On another note: awesome step by Corvus Belli to provide a prerecorded seminar one hour after the live seminar. Thanks a lot for this!
I'd seen some references to it, was starting to think it was some sort of in joke made by the people who could attend the seminar! So she's going to be available in TAK? Did they give any other details about her?
I think the black N will be a new Infinity game for larger scale battles and will include the Merovingians. After all this game will need vehicles and this sectorial is one of the best options for it.
Regarding release schedule: am I the only one thinking that they should've release the fourth Spetznaz - Rifle Parachutist or a universal proxy - and repack the whole team as a Spetznaz box?
From Facebook, starts a few minutes in but has therest of the seminar + Q&A https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10160562152135577
Here's hoping the possible CA shakeup involves the Shasvastii going rogue or something like that. Infinity's human plots are great and really dynamic... time to give some more depth to the aliens. Zero doubt that CB are way ahead of us on that, as they were on the JSA thing. One of the things I love about the game is how much thought has gone into the faction interactions etc. And also here's hoping that if whatever happens involves Tohaa, it is used as a convenient excuse to nerf the stupid symbiomates, which are one of the only broken things in Infinity. Or at the very least that those things aren't ported over to a new Tohaa sectorial. Symbiomates need to tnaka single hit, not a full round on units that already get an extra cheap wound from the armor. Also I would give my left nut for an Exrah mercenary turning up in some other forces. We've got rogue prison-Morats, soooo... where are the money-grubbing bugs?
How much thought is put in faction interactions? I feel like we are not playing/reading the same game
Im definitely sure I am not playing the same game as @Savnock, if the JSA split was well thought out, I am the Tom Clancy of backstories for my painted models. I do agree they need a rework, but seriously, Tohaa have had 1, yes ONE, O...N...E release this year, and you are going to argue that when they do finally get something new CB should use it as an opportunity to nerf one of the few strong things in the faction. Pull the other one.
TIL: The Varuna starter will be the next box to get added to the pile of things I'm not going to paint anytime soon >.>
I'm with Savnock on this one. CB even had data on Yu Jing players before splitting JSA of. CB also put effort and research into the names and fluff of units.
Yeah. Planned. How well thought out or interesting or well transmitted to YJ players... That's another matter entirely. But that's old by now. The IA looks great! Here's hoping it will be the January release. It's long overdue.
Savnock how dare you have positive feelings about any recent events!! The releases are coming thick and fast though, really interested to see what CB do with profiles if they're doing a raicho-esq update to older profiles in November along with Varuna.
Savnock how dare you have positive feelings about any recent events!! The releases are coming thick and fast though, really interested to see what CB do with profiles if they're doing a raicho-esq update to older profiles in November along with Varuna.
Is that YET ANOTHER boarding shotgun design we see in Varuna's dossiers ? It feels like not so long ago we saw the "new" one on the garuda
No, that's the same design it's always been. The Garuda's an ALEPH unit so they generally use boxier weapons, PanO uses funny backwards magazines