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[EN][ES] DEC'17 Painting group / Grupo de pintura

Discussion in 'Miniatures' started by Engorn, Nov 29, 2017.

  1. Engorn

    Engorn Mariscal de Campo del Tridente Tohaa

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Welcome to the first support painting groups of the new Corvus Belli's forums!

    And with the new forums changes arrive. As you may have notice, this part of the forums is bilingual, where the International and Spanish users coexist. Koin-Koin (the person in charge of the international painting groups) and I (his counterpart of the Spanish painting groups), agreed to merge both groups in a single bilingual painting group (at least give it a try). So, for now on, the group is going to be both in English and Spanish. As I can speak both languages, is gonna be me who manages them.

    I know that language can be a barrier, but let's just try it if it works. Some people from the International forums are willing to improve their Spanish skills, and vice versa. If you want to advise someone but he or she doesn't speak the same language as you, don't be afraid. Maybe someone will translate your message or the interested himself would do the effort to understand the other language (or at least someone that understand your language can take advantage of your advise ^^U).

    We want this to be a place for sharing knowledge about painting and a tool to encourage and motivate people to paint. It's not a competition and it's OK if you don't fulfill your pledge (but try to do it). You'll always be admitted to re-pledge a miniature.

    About the monthly raffles... We are working on it. We don't have anything right now, but we are establishing contacts to see what we can get. So, at least this month, there is no raffle.

    Please, read the rules as there are little nuances with the old rules, just to control better the functioning of the group.


    1) Post a picture of an unpainted/primer you pledge to paint stating what it is and quote me (@Engorn) so I can make a note of it.
    2) Paint it within the month, post your proof (PICS or it DID NOT happen) and quote me (@Engorn) so I can make a note of it.
    3) Rinse and repeat as much as you like.
    4) You can re-pledge a miniature next month if you didn't finish it.
    5) Enjoy and learn!


    ¡Bienvenidos al primer grupo de pintura de los nuevos foros de Corvus Belli!

    Y con los nuevos foros llegan los cambios. Supongo que os habréis dado cuenta de que este sección del foro es bilingue, donde conviven la comunidad en castellano y la internacional. Por eso Koin-Koin (mi homologo, en esto de los grupos de pintura, del foro internacional) y yo hemos acordado unificar ambos grupos en un único grupo bilingüe de pintura (al menos para probar el primer mes). Así que a partir de ahora, éstos serán tanto en castellano como en inglés. Dado que yo me puedo manejar en ambos idiomas, voy a ser yo quien se encargue del grupo.

    Sé que el idioma puede ser una barrera, así que de momento vamos a hacer el experimento a ver si funciona. Algunos del internacional tienen ganas de mejorar su castellano, y fijo que a alguno de vosotros no os importará mejorar el inglés. Si queréis dar consejo a alguien que no habla vuestro mismo idioma, no os preocupéis. Tal vez a alguien le apetezca hacer la traducción por practicar, o el aludido sea alguien que quiere practicar el castellano (y si no, siempre habla algún hispano parlante al que le vengan bien vuestros consejos).

    Queremos que este sea un sitio para intercambiar conocimientos de pintura y una herramienta para motivar a la gente para pintar. No es ninguna competición y no hay problema si no consigues completar el objetivo que te hayas marcado (pero al menos inténtalo). Siempre puedes volver a apuntarte con la misma miniatura que no conseguiste terminar.

    Hasta hace un tiempo, el grupo internacional tenía cosas para rifar cada mes en base a lo que había pintado cada uno. Estamos intentando recuperarlo, pero de momento estamos trabajando en ello y no tenemos nada que ofrecer. Así que este mes, al menos, no habrá rifa.

    Las normas son las mismas que las que teníamos en el foro en castellano, aunque expandidas... Leedlas por si acaso, que nunca está de más.


