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Graviton's terrain singularity

Discussion in 'Scenery' started by Aspect Graviton, Mar 14, 2018.

  1. Aspect Graviton

    Aspect Graviton Friendly Alien Overlord

    Nov 24, 2017
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    We straight up played the official megabeast missions, we dideventually realise it says nothing about Guts or dodge movement so afetr a while it did start encroaching on the various hunter and In the second game it did eat an asawira (No more than asawiras deserve!)

    anyway, i'm still on a terrain building kick so:

    Varuna megabeast resort
    this weekend I bashed my way through making regions of elephant grass for the swamp board:

    Method was to get some PVC board cut to a pool,
    paint it a close a blue as possible to match the mat,
    spray gloss Lacquer,
    few dustings of a camo green,
    Hot glue gun the aquarium plants, this was layered up to the height required and left space for models to stand.
    A pass of camo green again to make the plants less aquarium.
    A pass of the lacquer again to put a nice shine on what's supposed to be a water area.

    Preliminary idea for play is:
    • Area is 40mm high.
    • An area of Zero visibility zone (-6/ no LoF)
    • Is very difficult Aquatic/Jungle terrain.
    Fallen Paradiso City
    So back when I first started playing infinity I made a load of buildings from 5mm foamboard. they have served me incredibly well but they were the first things I made as directly infinity terrain and I've learned a lot since I made them, further more they have been battered over the course of hundreds of games.

    The main error I made in their initial construction is they didn't offer enough attractiveness for through play, you could bunker in the buildings but they didn't offer enough ways through to encourage people to play through/across rather than to just go around and slice the pie from a corner, you basically want an entry point on each face of the compass more or less.

    So for some of my existing building additional entrances made no sense, however ruining the buildings allows me to add the entrance points, and to coverup some of the existing damage to the pieces. I've also really enjoyed the overgrown Paradiso aesthetic when I've mashed together urban and jungle terrain for previous set ups like the narrative day I ran.

    I've previously gone over these buildings and added ramparts and ladders to some and touched them up in an attempt to increase their playability, this time I've also been sticking rug antislip to the undersides of the buildings to stop them sliding.





    Part 1 was just to chop chunks out of the foamboard to look like artillery strikes, demo charges and explosions, the exposed foam was then painted reasonably messily with vallejo model colour german grey.







    Stippled olive drab and camo green in patterns to suggest the growth of moss etc and the overtake of the jungle. this was generally done in places where sunlight or water should hit..



    Glued on patches of home made clump foliage generally following the pattern of the painted moss. this was all then sealed with scenic cement to try to get it to a survivable hardness.



    Attached some grass tufts in areas where the sun should hit and sparsely enough models should be able to stand on it. i also glue gunned some aquarium plants in as features and covered their bases in clump again before hitting it all with sealant again.

    A lot more to do on this table but so far I'm really happy with the results.

    Mars board:

    Has had it's first play on after some of the work done to it. at the moment it's a smugglers base but i have plans to make it more of a mining colony, my locals seemed to enjoy it at any rate.
  2. Savnock

    Savnock Nerfherder

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Looking good, and helpful to explain the rationale of access points.

    I like that there's a good number of stories on some of the buildings you're working with. Paradiso-ruins boards tend to be pretty low height, so having a few ruined upper floors will really make yours stand out.

    Mars board already looks fun, but will be even more enjoyable with a bunch of derricks and other mining stuff. Are the blue crystals precast, or did you make those as well?

    We had the same story of construction, play, and discovery of some design faults with our local terrain (made about a decade ago by a friend for one of the local shops). Some of it was also made for Dust, so it's very WWII but we use it anyways. And that stuff has similarly taken a beating (damned 40K nerds can't respect decent terrain!), so I'm going to show this thread to that terrain guru and see if he's willing to similarly wreck and rebuild that stuff.
    Aspect Graviton likes this.
  3. Aspect Graviton

    Aspect Graviton Friendly Alien Overlord

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Thanks, at the moment I'm wracking my brain favor what to do with scatter in between which will be mostly overgrown benches cars etc and some general jungle bits. last night I was dissecting the Police station, it's a great concept for a building but again lacked access points or windows so it hardly ever got used, cutting holes in it has definitely improved the playability.

