What does happen with jammers and total immunity then, they are an attack that causes BTS saves, but are not currently classified as non-lethal?
http://wiki.infinitythegame.com/en/Flash_Special_Ammunition Yeah, this is one of those hanging bits leftover from old rules like Exotic saying it ignores Total (using the old name of the rule but still linking to the right wiki page for it). Please clean those up, @ijw, if you can. We need to minimize the confusion of the players who will come later.
No, Flash is now non lethal so total immunity ignores it, you don't even make a BTS roll. Because no roll is made, the Symbiomate is not expended.
Symbiomate is still expended when it's used, like when you use it to give you Total Immunity to ignore the Flash Pulse.
No, the Symbiomate gives you total immunity (And ARM/BTS9) from deployment until it is lost, you don't have to expend it to benefit from TI.
You are still conceptualizing it the way the old Symbiomate rules were. Imagine the Symbiomate as active all the time like Mimetism. From deployment until the moment after they resolve a hit by an attack they are ARM 9 BTS 9 with Total Immunity.
Please note that Non-Lethal is a weapon Trait. This is why it has been added to Flash Pulse. Flash Special Ammunition hasn't changed in any way. [start irritated mode] Asking me in three different places to change the same thing, while I'm in the middle of updating things, is not... helpful... ;-) [end irritated mode]