The only case I could see the template being a strong option is if your opponent misdeploys and then has to spend a couple of orders moving things around to avoid the template. In almost every case the range bands and mimetism of the Dakini sniper would be a better option.
I love the options and ideas I’m seeing. Thanks! I played a game a couple of weeks ago in which I put my Dakini fireteam into my second combat group along with the Apsara and warcore. This was actually really liberating for me as I was able to set up aros and get my Dakini team killed throughout the game and it had no impact on my main order pool. Not to mention, the fireteam is such a draw and an important target for my opponent that they are likely to focus on the fireteam and put less effort into reducing my main order pool.
The missile launcher definitely benefits from misplays from your opponent but it does have some other minor uses over a sniper rifle. Where as against a Sniper rifle a Link team of HI can just push up aggressively and tank a free shot on random members as they go for example they are heavily penalized trying to pull the same nonsense against a Missile because of the way the blast will hit everyone. This may sound minor but even delaying an extra half order is premium value against lists that rely on order efficiency and high combat odd plays. Mimetism is also not always a factor and you save points on the ML. Missiles also can make for some useful active turn pressure if your opponent say has an unconcious model on a corner that you can use to clip a second guy that is out of LOS. I wont claim a Missile Bot is the holy grail of OSS AROs but the reduction in price it received have taken it from being a strange relatively useless choice to at least one of mild interest.
Don't forget Arjuna, those bots are utterly disposable and pack great zone control, especially if you can push em up a lane a bit early on. They'll drain orders either dealing with them or diverting around and they're good bait for impetuous models like warbands