Haven't played with them yet, but why is OS stronger when choosing deployment? Being able to marksman2 something and go to town with a B5 HMG with 10 orders seems like it would be good at getting rid of all enemy AROs and setting up the sniper. Does taking turn 2 mean you have the sniper out already on ARO duty and limit your use of the HMG? (as the sniper is potentially in LOS of multiple enemy AROs)?
Counter deployment is a massive advantage I dont see spoken about enough. A B2 BS16 sniper in the right place, a total reaction remote and a MK2 sniper all counter deployed will give your opponent such a headache. In my experience the three tournament losses with OS I have had I have gone first. The army likes to suck up orders slow the enemy down and counter punch hard in my experience. They are by no means awful.going first but if someone turtles hard it can be difficult to get to their pieces.
Beside 10 orders is on the low side, competitive list can field 15+ orders. Envoyé de mon LG-H815 en utilisant Tapatalk
I've been trying to go first my last few matches mainly because I almost always choose deployment and really need the experience. Being able to set up long range cover of the avenues you plan on moving up is pretty solid and doesn't really require knowing where your opponent is going to be. I've had success with it by using the Dakini MSR(s) (I've been taking two lately for some reason) to cover two main lanes and keeping main my active hunter/objective gatherer in reserve. That allows me to then chose the path with the better options for going forward. If needed the Sniper can take out the ARO threats while the main unit pushes through or my infiltrators score early objectives leaving my opponent on the back foot score and board coverage wise.
@deltakilo Really great write up on OSSSS. Super helpful! I have been looking at a similar list but had been trying to work in the Deva spitfire for msv2. Do you think this list suffers at all for a lack of Msv? I guess the decent wip that aleph have coupled with sensor and sniffer REMs might mean it’s not completely necessary. I must admit I’d dismissed the use of shukra Lieutenant but will try giving it a go now. You mentioned that you’ve used a similar list to this in its events, but what sort of secondary list have you tended to pair it with? Similar but with a few units swapped around or something completely different?
My second list is almost identical. Usually Naga swapped for something else. Msv2... The only game I ever wish I had msv2 in was the game of looting and sabotage. Sensor is a more effective way of dealing with camo. Odd potentially is an issue. But linked dakini is still 5 dice on tens v that link. And with your mimetism even phoenix who is their best aro piece would be 2 on ten.
Having close range units roll up on you is one of the worst things that can happen to OS. Having an elite sniper to back up your other ARO pieces is absolutely excellent in giving you stable control of the board you can rely on consistently. In saying that both profiles are fantastic. If I could id take both every game.
At some point I was using both Hexa MSR and Order Sergeant TO MSR as a defensive tools against any strong rambos willing to raid my DZ.
Hey @deltakilo , any thoughts on an EVO probot instead of the Danavas? Would add synergy to going second with overclock (daleth + lamedhs at b2 flash pulse). Or would you miss out on too much utility without the danavas? Thanks for this thread!
The danavas is so so so valuable. I have considered the Evo but admit I havent tried it. You are giving up so much. White noise is critical, the pitchers on the danavas come up one in three games a d the danavas having g maestro means I dont even feel the need for a khd. Danavas is excellent only thing g I wish it had was higher BTS. But that's me being spoilt.
Hey @deltakilo I was curious if you’ve tried an Arjuna at all? I’ve been using primarily the list you had on the first page, but sprinkling one in with kiranbots. It feels...not bad? Shores up some of the TAG/HI difficulties. Still not 100% sold
Kinda my feelings on it. The Arjuna feels super vulnerable in the list but also has the potential to threaten anything. I have only had about 5 games with it and the feeling was that it was fine. In my opinion it feels slightly too expensive. Not bad just one of the more challenging units to use. I think mkmn rifle is the best option of the bunch.
Definitely squishy. I tried your Proxy mk5 tactics here too. Covering the advance/position with The solid AROs of the army is very helpful, to avoid a particularly disadvantageous trade. But I guess that’s more obvious general tactics then anything profound I’ve discovered. I like the shocksman rifle too for chearleader cleanup, but wonder if it makes him too expensive overall. He tends to die pretty convincingly to something nasty, but I feel good about it if my dakinis can clean it up afterwards. And getting to drop a few parting templates with his bots is usually good revenge as well. The marksmanship lvl2 trick on a bot makes it effective against any kind of link. Toss the supportware on a bot and sneak around a corner with it. It’s order intensive, but a shock + E/M template hitting an entire link is mean no matter what is in the link.
Arjuna to me are an answer to heavy stuff the rest of your list doesn't want to deal with. Double e Marat's and cybermines are great at messing with hi/tags.