In other words: if the fireteam declares BS attack as ARO, one of its members declaring Smoke Special Dodge is not following the ARO. Or do you see Myrmidons throwing smoke grenades everytime Phoenix answers a shoot (assuming they have LoF)?
It sounds like you have the right pieces and with a few tweaks should be able to sure your defense up. I've never seen you play a game but my advice based on your post would be: 1. Staggered defenses are the best way stop units that want to advance, like dog warriors or makaul. I usually try to take 2 morans at minimum in vanilla and a zero minelayer if I can. When you set the crazykoalas and mines up, make sure their trigger areas/ZoCs are overlapping as little as possible. That way more orders get consumed as the enemy advances and the chance of them losing pieces goes up. 2. As @Zewrath pointed out, starting a TR bot wide out in the open seeing everything is usually not ideal. When deploying, try dedicating it to protecting one firelane where the enemy will be your good range band as soon as they enter the lane. I'm not a fan of Sin Eater MSR (or Sin Eaters in general, really) but I suppose you can use that more liberally out in the open. I would consider playing a game or two with 2 TR bots instead and see how you like it. Interventor Lt orders usually turn into a free buff. 3. If you can see where an enemy will try to infiltrate into your DZ, put jaguars or morlocks there to tie them up. Jagaurs are especially good at this due to Dogged. Vanilla Nomads have some of the best turn 1 defensive set-ups of any faction. I have found if you can set-up accordingly, you can force your opponent into a lot of bad decisions trying to get by them.
Are you for real saying that? Special Dodge does not exist as an Order, ARO or whatever. Special Dodge is a property of the ammunition Smoke. To benefict yourself from the Special Dodge you declare a BS Attack whit a weapon whit Smoke ammunition.
You are mistaken bruh, Smoke 'Special Dodge' is a name of the weapons trait. It is a BS attack, that uses PH instead of BS and is Targetless. The only thing is that when you throw a Smoke as an ARO you cannot split burst, so if you have a fireteam bonus, both templates will land at the exact same spot.
There is no Special Dodge ARO. "the declared ARO must be the same for all of the reactive members, which is called the Fireteam's ARO." The skill for throwing grenades is a BS attack. So throwing smoke is a BS attack because Grenades are a "BS throwing weapon." Not trying to dogpile here, just hoping that I can explain it. CB should never have named the trait that allows you to avoid an attack a "Special Dodge." However, they are clear that it is a trait, and not a skill. Only skills can be declared as part of an order.
Other key notes about Lupe smoking in the link: She doesn't cancel hits against other alguicils. The ftf only helps her. If you throw smoke in a place where it is not blocking lof between the active troop and her, then it is not a ftf. She's vulnerable but the smoke is more guaranteed to land because it isn't being cancelled by the active trooper. Sometimes I do this to cover my lt extra safely with the added benefit of baiting 1 or 2 burst into her leaving the team a bit more unopposed and thus more likely to hit active trooper.
Yeah I gotta agree the throw smoke + shoot guns is an acceptable ARO. Grenades are a BS attack that happens to use PH, the same way that Flash Pulse is a BS attack that happens to use WIP.