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Daebak Force

Discussion in 'Yu Jing' started by Chaserabinov, Jun 26, 2023.

  1. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The majority of incoming wounds come in one at a time, taking catastrophic is rare and as Colbrook points out it's not going to come up most of the time. It's certainly not, as you were freaking out, "ignoring any two hits." The model is lightly armoured and easy enough to take out by the majority of weapons used in the game.

    So it's.... *checks notes*.... better like I said?

    You're sending a unit into the midfield which is rife with repeaters and skirmishers which is a place packing a Heavy Flamethrower and tinbots is extremely useful. A Jujak tinbot is an excellent link builder and unlike some of the other faction reinforcements Yu Jing continued with an excellent roster of wildcards to back them up with.

    Or you could just run the Hwarang fireteam and wildcard the other Jujak, So-Ra, in there who comes with a Tinbot -6 as well.

    Yu Jing can actually squeeze a full core into their reinforcements with multiple HI if they wanted to, but I think Haris teams overall are going to become the most common reinforcement choice and Jujaks are a strong option for that.
    #161 Triumph, Jul 20, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2023
  2. Leviuss

    Leviuss Member

    Sep 27, 2020
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    Obviously, models like HWARANG and Dawon will never in their life in an active move meet shotguns, HMGs, SMGs, Spitfires, Multirifles (which can easily inflict 2 wounds) without the possibility of a decent response
    The task of such models is to knock down the door at close range and finish the enemy at a short distance, risking damage from a linked fighter with 2 templates or 2 shots. (or a simple flamethrower)
    And after such an attack, HWARANG easily falls unconscious (and there are no doctors or paramedics in the link team) and becomes useless, while DAWON can calmly survive any hit from any ammunition or template. And even if it becomes Dogged, then such a wild card as Sophotect can easily fix it for 15 wip

    5.1 percent means that in the majority of situations it is not better, but the same
    In addition, the chain rifle has a large template, unlike a shotgun.
    So it's definitely not "better" as you said. I will say they are the same.
    In addition, Dawon still has Flammenspeer, which makes him a threat on ARO, and Hwarang only gets this at a cost of already 23 points.

    Speaking of wildcards, Sophotect does an excellent job of fixing any hacked model, for extra orders of course.
    Again, it is obvious that no one will bring Dawon into the repeater zone in an active turn, and in a reactive turn, hacking this cheap model for 19 points will already be -3 for hacking, which additionally takes the opponent's orders for the hacking process itself.
    While Sora Kwon does not give anything useful except for a tinbot, and besides, it costs more than a regular Jujak.
    Those. HWARANG is harder to hack, but requires a lot more points for its defense against hacking (22 + Sora's cost), and Dawon for just 19 points already has hack resistance, better survivability in active moves from dangerous weapons, and can stay alive after taking 1-2 wounds thanks to the engineer.
  3. Leviuss

    Leviuss Member

    Sep 27, 2020
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    And, of course, do not forget that Dawon fights much better in close combat. And EVO hacker can give him Firewall -3
    And if this model is available in the Vanilla army, then we can see the first model in the game with 34 CC
  4. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    No, Dogged troopers cannot be healed
    A Mão Esquerda likes this.
  5. Benkei

    Benkei Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    I really do not understand the logic of the Hwarang being unconscious while the ARM1 tincan that enters Dogged at the first wound keeps going. SPECIALLY in the midfield where multiple wounds ammo is not gonna be common (basically the rare FT and that's it) but chain rifles and nanometers are a dime a dozen. It's easier for the Hwarang to survive a template and also its easier for them to win the f2f if there is one.

    Also, 2W vs Dogged

    And if we are discussing fireteams... yeah... Bixie
    #165 Benkei, Jul 20, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2023
  6. Leviuss

    Leviuss Member

    Sep 27, 2020
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    Comrades, thank you for your attention.
    I'm going to bed now, but I'll try to get back to you tomorrow!
  7. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    That's a 1/4 chance of taking 2W from the most common B2 DTWs which is Damage13, it's actually the exact same odds as taking no wounds in that scenario. Majority of the time you're taking 1 or no wounds.

    Again, buddy, that's not how the rules work. You can't heal Dogged units.

