in my point of view, Corvus belli is completely on wrong track on sectorials. caledonians and us ariadna had a great feel as a sectorial. these days they are trying to make every sectorial same. in nomads 3 ships story. long ago. corregidor, bakunin were different ideas.after jazz got in , everything changed. i want my sectorials different from each other.
To come back to speculation, I just actually read the ITS season 16 pt2 doc and read this interesting section that gives more data on the Shinju Colony. But the Ryakudatsu are not the only areas that the PanOceanian Bureau of Colonial Affairs needs to be concerned about. In northern Kitai, the bordering region of Greystoke under Ariadnan rule at the behest of O-12, has turned out to be much worse than a mere diplo- matic nuisance, as the authorities in San Pietro de Neoterra initially believed it would be. The USARF has put in place an adamantine network of defenses that is extremely difficult to penetrate, while TAK spec-ops teams carry out targeted retaliatory strikes in respon- se to any territorial disturbance on the part of the Hyperpower. So, USARF is still an active part of the Ariadnan military in lore and seems to be a defensive focused force. But then, on the other side, we have the current USARF models being last chanced which, combined with them being OOP on the army app would indicate them going the way of the French and Scottish. Talk about mixed signals...
Bostria said in the last Studio Update that USARF is not going anywhere, so i dont know what's the plan. Resculpt of the whole line? Unlikely to happen in 2025. Rework? Qapu, and Onyx are also in the line.
Probably slated for rework and possible resculpt further down the line, though it is probable at least some of the sculpts will be retained if essentials are anything to go by.
That could happen, definitely not this year, who knows if 2026. In the meantime, would it be too much to ask for some rebalance? I have been trying n5, usarf has to be one of the weakest factions in the game and it's barely playable. Is it really necessary to keep it this bad for years to come? Is CB honestly trying to balance the game or only the new sectorials?
Infinity is at least a two (if not three ) tier game for balance nowadays. Several edition changes have seen some factions get modernized and the rest left languishing to varying degrees
That's nothing new though. It's been like that since at least N3. CB is a studio run by the human equivalent of golden retrievers, they always focus on the NEW thing in front of them conveniently forgetting about the old until it's put in front of them again as NEW.
HB, BJC, vCA, and SP all receiving a massive set of buffs going into N5 kind of set that disparity in stone, really. There are two different games of Infinity now. The version that those factions (and the scattered few that can keep up with them) play, and the version that everyone else gets. I took vAriadna to a very recent satellite (maybe I'll do a write-up) because it's my project army and I've been enjoying some key parts in spite of all the setbacks, but if I was gunning to actually place, I absolutely would not consider them a viable option to take at all.
Looks like we have an answer to the USAdriana question. So maybe I will end up doing that GDI themed army after all.
GEE. I WONDER IF THERE WAS A BETTER WAY TO HAVE HANDLED THIS... I know some people think I exist just to complain, but jesus. This is not a brand new company, this is not their first time removing outings, and they do not have the excuse of shareholders to consider. This should have been a day one announcement. It should have had its own article on their website, with some dossiers or concept art accompanying it.
Is insulting how they went radio silence since they said "we're gonna remove some factions" in August. No more explanation, no more communicating, still no PDF to play with legacy rules