with the galwegians if you are going second.)
    RasPuto, Remnar, Captain927 and 2 others like this.
  12. Genesis

    Genesis Member

    Dec 10, 2017
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    hey, how about some analysis to our new friend cadin first strike? really like to see some discussion here~
  13. Commoner1

    Commoner1 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Absolutely. But right now I'm fully committed to learn and play o-12, so I will not have time to give him a proper try for some months.

    In theory he's great though.

    I can actually imagine to run Core Links of Wulvers now outside of pure fun games. And he's a great solo rambo if you are playing on dense tables. On open tables I wouldn't take him ever to be honest, because the Wulver range bands are very unforgiving.
  14. Bri77le

    Bri77le Member

    Feb 20, 2018
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    this was very helpful and liked how it was presented. cheers
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