    The blue crystals are 3D printed in clear blue resin, it looks good but I will admit I underestimated how much resin it'd use since I didn't hollow them especially the largest ones.

    Yeah I had the same problem with 40k nerds from working in FLGS, precious about models but they'd *throw* terrain under tables or into boxes and would hardly ever report when they'd damaged it, was specifically GW players (they were also the main group to be unable to use a bin 5 ft away from the table), I like to think my N4 players are better house broken, being able to use bins and actually tidy after themselves while being respectful of terrain, potentially just because they know it takes effort and that a table of warsenal costs more than the armies that play over it. I'm happy for people to play on the terrain i make and for it to suffer wear and tear, I'll happily lend it out, but I keep it out of general circulation.

    Finally this thread is intended as a reference so if you want to show it around I am extremely happy it's of use.
    Savnock likes this.
  4. SupersexyJohn

    SupersexyJohn Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2018
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    I am loving the the overgrown city. If I had any room for more terrain I would steal this idea!
    Aspect Graviton likes this.
  5. Aspect Graviton

    Aspect Graviton Friendly Alien Overlord

    Nov 24, 2017
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    So after much building nd repurposing we had the weekly game night on Friday giving me the opportunity to test some boards.

    Overgrown city:

    I had to repurpose some of the jungle terrain for now to fill out some of the scatter areas (there's enough, the jungle board was out too but nobody noticed some clumps being repurposed).
    Anyway, after hacking some holes in the buildings play through increased and it recieved a slew of complements from passers by for what was last week some tired foamboard buildings.

    I'm still working on the scatter for the board which is going to be a variety of wrecks and emplacements, thus far i've build some stretched of sandbags (which will also be overgrown) and a unit 9 spider tank wreck which will be overgrown after it's painted.


    Megabeast park:
    This week it was played in it's more vanilla form and with the elephant grass and the other smaller beasts (all 3D printed Allosaurus). The players enjoyed playing on a board with so much in the way of suppression nd low vis zones. they played rescue, and having the dinosaurs which count as dangerous terrain within 4" it became rescue the civillians from the dinosaurs (apparently an allosaurus did eat a unit attempting to civevac a nearby civvy) and then the elephant grass added another layer on top as while units may have terrain total/jungle or aquatic, civillians do not.


    Other stuff
    So recently I've been creating a document for how to play each table's terrain rules, for example the YJ city board (GREEN WORLD) has buildings that are into out of but not through so it's playable the JSA board is designed to have very limited through and throughs but still to have some and is just -1b suppression. Having got it all down on paper and printed to go with each board they've had some testing. As such this week I played on the space station board I've not cracked out in years, the first thing we noticed was that whomever packed it away last time flat packed it like an absolute psychopath, like had literally ripped the buildings apart, so after a good hour of dryfitting it all back together again we played:


    Open Space.

    • Actions on the mat are considered open space units without Super jump, terrain (zero G or Terrain (total) apply the following

      • Difficult terrain

      • -3 to all actions (not armour saves)
    • All units may apply the super jump special skill in open space. (but will still count as in contact with the mat, see the above)
    Airlock doors: Airlock doors (from the outside to the inside of the facility) have auto locking procedures to maintain atmospheric integrity

    • Block movement and LOF

    • Require a short movement skill to open, when opened they count as open until after the resolution stage of the order, (you can open door and dodge through, you can open and move through, you can open and shoot through)

    • Return to closed state at the end of every order requiring them to be opened again.