    I'm sensing a pattern of bad at maths here.

    If you are leaving your BS11 fireteam unit out on long range ARO duties you are making some mistakes in life.

    She comes with mines, better BS and higher damage weaponry, she's a solid alternative to regular Jujaks.

    No it doesn't. They're both CC22 and the Hwarang gets MA3 instead of MA2. EM vs EXP has better and worse applications against different targets.
  8. ldgif

    ldgif Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2018
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    I think this is a very unique comparison for sure...


    I think Daebak got some interesting units even if "mid" on powerlevel scale. I think a lot of the Reinforcements will be at that same "mid" level.

    Dokkabei and Haetae are definitely going to be the interesting units to look forwards to (especially given dokkabei gets a pitcher?!?!?!?).

    Hwarang may not be the best in class of that style of HI, but it was a style we were missing so that is cool.

    I am really curious if Sulsa will gain any marker state/deployment options out of reinforcements now we know that reinforcement profiles lack either thanks to the Tohaa video. (I do also wonder if the 0swc hacker profile is intentional or not, just something of an interest to note).

    I think my biggest regret is the Sulyong BSG not being in the box, I wanted by B4 BSG!!!
    Brokenwolf likes this.
  9. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    I was able to catch some text of the Hatae on a review of the book by Gorilla Games. It sounds like it's a S5 HI.

    #169 Space Ranger, Jul 22, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2023
    burlesford and Chaserabinov like this.
  10. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Has anyone tried making 100pt reinforcement teams with proxies? I’ve tried using only the things shown but can only get up to 4. I’m guessing that prices might come down for some of the troops that already exist and a part of the team. Though some that have been showing in other factions did not or they only went down because they no longer had something like Infiltration or camo. I can get up to 5 if I use 2 Weibing and the cheapest Hwarang.

    I’ve got to say that so far I’m a bit disappointed. But this can change with the non-reinforcement versions :grinning:! The things that I’m disappointed in are the prices of most of our troops, no new specialists, no new TAG as far as we know, and nothing that just wow’s me.

    For price I’m hoping the Dokkaebi are fairly-cheap so we can fill in the force a bit better. But even if they are under 20pts. It’s not going to help much. The other factions also have troops in the 20+ range but they also have troops in the 10-15pts.

    By no new specialists I mean that, so far, we got the usual Hackers and FO when we need more ENG and Doctors IMO. One paramedic i guess is good but he's also not the best of the specialist of the troop.

    I guess I shouldn’t say nothing WOW’s me. The Sulsa is kinda cool. I just wish he had better weapons. It’s like they always try to make sure YJ gets nothing too good. Mim-6 and an SMG or BSG are meh to me. By the time you are in range to use either of those weapons, the opponent is probably in their +3 range as well. And lately they've been hading out MSV1 and NBW like it's candy. Thankfully they have the +3 dodge vs. template weapons. Then they are also pretty expensive. Especially in comparison to the similar troops of the other factions.

    The Sulyong is kinda meh to me. In comparison the Nomad Rounders who also have NCO, MSV1, and but also get BioV and Marksmanship with the same BS. Also Red Fury, and a super hacker. All for a cheaper price and less SWC! Is it really just because of ARM3 and 1 pt better PH? I’ve had many ARM3 guys go down to a combi as easily as ARM1 and with SMG's all over the place it means even less. Why does the Sulyong pay 1.5 SWC for a Red Fury but the Rounder only 1? And they have Marksmanship!!! WTF?


  11. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The Rounder is paying 4 points for Marksmanship and the Bio Visor.

    This puts an 8pt gap between the Sulyong and the Rounder, so we can make a pretty accurate call that it's supposedly paying 8pts for a mix of:

    • +2 ARM
    • Upgrading Terrain from 0 G to Total
    • +1 PH
    I agree it seems extremely suspect but hey, fucking Nomads at it again with free points discounts amiright?
    Space Ranger likes this.
  12. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    I’m also irritated by the Marspiders. Super cheap specialist again, with the ability to get anywhere fast. All of them with Assault Pistols. Not that it matters much but why do they all get Gizmokit? I guess to fix the fucking Vostok or Tsyclon they bring with them. Actually, I’d bring Lunkhold HSG with koalas. Sure, they only have short- and long-range weapons but that’s what the Rounder or Kulak is for.

