Well, so far our only link inherent tinbot seems to be the Shang Ji TinBot B, unless you wanna fork over some SWC on it.
Wouldn't that be the Invincibles treatment? I'm not sure about the shooting mods on the Liu Xing. Assuming a Zuyong statline it's hard to see them pointed under 35 without a siscount mechanism such as SMG/LS/CR grade weapons or frenzy. The Zencha is intriguing, with those discount weapons. I suspect limited camo. The Haidao is a surprise. I am curious if the armor design is supposed to be heavier than the Zuyong because it certainly gives that impression. The weapons are a bit lighter though. More engineer profiles would certainly be welcome. I'm also worried where the points to pay will come from without having to lean on too hard on Zhanshi. The low mid cost range can certainly use some reinforcement. No actionable information is really disappointing at this point though. Clearly Pan O joining Ariadna in the 4 sectoral club is more important that letting Yu Jing get back up to 2. Tohaa can do it, albeit at a lower and armor.
Guys, i still think, and some rumors talk about, that IA will have some especial rule to get more orders x model. It looks wierd but it could work making a little but elite sectorial. Even with Zhansi they statet several times that they want IA to be playable only with HI if you want.
They also think the CBLs aren't trash, so temper your expectations. CB's idea of nothing but HI being playable may be a long way from actually decent on the table top.
Haidao seems to have a similar chest piece to the daiyokai, could mean nothing... Id expect NCO somewhere in those new units maybe on a specialist to cover more ground with less bodies Really like the idea of native deflector, hacking induced paralysis is great and all but when other factions are bringing similar firepower/durability on unhackable frames... Compare a zuyong to a yadu :S wheres my giant glaring weakness(hackable) discount?
We should be WIP13 or 14. It's not Interventors, but it is better than PanO. And there's always the Speculative Fire option.
Competing? More like taking both in a vanilla infiltration list alongside Guilangs (and maybe Kanren KHD/AHD), then cheerleaders for orders. YES PLEASE to multiple infiltrating or Forward Deployment L2 HI. And/or an AD HI to drop in and cover their six to consolidate your hold on whatever you've snuck into.
That would make a sweet in your face with our heavy infantries and skirmishers list. Add a Dao Fei just because we can.
I noticed is that there is no missile launcher on the Zuyong concept art. Might they be losing that option?
They don't include every single option on the dossiers. A recent example was the new tankos didn't have a missile launcher on theirs . Hopefully there might be some renders at adepticon!
A single Daofei was enough to make enemy skirmishers shat pants and run. A Daofei Guilang duo was enough to make enemy skirmishers damn their fate. Now Daofei Zhencha duo can deal with TAGs and Missions! Man, too much HYPES!
I don't want to be a grinch but It's more probable that IA comes at adepticon 2019 or later. bostrias hype was so low for january... Similar chest piece to the Tankos. Those filthy Japs stole our HI tech! you're wellcome! Yep NCO can be of some help... but if you ask me it's preferable a cheap strategos than paying 3 points for each NCO user. Your discount lies in the fact that Zuyongs can be brought back to consciousness by a doctor and they are cheaper than a yadu. Say thanks and begin to cry. After the seminar, I still feel the Invincibles too pure and simpleminded. Like a morat agresion force but without their advantages. Veteran, Double-shotguns, Mk12, respectable CC, direct templates, afordable access to strategos, warbands... I'm still struggling to figure out how this sectorial will deal against CC (specially suplantators and oniwabans), AD troopers, enemy hackers+Repeaters, Infiltrators, TOs... or the order eficiency issues, giving the fact that the average cost of a trooper will presumable be 27-45 points this troops din't ring a bell about any of that.
That's more of a problem with the situation for HIs and TAGs in the game (they are more of a hindrance than an advantage) than a IA's problem
Or, as has been pointed out, NCO. But I think a Strategos lvl 1 for IA is very likely, and maybe not even on a character. Well, I do expect Deflector options somewhere which is a very Yu Jing response. But that HI skirmisher will likely have at least a bit of BTS, that and a second wound is going to make it a tough target for most other Killer Hackers and not one they are going to be keen to tangle with lightly. As long as it gets a KHD of its own I think it will perform perfectly well in that role.