    • Can be destroyed by anti material weapons, they have an armour of 8 a BTS of 9 and 2 STR.
    Energy doors and walls:

    • Block BS attacks but otherwise do not block movement or LoF
    Overall this was great fun, having kappa badly spacewalk from one part of the facility to the other, having hector run through the corridors and having hector get into firefights in a corridor vs invincibles with a plasma rifle, only to eventually die as he had to move-dodge through an airlock door into combat with Krit Cochram who promptly shot him in the face with a Heavy pistol. Heartily recommend playing with more terrain rules wherever possible, really spices up the games and increases the variety of tactics you'll use.
  6. Aspect Graviton

    Aspect Graviton Friendly Alien Overlord

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Getting ready for Durgama takeover,

    This weekend was beautiful and sunny (bit too sunny really) so on sunday i spent most of the day in the garden cranking through terrain repairs with the glue gun, general reminder hot glue guns are the dogs b*llocks.

    1. The space station which some maniac had pulled apart which had now been glue gunned back together.
    2. The base for the dindrenzi drops hip glue gunned back together.
    3. The frankly impractical sculpture for the green TT combat Yu Jing board glue gunned back together. (This was also typically my only burn of the day because I hate this sculpture and it hates me)
    4. All the wheels on the scatter terrain cars glue gunned.
    5. 14 panoplies and 12 consoles (I now just have a 9 Litre box of objectives for N4)
    6. An actual bar layout for the biker bar.
    7. A ENTIRE BOX OF DROPSHIPS even found the canopy for my asure dragon.
    8. Various scatter amalgamated into larger pieces or repaired.
    9. Finally finished the last plasma pipe on the Combined Army board ( I can now call it finished)
    10. And I started the cages for the Farmer Kenny's Slurry factory board.

    A pile of loads of scatter for repair.

    The flight stand for the Dindrenzi drop ship repaired.

    In my last post I mentioned somebody had actually ripped the space station board apart, so I hot glued that back together too.

    The secret board: Farmer Kenny's Quality Organic Slurries

    The cat is now out of the bag after somebody mentioned it at drinks after the Friday night gaming session last week. Therefore I can now adequately reveal Farmer Kenny's Slurry Factory, Kenny slurry has been a running In-joke in our group for years, the original suggestion being that Kenny himself would be the slurry as suggested by some photoshopped billboards. Kenny these days has graduated to SLURRY MASTER and has his own factory and distribution site, the new in-joke is it's situated right next to his wife's (a social worker/child collector) orphanage:


    This will be surrounded by play equipment in much the same way as a prison yard, and some cages, these same cages will be also present next to the slurry factory to hammer the joke home.

    Further requested accessories by the couple: statues of their dogs and the wife's car (a Nissan Micra) with mad max / Chitty-chitty-bang-bang style child catching weaponry

    His giant face makes great cover and my last opponent while testing the board could not advance under his disapproving patrician's glare

    the full board in a test game.

    So onto the board itself and how it's supposed to play: lots of verticality, so super jump, climbing+ will have a field day it's basically a series of canyons, this works quite nicely as while you can have a commanding view for BS units they can't actually see that much. even the scatter is intentionally high and blocking like bin lorries.

    Overgrown city:

    Last week I managed to make the overgrown city board its own jungle stuff which I've sprayed camo green with a view to highlighting with a lighter green spray later, I think it makes the jungle look way better just from the matt colour and the actual jungle board will probably follow suite. I also finished the spider tank, I am still yet to play on this table however but everyone else seems to be enjoying it.




    New Mat:

    So since i got a resin 3D printer i started subscribing to patreon unit 9 who do some great infinity proxies, one of the things they also do is each month you get a playmat design, the store we're now gaming at does mats and recently bought a 4ft printer capable of neoprene, so after a little conversation they have produced my this as a test mat for their system:



    How nice is that mat? they've not quite worked out the scaling to account for material shrinkage after printing so if you look closely at the picture there is a white edge, but overall not a bad trial print.
    redeemer, aphexblue, Wizzy and 8 others like this.
  7. Mob of Blondes

    Mob of Blondes Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Time to learn/have a refresh about the concept of full bleed. *wink*

    Well, if they don't have a cutter to crop to final size, it will be tricky (or let's say messy, assuming the printer just does not say no to printing outside the material).
    Aspect Graviton likes this.
  8. unclesrouge

    unclesrouge Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2019
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    Your terrain is incredible nice looking! This May be a really special feeling playing for Durgama on such a fantasic table!
    Aspect Graviton likes this.
  9. Aspect Graviton