    1) Postea una foto de la miniatura en metal o imprimada que te comprometas a pintar, di qué es y cítame (@Engorn) para que la tome en cuenta.
    2) Pintala dentro del mes, postea unas fotos del resultado y cítame (@Engorn) para tomar cuenta las fotos y crear la galería en el post principal.
    3) Pinta todo lo que quieras.
    4) Puedes repetir una miniatura si no la has terminado.
    5) Divierte y aprende!

    • Kabramala: Swiss Guard
    • Engorn: Trasimedes / Neema Saatar
    • Stormygeddon: Su-Jian / Dao Fei HMG / Ragik BSG / Hassassin Fiday / CSU / Hellcat / Hac Tao
    • Paloji: 2 Taskmaster / 2 CrazyKoala / TinBot A
    • Red Harvest: Guilan / Daofei / Zhanying
    • Usariadno: Grunt
    • MikeS1173: 2 Ragik / Yuan Yuan / Pathfinder / TR-bot / Al Hawwa / Hafza / Nisse
    • Joscadesigns: Maximus
    • Jandrus: Uxia / Cameronian
    • AidanO: Umbra legates
    #1 Engorn, Nov 29, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2018
    taylor, Silagast, krossaks and 6 others like this.
  2. kabramala

    kabramala Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2017
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    Este mes voy a pintar un "Chiste malo", o no, quizas solo sea un Guardia Suizo.

    This month I will paint a Swiss Swatch watch, or not, may be is only a Swiss Guard.


    #2 kabramala, Nov 29, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2017
    Engorn likes this.
  3. mig1

    mig1 Active Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Great idea
  4. Engorn

    Engorn Mariscal de Campo del Tridente Tohaa

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Yo voy a empezar este mes con el sargento Trasimedes. Espero tenerlo terminado para cuando llegue Neema, aunque si ésta llega un poco tarde lo mismo no me da tiempo a terminarla en diciembre.
    I'm gonna start this month with Trasimedes. I hope it is finished when Neema arrives, but if she arrives in late December maybe I'n not going to be able to finish it during the month.

  5. Stormygeddon

    Stormygeddon Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    As it stands, most of the last month has been dedicated to what I call "The Great Repair and Varnishing Project of 2017" where I've been fixing all the scratches my models have acquired through gaming and foam transportation and varnishing to further prevent the aforementioned. Still in the process of that. Unfortunately, that's a decent amount of work and none of it as glorious as painting new models, as the models just look the same as how I first painted them (with maybe some subtle highlights/layering being harder to see).

    Anyways, my pledge for December is the following:

    That is to say, the Su-Jian, Dao Fei HMG, Ragik BSG, Hassassin Fiday, CSU, Hellcat, and a Hac Tao. The Nomads and CSU are my friend's models.
  6. FatherKnight

    FatherKnight Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I only come to say that I will join this group in january. In december is impossible ):

    Sólo vengo a decir que me uniré a este grupo en enero. En diciembre es imposible ):
  7. paloji

    paloji Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2017
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    Este mes voy a intentar pintarme dos taskmaster, dos koalas y un tinbot...a ver si da tiempo a todo! :P
    This month I´m trying to paint two taksmasters, two koalas and one tinbot...lets see if there is time for everything!! :P


    Golem2God, Lomas and Engorn like this.
  8. taylor

    taylor Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2017
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    I have a huge variety of miniatures in my painting queue for December - but come January, I will sort out a good deal of infinity miniatures I have to put to the brush!
    Tengo una gran variedad de miniaturas en mi cola de pintura para diciembre, pero a partir de enero, ordenaré una gran cantidad de miniaturas de infinito que tengo que poner en el cepillo.

    Please excuse my Spanish- I'm using a translation program - but I'll try my best.
    Lomas likes this.
  9. Red Harvest

    Red Harvest Day in, Day out. Day in, Day out. Day in, DAY OUT

    Nov 23, 2017
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    ¡Che, Taylor! For such programs be as precise in your diction as possible. For example, you used brush, a generic term. If you had used paintbrush, the translation would have used the word pincel. Cepillo, in every instance that I have seen or heard or used refers to a brush like a hair brush, or toothbrush or cleaning brush.

    Don't worry about translating anyways. Everybody understands English as long as you speaktype it slowly and loudly.