    Speaking of guns, the heaviest gun we got was a Red Fury. The Jujak have a spitfire but it’s costly, also the Rui Shi spitfire. The Dokkaebi “may” have a MK12 but we all know how they take things away at the last moment. Then the Son-Bae. Why? I hope they give it another weapon because that’s the worst possible Remote they could have put in. So here’s to hoping the Dokkabi and Haetae get something interesting!
  13. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    They can't alpha strike your alpha strikers if they're not on the table.

    Hatae hasn't been revealed, and you're forgetting the Hwarang have a Damage 15 combi which is basically a Mk12 with a rangeband shift.
    #173 Triumph, Jul 24, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2023
  14. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    True but its it worth it if it comes in on the third turn?

    Of course I did say I have hope for the Haetae.
    Yes I did forget! It's great but also a little pricy for that 100pts. But 0SWC!

    It’s actually not that easy to get up to the 2SWC because, usually, SWC items are also more points as well.
  15. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    If you take basically no casualties for 2 turns that's probably a pretty good sign you didn't need them.
    RolandTHTG, anubis, ldgif and 2 others like this.
  16. archon

    archon Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    I have to agree here. The Sulsa are the coolest thing from the three units we have profiles and they are not cheap. You are right, if they get in good range for their weapons the opponent kinda cancels 3 from the -6 already (except you engange MMR, HMG etc). Shooting on 0 will result in less hits. At least they are pro dodgers and this way they are also a thread in CC.

    So their -6 is mainly for getting closer to max out their BS11 and eventualy get in into CC.

    Given that we got the Hacker we have a chance that we can use it as FO as well (yes I dont like to prox), because this is the best profile: Specialst, FP ARO, Mines, D-Charges, can do mission, CO and killing.

    The Domaru ligth - the Hwarang are a bit boring. Full HI, low BS, no impressive weapons. Combi with DAM 15 also cost nearly 30 pts. Again this guys are equipped for CC and have to relay on 2W and PH13 to get there.
    No thrills. No Berserk, No B+X LSG. They feel still to expensive.

    The minis in the box are LSG (+Panzerfaust) and high dam combi. 50 pts. already.

    Sulyongs are nice and necessary if you want to use your Lt. Orders. MSV 1 is good even if we lack the combination with MMS like our friendly nighbourhood Nomads :-( Again we pay in the 30ties). The only ones so far that bring a 24" weapon.

    In the box we get MMR and SMG Paramedic which is okay but the BSG profile is more tempting though.

    A team of four would be:

    Hwarang LSG + Combi
    Sulsa Hacker / FO
    Sulyong Para

    5-6 orders

    And you want a robot with pitchers also ;-) I also hope they will be not too expensive. Dakini priceband instead of Hollowmen. We will see.

    For the big guy I guess we will get S5 HI #3 hopfully on Krisza level. Or again a CC type with CQB weaponary.

    We lack cheap RF troops like the Korsars from Haqq or the CoCs from O-12.

    Maybe I go with Jujak SF paired with two Waibing and Sulyong paramedic which will be 7-8 orders.
    Space Ranger likes this.
  17. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    I think waiting for August 3rd to really understand reinforcements is important, so far people have seen only a part of the picture.
    Chaserabinov and A Mão Esquerda like this.
  18. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    I agree mostly. However, the part we've seen is only ok. That's what I'm talking about. What we see so far. The rest is going to need to be very good to impress me.
  19. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    I would say the reinforcements gameplay is quite the shift in gameplay so perception of profiles will inevitably change.
    anubis and A Mão Esquerda like this.
  20. anubis

    anubis sarcastic exaggerator

    Oct 25, 2020
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    The more interesting part imho is: will reinforcement be "playable" (and therefor: impactful) enough to become a regular alternative to the classic gamemode or will it disappear quietly into the night like so many other expansions (not just in infinity, but a lot of other systems). Because with reinforcement becoming just "the other" gamemode, there will be no shift in any meta.
    That´s what I am most expectant in. And that´s also how much effort I will spend to dig myself into this ruleset and why I am not that hyped about atm. Without a complete ruleset especially.
    Barsik likes this.
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