    Aspect Graviton Friendly Alien Overlord

    Nov 24, 2017
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    My Durgama boards:











  10. Aspect Graviton

    Aspect Graviton Friendly Alien Overlord

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Been a while since the last update (August is a busy month)

    First I am hosting what will hopefully be a 70 player satellite next June, so that's a thing, and was a nice announcement to get around my birthday. And I've arranged two more warm up events at our FLGS as well to get back into the swing of it all.


    Brutal Cities Terrain



    Recently Kenny (of slurry factory fame) has acquired his new Brutal cities stuff which I've handled and aided in the assembly of some of the buildings.

    Quality 10/10 comparable with warsenal level stuff, great HDF well cut, the designs are fantastic and went together really well, good playable interiors and they are easy to access for gameplay.

    As for any criticism, it's not really a criticism, the buildings are brutalist style, they are therefore I M M E N S E, makes a great vertically driven table but is a bit of a nightmare to store, definitely doesn't subscribe to my everything fits in a 64L or 84L really useful box policy making it a bit bulky to store if you're a space-conscious-ware-houser like me with 20 boards of terrain in the garage for quick safe storage and use. This isn't a problem if you're one of these folks who play at home and have some dedicated terrain shelves etc if you know what you're getting yourself into.

    Just as a little highlight to this problem since it doesn't all fit in a box he's had the objective room and another building on top of the storage box and got home to find one of his dogs had got into the room he was keeping it in and nibbled his objective room which isn't ideal.

    Another quite minor quibble is access points, some are quite clear, others less so so we're doing a fair quantity of houseruling on entry/exit and ladders. not a major thing, plenty of terrain companies have nice buildings but which don't actually have a way in or up to the top floor etc, it's just something that'll have to be ruled before an event etc.

    Jungle board

    While doing the overgrown paradiso board I realised how much better the jungle plants looked painted so I've gone back to the original jungle board with 4 cans of spray.

    first I've re fixed the clump foliage with a healthy dose of 3:1 water:woodglue scenic cement

    Layer 1: ground and lower branches Colour forge Hyrax Brown
    Layer 2: all Colour forge Govenor green
    Layer 3: from above and focussed on some specific plats for difference, colour forge Renegade green
    Layer 4: from above Halfords neon green

    Not shown I've also masked up the clumps (using literally a sandwich bag) and gone over the bright orange stuff with Neon orange which breaks up the GREEN, doing the same with the neon pink in places too.

    The govenor green pass

    plenty of example of it above in the thread but you can see the way it started on the tray behind (that stuff is drying from being drenched with scenic cement)




    More to come on this going to throw in another green as an attempted replacement for the neon or renegade green and I'll be adding more neon orange or pink foliage to try and alien some of it up as well, the not pictured pieces where I've masked up and added a "feature colour" look really good. I just didn't get any pictures as it started raining.
  11. Savnock

    Savnock Nerfherder

    Nov 25, 2017
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    1. The foliage looks great. Doing similar this weekend, but forgot about the wood glue primer coat, glad to have seen yours and been reminded.

    2. Are you making another 15 tables of terrain for that Satellite? Or are there accomplices doing part of that?

    3. Holy sh!t you’re hosting one of those, AWESOME! Looking forward to reading batreps set on those great tables.

    4. Happy birthday, most jovial of alien overlords!
    Aspect Graviton likes this.
  12. Aspect Graviton

    Aspect Graviton Friendly Alien Overlord

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Ta, I'm drawing the line at 20 (ish) tables, will be acquiring the other tables from the wider community since The North has a great scene with plenty of groups, Northern Alliance offered out their tables in the before time, fast panda have offered me two or three as well, hopefully it will be a solid North of England event
    Savnock likes this.
  13. Aspect Graviton

    Aspect Graviton Friendly Alien Overlord

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Reasonably quick one today, mostly prompted by a picture of my first infinity terrain popping up in the local FB group:

    9 years ago:
    Note some of the buildings like the med centre are so new they don't even have roof tops or internal stairs, also I built them as sane and sensible buildings so there aren't random through ways everywhere.

