When they were getting close to N4 release and accidentally allowed access to the new Army we spent 3 weeks or so watching them change unit profiles up until release day. The Grunt sniper went through something like 4 iterations in 2 weeks. I'm pretty certain they only do a minimal amount of playtesting in an extremely limited environment.
Back on Gators: What will you be using to represent it until there's a mini released? Szally for most people, I'm betting. Might mod one up with some Zond bitz and the old Lizard, myself.
Personally I will wait for the model to be released, I am that type of player... Szalamander or Iguana are probably the most logical models people will have in their collection to proxy it with.
Szally seems a clear choice here. But I guess that this will also be the return of "Iguanas" on the tables... In any case, it's a matter of months for the Gator to be released, right?
Sadly I think you're not far short on timing. Though I would be quite happy if it took as long as the Shakush has / will take. If the Szally fits better, I guess that's a great excuse to use the Iguana to proxy as an O-Yoroi - since I don't see Iguana getting any new reasons to be fielded in Corregidor now. Does anybody think the Gator should have more physical features that lives up to his reptilian namesake ?
While I love the easygoing proxy conventions for Infinity, it does kind of bum me out to not see a new profile spawn a bunch of inspired conversions to get one on the tabletop before the official release. Here's hoping some weird kitbashed Gators emerge.
I tested the Gator last weekend and finally pulled out an Iguana to proxy it (thing never saw table time)... only to see its arm fall off. Sorry Iggy, lost your ONE CHANCE to see table time at least as a proxy, so sad. Proxied it with a converted Lizard I made from a Szally base then.
Since I'm still on the fence about plastic and always liked the Iguana model, I'll wait for the actual release and make a decision then. Might go for the Iguana in the end. Obviously there's no need to have both models.
I really like the concept art, so I'm looking forward to the miniature itself. Definitely one to throw some money at, even if I'm not a Corregidor player.
Hmm, gotta say the concept looks better. Something is off, small head, really chunky, knee and shoulder pads stick out like a sore thumb. I'll wait to see it painted for the final thoughts.
As I see the pic, I also thought that the arms are a bit far on the sides compared to other manned TAGs. But at least we could be happy that is not have a pogo hopping dong stick out of its underbelly ;-)
The render is so contrasting to the original design...what happened there. The model is way more blocky and boxy, just look at the legs. The whole thing is too busy, too much going on. So much details just for the sake of it. Original design is much more slick and oval.
It does look blocky. But I always remind myself that renders look 15% chunkier than the actual model. While I also prefer the more rounded look of the concept art to the blocky plates of the render, I will reserve my final judgment until I see the painted mini. Not that I care that much since I don't play CJC, and I don't like the pose anyway. Half the time I wonder why they don't just stick to the pose shown on the pinups. So many of them are perfect poses that only have to be translated 1:1. Had the same thought about the new female Dactyl.
Not gonna lie. Was so disappointed with the render... I went out and bought an old Lizard to proxy as it.
The gun is sticking out too much, hard to interpret what the pose was meant to be, disproportionate pilot issue... Overall it falls short to my expectation. I just hope it comes out in Siocast so that I could fix the pose easily.