Well, it won't reduce his chance to crit (which is my main gripe with Fat2, it's so inert to almost all means of in-game interactions), only chance to deal damage with that attack, via "crit clashing".
this is a whole lot of not liking something on paper. the theoretical capability is nice and all but in practice all it did was give this overpriced guy some way of fighting back against other guys his size and cost. so 34% of the time tarik is almost as good ajax or achilles. the other 66% of the time he's a hard to hide kawarij. I'll happily trade FAT2 for bts 6, arm4, and mimitism. how about it? can we get some survivibility on our boy?
I don't like FAT2 too, but Tarik was at a hard place... he was expensive for that he bringed, now he hits like a truck going downhill but a don't think that FAT2 was the fix that he needed, he still need some minor luck for it, like @jackfrost said,
I do think that suggested skill allowing them to keep cover (when applicable) while jumping can do something to their survivability and/or save some orders.
as @Mahtamori said the "increased crit" mechanic is something that is indeed very realistic. For snipers / very low B weapons. And i'd like to see Markmanship LX and Fatality L2 fused in the same skill, and that skill given to snipers. that way, you trade Burst, to have +6 to hit and +1 chance of crit seems very realistic and definitely not OP as the current rule
I think that Fatality L1 is cool and Fatality L2 is kind of annoying, although I'm perfectly happy to use it against Tohaa because of those Symbiothingies. It's not a crime if you shoot a weird alien wearing it's friend as a suit anyway. Personally I'd like it if Khawarijs were a bit better outside that profile mind, just like with Zhayedan (why couldn't they all get MML2? It's not like they'd be any worse than Spetz who even have mimetism/camo, just limit them to Haris at best in the future Sectoral). I'd personally like them to have lost Poison and gained Martial Arts 1 or 2, just because I think it would make them a bit more effective in the ol' CC role. I think at range they're pretty solid, BS 13 LI with super jump is quite nails IMO.
Stealth would synergise well with Superjump. Move into the back arc of an enemy who cannot use Change Facing, and Jump/Shoot it.
I have yet to see FAT2 really be an issue. I have used Tarik and the Spitfire Khawariji off and on since their rules updates and its honestly only been a handful of times it actually impacted anything. I would MUCH rather have Full Auto. Full Auto has built in benefits that are always effective. FAT2 has increased damage (which rarely matters, people either huge pass or huge fail) but the -3 to be shot at and the increased burst on Full Auto is delicious.
I had some free time at work so I did some number crunching. Here are all the odds around Tarik. After looking at this I don't think Tarik should be in a 5 man link.
I am almost certain Tarik will get a Haris with the Kawarji. I highly doubt he will get a Core link option. I think we will see Zhayaden, Kawarji Haris's, and Ghulam, Halqa Core.
I think Halqa are Khanate. Khawarij core would be nice. Mixed Naffatun and Ghulam core would be great. Bostria said somthing about RTF getting privileges with links didn't he?
Thanks for crunching the numbers, @Cannon Fodder. You're probably right that Tarik shouldn't be in a link, because a 41% chance to crit is just silly. But this problem will also apply to the Khawarij Spitfire, which is definitely getting a link in Ramah. The Khawarij link and super soldier focus has been described as the focus of the sectorial for years and it would be a real shame to lose that focus. In my experience, Tarik and the Khawarij are still extremely fragile however - - especially on the reactive turn. I wonder if that is enough to mitigate the link team. They might hit harder than Myrmidons, for instance, but they also die faster. @PreacherSaul He did and I badly want some sort of a Naffatun link team. With Ghulam would be great, or maybe with HRL Al-Fasid for maximum carnage.
Which could already be the case somewhat since RTF aren't getting Djanbazan. It is definitely left with Khwarijis though. @Cannon Fodder , may I ask how are you getting those 100% on some of the entries? Is this due to rounding, or am I missing something?
Very probably due to rounding. Spitfire Burst 5 at dmg 15 and BS of effectively 19... you need to roll 5 twenties in the same roll in order to not get a single hit, which is an incredibly small chance, but can still happen.
.00003125% rounds down to 0% in excel. I think that is low enough to be considered an statistical impossibility.
Consider what you want, it's quite simple to apply the Stadistical Law Zero: roll enough times, all combinations will show up... Or look at the lottery, that chance of rolling a 20 in 5d20 is actually higher than winning the lottery, but there usually is a winner anyway... XD But yeah, a Haqquislam player can use Tarik in about 120 games per year and never see those five twenties in ten years. However, please do consider that Infinity's "blackjack" system means you can succeed in your roll yet the ARO piece could roll higher (or the same number) and Tarik's roll would fail to be effective. I mean, that tables would be "normal rolls" without considering Face to Face.