did a little 4man, 3-game event in my basement today. We played Supremacy, Capture & Protect and Firefight lists: list one: https://infinitytheuniverse.com/arm...eAQEAAIChAQEAAICfAQEAAICOAQEAAICLAQEAAICHAQcA list two: https://infinitytheuniverse.com/arm...IAACAkwEEAACD5wEBAACD+wECAACAmgEBAACAmgEEAA== Game One: Supremacy vs Military Orders I took the first list against a Joan LI pain train, won the LT roll and chose deployment. The game was decided quickly when my opponent rushed his link into my repeater net and the lowly keisotsu hacker went to work. This left him stranded right between my deployed ninja and Shinobu. They promptly went to work on my first turn, leaving turns 2 and three to grab consoles and position, all the while keeping Joan bricked behind a repeater net. Highlights were when he accidentally moved Joan into repeater range on his first turn resulting in her becoming isolated, then immobilized when she used her LT order to attempt to Reset out. From there, Shinobu appeared and used her improved martial arts to chop through the knights one after the other. 10/3 victory. N4 notes: - sixth sense lacking the ability to delay ARO declaration is huge - ryuken KHD profile is sweet - rems going prone makes a big deal for keeping cheerleaders safe Game Two: Capture & Protect vs White Company Took the second list for my first outing against White Company. Won the LT roll and chose initiative - hoping to strip some orders, get into a better defensive position, and frankly have never looked at the white company roster... My opponent had a couple of guilang minelayers, a nokken, karhu, varangian duo'd with a haidao, a danavas hacker, fusilier fireteam with orc, and a nisse HMG. He was able to use his Danavas' picture to isolate Neko, but between the isolated order and Tac Awareness, Neko was able to stand up and chainrifle the picture, second order reset. A turn three push to kill his Danavas and/or lieutenant failed when the LT survived 3 combi hits in the open, leaving the varangian to end the game in base contact with my antenna for an 8/1 loss N4 notes: - The "lean out" skill would have been invaluable - Karakuri / Yurko haris is a brutal attack piece. It's all but impossible to lose a karkuri to a single round of ARO shooting and Yuriko can just pick them back up! - the new cover rules are bonkers - everything has cover all the time! camo on a rooftop is very hard to discover Game Three: Firefight vs Dashat List one again, lost the roll and ended up with deployment. Opponent deployed McMurder on a flank in front of a plain ghulam who was prone on a 3rd floor balcony and a doctor. Right flank was a Zuyong link containing a missile, a rui shi, two bounty hunters and what I would learn was Sforza. A few other assorted pieces and his reserve was maggy. I had counter-deployed his link with a Ryuken and her mine engaging the two CSU's and the Rui Shi in suppression fire looking at the leader - his missile launcher (less than 24" away!). Maggie killed everything she looked at, and after spending a few orders to clear the mine, he moved his link forwards. I advanced Shinobu towards his obvious LT, trading the ninja KHD to clear his rui shi that had an angle. The game was called here, but with a dead LT, and a dead Doctor only an order away which would have ended up resulting in a 3/3 tie, as I had more LT's and Specialists and my opponent had the lead on Army kills at the end of the first and only turn. N4 notes: - Profile tweaks. The new maggie is a beast; I really don't know how I'd handle her without smoke or hacking. Climbing plus on Shinobu is fantastic, mimetism on Yuriko! - Impetuous changes. not sure if I'm a fan of the new path requirements. It is much easier to control at deployment if you choose to use it - The suppression fire command token is really powerful. I honestly think this should be restricted to models in your deployment zone. Things like the Ryuken9, Kiiutan impersonators (with symbiomates!), etc can completely blunt a telegraphed attack vector