    5 Years ago:

    this was it's original final form, nothing really on the rooftops etc, not shown but some pieces gained additional doors along the way to make them more playable

    3 months ago:

    what I intend to be this terrains final form, lots of ways through so for example the big building peach trees is now a super jumper or climbing plus playground. and obviously a lot more colour.

    Jungle board:
    Played a game on the now 90% re coloured jungle board so here's how it looks with that re-spray:


    Going to add more coloured "feature" plants into the set but on the whole I'm really happy with it, I don't think the effect is super different over a whole table view but close in with models it just makes the plant and undergrowth look more more realistic, the plastic aquarium plant really comes through when you have a close up shot. It's the whole scaling thing, out far the plastic plants unpainted look quite realistic but up close the scale becomes a bit more of a disparity, like when you use real unpainted rocks on a gaming table, when you get close in the shadows and scale detail can be more convincing on a painted rock than the real thing when placed next to a tiny man.
  14. Aspect Graviton

    Aspect Graviton Friendly Alien Overlord

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Tournament prepping

    It's always good to have a deadline (10 more days, who's counting) as it inspires/terrifies progress. One thing to think of when you're setting one up though is objectives:



    Not got a direct picture of what I'm doing with them but you can see a "finished one" on the left hand side of the picture. basically painting screens and buttons, makes them pop much more.

    Yu Jing Board (green land)
    The idea for the YJ board was always a utopian city but after some dystopian use so pure white and bright colours but with grime, graffiti and signs of urban decay. Having tried Oil washing a while ago this is pretty perfect for this effect so I've gone over the entire board with some anti TLC, patches of black/brown wash, rust streaks and the occasional low yellow stain.




    Apologies for the stacks of terrain, there are no full board pictures yet, but hopefully that'll change tonight when I run a demo on it.

    Central plaza:
    The TT combat green laser cut hologram is frankly a bit naff. It's spent more time broken than assembled and the value of it as actual terrain has just been the plinth I put the sculpture on. Anyway a while ago I got some STLs for some critters from asian mythology including some temple dogs which I'd printed and painted "jade" and then left in a box for 6 months. anyway last night i repainted one in bronze and stuck it on a new plinth and repainted the sculpture base in general:

    Shameless plug for Darkstar Metallics, this is their blackened bronze.

    On the plinth, the dog is painted blackened bronze > Copper > Brass in places statues get touched (so the nose the underside of the tail) and then washed with Vallejo hawk turquoise for a verdigris effect.

    Whole thing after an Oil wash, literally still wet in this image so it's a bit "more" than it'll end up

    Mega beast park board:
    The fences have always been intended to be broken up by towers/fence posts, as such i'm currently printing a saucerman studios watchtower, as for the other post rather than a bulky 40hr print I'm thinking something more like the perimeter towers from borderlands pointing out into the wastelands to drive off megabeasts. so to that end I've printed a turret to go on it, not quite sure of the tower design yet but it'll be expanded PVC board and I'll probably knock it up this evening, anyway here is the sweet turret with a fusilier for scale:

    probably going to be underslung on the tower in a menacing fashion to be pointed at the "exhibits" in their enclosure
  15. Aspect Graviton

    Aspect Graviton Friendly Alien Overlord

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Yu-jing green-land

    I was out running a demo last night so i took the GREEN board so i can see what it looks like set up:


    Overall very happy with the slightly weathered look, it's only really noticeable when you're in up close how manky they are but it adds a lot of definition to the buildings from further out, and again really happy with the Komainu statue.
  16. Aspect Graviton

    Aspect Graviton Friendly Alien Overlord

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Obligatory massive tournament prep post part 2:

    *Eye of the tiger begins playing*

    I have basically 1 evening left (this evening) for full board prep, Tuesday I'll be delivering boards, then after a trip I'll be setting them up on Friday night, a marathon session is going to happen.

