Looking at the various sculpts for Aïda and Victor, I think the tournament packs and Defiance have the same lower body poses with different upper body arrangements, whereas the general release sculpts appear to be 100% new poses.
Aida has been gaining weight in the face with the versions, it was a miniature that I had pending for collecting ... and I just bought the ITS version. Regarding the rest of the news, I don't know if 2-3 versions of Kodali or the rest of the characters were needed when there are so many profiles waiting for miniature ... sukeul hmg .. cof cof
There we go, Covert Action Uxia and old Ko Dali have gone last chance to buy, not surprising. Looks like the Aquila Guard HMG is going in February which suggests booster inclusion.
As I feared, Yu Jing and PanO boosters are indeed just repackaged stuff from older kits. Ko Dali Multi Rifle is very much appreciated, though.
I think Uxia and Hippolyta look fantastic. Uxia in particular looks way better than her Defiance counterpart. I also like this Hippolyta more than the Wildfire one. Something looks off about Cho. I think it's her shoulders look too broad, or her head is too small. I think her Defiance release will look better. And then the 3rd Crusher... I loooove the overall Crusher unit design, I think they are one of My favorites in the game. But I have not much cared for either of the female poses for them, and though I love the unit design. I think the male armor looks much better. They super dropped the ball on Cuervo Goldstein's high motion drop troop pose, but nailed it perfect on the Shotgun Crusher. (Like this really should have be Mr Goldstiens pose) The Multirifle one was ok. They got her sprinting and planting a D-charge. Being the most actively shooty of the options I think I would have liked something more in that vein. I think that the MR pose would have worked better on the SMG one. But now we got the 3rd one and it pretty much looks like very slightly altered pose with different arms, like they frequently do in their 4 model unit kits. It just feels kinda uninspired and lazy. I don't think I would have minded so much if we had gotten all 4 loadouts in one box. I'm kinda sad we won't likely see another Crusher release after this. Naga and Aida also look great and I will pick up and find uses for both. Aida will likely become another Strelok, like the other one I have of her.