Multi Rifle FTO Aquila Guard is a big ol' nothingburger. Bolts needed to be 18 and 20, not 20 and 22 for CR+LSG.
CHA has Wallace who was the original Wildcard though. The only links he cannot join are Scots Guard Duos. But I guess Isobel Wildcard wouldn't go amiss.
New rules article
Strategic deployment is disappointing :( I'm curious about how Vulnerability will be amended or who will get it. I hope Dog warriors don't become unstoppable menaces to even the Loup Garou.
Now I wonder, does strategic deployment modify forward deployment level like it was with ITS bonus for MI?
Well, we might have, you never know. Besides, teasing Vulnerability without specifying how it works might not have gone to well, considering the way we react to things here on the forums.
Ahh you are killing me! Yeah, moods are volatile here, but we also saw Dazers and whatnot in the profiles and the forums are still relatively calm
“Relatively calm” being the operative phrase... and recognizing that at this point I’m just being silly/pedantic, seeing a shiny new type of weapon/equipment tends to set off the good fanatic peat, while a scary skill called “Vulnerability” would set off the bad fanatic peat...
I disagree about ISS not needing something. They at least need a reason to take Bao. I never use them now and hardly ever see anyone else take them. Not when you can take a much cheaper Rui Shi spitfire and can add Marksmanship to it as well.
Also with skills like impersonation and cybermask being more common Bao gain more of a role in the meta