    Half the boards are already delivered and are "done" as much as any board is ever done.

    So what's happened over the weekend:

    Megabeast park:
    The turret towers are built and sprayed and this evening will be painted, I constructed them from Expanded PVC board, hit them with some rustoleum concrete sprat and stuck on the printed resin accesories, those being the gun itself and a battery/general widget on the back just to distribute the weightand add some interest at the back:

    building on thursday night at the weekly RPG session (currently playing the infinity RPG as well)

    better view of the turret

    Some images of them in action where I inflicted the board on the local group

    At this stage I intend to overgrow them a bit and thoroughly annihilate them with an oil wash which is very much my new fad.

    I've also printed up my original idea for one of the towers which is a big watch tower from saucermen studios 2nd flatline city Kickstarter:
    There is a roof, it's just out of shot.
    Not sure it'll make it to the table but it does look really good. something like 60 hrs of printing, one of soldering/welding the tower together to fill some gaps where it curled off the bed and then about 2 minutes of frenzied spraying.

    YJ Utopia:
    Just another setup image the locals did for themselves on friday, good set up which I'll be stealing:

    Got this back on thursday night after somebody had borrowed it the week before, all buildings are now blue washed and most now have detail and oil washing, the vehicles in the set are more intended as the colour features so if I get time I'll be giving them a bit more attention



    currently it's sprayed "renegade green" which is pretty close to british racing green, so i'll be cracking out the masking tape this evening.
  17. Aspect Graviton

    Aspect Graviton Friendly Alien Overlord

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Did I get everything done? absolutely not. Did I get enough done? yes, I was happy with where I got to.

    Spaceport board, This is going really well, the oil washing has really paid off and the mamaba i eluded too in the last post was painted in about 10 minutes rather than hours like the red one.


    Lava board, didn't get used in the end but it looked pretty for the day.

    Jungle board. not much new from here, but it was nice to set up, got a few more "feature" plants to pop in as well.

    Haqq board, one day I will finish painting this, it was something i was hoping to get done but the Alcazbra is super nice so I don't want to rush it.

    Megafauna park, I got pretty much everything done was good to get it into a decent sized tournament and get some decent feedback, I've done a big tower for this board now but totally failed to get it on the table, will give that a try.

    Paradiso lost, Again pretty much everything done again, needed a few more of the jungle clumps to cover the DZs a bit more really, which I have about but once again forgot to put out.

    Kuramoi: Didn't have to do anything with this but I was really pleased at it's event debut.

    Breaker yard, I remembered to make some ladders finally!

    Mars board: I had intentions as to how i would set up this board, which then didn't happen but it was fine.

    Yu-Jing city: oil wash was great and this set up seemed to work well.

    Sval mountains, was again fine, not sure what happened with the tiny trees in a valley, but I kept noticing this wierd pine plantation halfway through each round which is not the time to sort them out.

    Farmer Kenny's Quality Organic Slurries:
    I did some oil washing and some more graffiti and it's come out pretty nice, more to do but enough was there.
    (oh no)
    The lad himself next door to his wife's orphanage.

    Group shot!
  18. Savnock

    Savnock Nerfherder

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Looking amazing! Excellent variety and detail. Hope the local players give you appropriate beverage support for your efforts.

    Have you considered some sort of sheep(ie) ranch for your future table prospects? Or maybe just a small thematic addition of a detailed vict… er, wooly addition to the Megafauna Park?
    Aspect Graviton likes this.
  19. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Protector of the Search for Knowledge

    Mar 8, 2019
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    Fast Panda Gaming has video of the tables as well in their Data Burst 19:

    Aspect Graviton and jherazob like this.
  20. Aspect Graviton

    Aspect Graviton Friendly Alien Overlord

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Yep, that reminded me. I kept seeing throughout the day that there was a weird little plantation of tiny trees on the mountain board in one of the valleys which I kept noticing/remembering mid way through each round and was driving me insane because I couldn't fix it, that video is the smoking gun that it was @stormshroud!
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