    ¡Mirad! Mis Yu Jinguitos. Juré que las pintase en Octubre, pero, evidentemente, fracasé. Juro de nuevo que las pinte este mismo mes de Diciembre.

    ¡A pintar, muchachos! Suerte a todos.
    kabramala, jherazob and taylor like this.
  10. taylor

    taylor Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2017
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    Hah hah. Fair enough. I do use a lot of idioms when I type... you never really notice until you have a lot of non-native speaker friends.
  11. Usariadno

    Usariadno New Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    En noviembre no pude presentarme, pero vuelvo a la carga este diciembre con otro Grunt. Seguramente acabe pintando algo más antes de fin de mes, pero de momento este es mi objetivo. Mi nivel de pintura no es nada elevado, así que no esperéis nada que no sea un tabletop cutrillo. ¡Suerte a todos!
    After skipping the challenge in november (in the spanish forum) I'm going back to the action in december with one of my Grunts. I'm probably going to paint something more before the end of the mont, but for now I'll focus on this little guy. I'm not good at painting, so don't expect nothing more tan a poor tabletop model. Good luck to all!


    Attached Files:

  12. kabramala

    kabramala Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2017
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    Curiosas peanas, ¿puedes hablarnos un poco sobre ellas?
    What a kind of bases! Where do you obtain it?

  13. taylor

    taylor Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2017
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    You can get them at secret weapon minis.


    Just search for 25mm hollow blank bases.
    Golem2God and xagroth like this.
  14. kabramala

    kabramala Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2017
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    ¿Y lo de dentro lo has moldeado tu o ya venia?
    And the inside part? Is homemade or what?
  15. taylor

    taylor Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2017
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    It looks to be. There are green stuff rollers you can get from greenstuffworld.com, or you can buy pre-printed hex plasticard from plastcraft.
    jherazob and xagroth like this.
  16. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    On my experience, the hex plasticard is horrible to paint, with the marks too shallow, at least for me. The rollers, however, are very useful (but you need to be carefull so whatever you use won't break, part glued to the roller, part to the base. I got the "modellers vaseline" and it worked).
  17. Mob of Blondes

    Mob of Blondes Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    IIRC he makes them from multiple layers of card and the center top is painted or glued.
    From his DataSphere thread:
    jherazob likes this.
  18. MikeS1173

    MikeS1173 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    December’s offering: (

    One Yaun Yaun from Ice Storm and two Ragiks from Beyond Red Veil.

    My conversion this month: I removed the boarding shot gun from one Ragik, replaced it with a rifle (from Faday). I also re-postioned the arm, extending it out, and harvested a hand from an unwanted Reaper Bones figure. The result: a Ragik Assault Hacker instead of a redundant boarding shotgun.

    I’m planning to paint them more or less similarly and shamelessly use them as Ragiks or Yaun Yaun depending on where I am playing vanilla or QK.

    2017-12-07 16.33.47.jpg Previously, I was just msuaer on the old forum, up am switching to my ITS account).

    Adding @Engorn as requested.
    Belgrim and Engorn like this.
  19. Red Harvest

    Red Harvest Day in, Day out. Day in, Day out. Day in, DAY OUT

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Son peanas caseras. De papel. Véase: http://infinitytheforums.com/forum...og-covering-up/?do=findComment&comment=456251 Ha habido cambios en la construccion desde entonces. Y mejoramientos. Por supuesto.
    jherazob likes this.
  20. joscadesigns

    joscadesigns Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2017
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    Voy justo de tiempo ultimamente y por eso dejé un poco de lado la pintura, pero ahora con la llegada de Aristeia he encontrado la motivacion suficiente, este mes quiero por lo menos terminar a MAXIMUS.

    CDF8BB8A-3AA4-4F9F-97ED-9CB7977FE1EE.jpeg B3A90B65-EE1D-4213-9E33-152B5C342A7B.jpeg 846A3311-BE97-47C5-9653-864EA14B7365.jpeg
    Munuera, kabramala and Engorn like this.
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