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Custom Token Sheet Creator - Updated for N5

Discussion in 'News' started by toadchild, Dec 5, 2017.

  1. Amusedbymuse

    Amusedbymuse Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2019
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    I have a small favor to ask. Could you please include alternative designs for orders and command tokens? All other tokens/markers have grey border and some sort of inner border with different colours, while orders and CTs are all the same colour and it just looks weird together. Even implementing N4 designs from the pdf but with the size, amount and combat group number choices would be amazing.
    Stiopa and Daniel Darko like this.
  2. Captain Spud

    Captain Spud Maker of Things

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Probably not in the near future. The files are fairly painful to edit, and I'm a bit checked-out on the game until I can actually play it properly again, which likely won't be for a while.

    (And with that, let's give Toad his thread back... :P )
    jherazob, Lawson and toadchild like this.
  3. Lawson

    Lawson Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2020
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    Generally speaking I don't have plans to do so in the short term. I did experiment with many different designs for order tokens before deciding on the current look, and while it's different than the other tokens, order tokens are also a completely different type of token than all others and are intended to be visually distinct on the table.

    I did actually consider making more variants of tokens, specifically the order tokens, but the issue came down to having something like 200+ token designs (including numbered markers) and finding that each update and modification based on user feedback was going to become exponentially more complicated. Furthermore I've considered that if I caved to the pressure to make modifications and alts it would set a precedent and lead into more people wanting their own changes and eventually I'd have to draw the line somewhere... in the end you can't please everyone so you gotta please yourself, hence the token designs I myself would prefer to play with (and spent an embarrassingly long time putting together).

    Once I recover from the experience and get some more actual playing in with the tokens I've made I'll consider putting together alts.
    Errhile, Gennosuke and Koin-Koin like this.
  4. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    That's my guess, too.

    However, the ITS rules themselves make use of Localized Decompression Zones only (Round Template-sized areas of Zero-G Terrain Saturation Zones). 4 of them are used in any scenario that uses them (7 do), which might pose a problem to a tournament organizer.

    Being able to print out dedicated Decompression Zone Round Templates (especially with reminder rules on them, @Lawson - style) would be a definite advantage IMO, allowing a tournament organizer to get that sorted out quickly.(and with a dedicated graphic, avoid mistaking them for Smoke, Blast and what-not Templates that have a momentary or short-lived stay on the table).

    The other thing I believe would be helpful is HVT / Civilian tokens. While ITS mandates every player to provide their own HVT model, there are scenarios that require 3 and even 4 of these per player, just for that specific mission. I guess not every Infinity player owns 4 HVT models, and it would be reasonable for them to expect the tournament organizer to provide the extras here. I believe a basic 25mm token with a visible front arc (like @Lawson did for Holoecho markers) would do fine here.
    ...sure, a full S2 stand-in would be better, but hey, let's be realistic. An S2 silhouette marker can be used when determining Silhouette vsibility would be an issue.
    Willen likes this.
  5. toadchild

    toadchild Premeasure

    Feb 22, 2017
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    If I forgot to post already, peripherals are now live; everything should be all caught up for the primary N4 tokens. I'll handle the ITS tokens when I have time, although I may focus on the dice calc next.
    Willen, Del S, chromedog and 2 others like this.
  6. bobfletch

    bobfletch Member

    Mar 1, 2018
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    Has there been an updated version of Metachemistry or Booty tokens created yet? Or an alternate set to the black and white ones we’ve had in the past (something that mimics the design of the N4 tokens)?
  7. toadchild

    toadchild Premeasure

    Feb 22, 2017
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    No, there are not currently any N4 metachemistry / booty tokens for the token generator.
  8. Lawson

    Lawson Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2020
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    Okay I'm circling around to looking at the ITS stuff. @Errhile I agree that there really is a need for HVT/Civilian tokens, because who's going to be able to provide 8 minis for the "Rescue" mission? There are a couple oddities in the book that I'd like to get clarified.

    The S12 breakdown uses the term hostile somewhat loosely. The common usage of the term makes sense for HVTs defined as a Designated Target. However, it also uses (capital H) Hostile to describe a state(?) that civilians can enter which makes them harder to synchronize with.

    So to confirm…

    HVT and Civilian are essentially interchangeable terminology (e.g. there’s no such thing as a non-HVT Civilian or a non-Civilian HVT). The mission “Rescue” refers to Civilians and never calls them HVTs, but I don’t see any distinction in terms of how the rules treats them. The reason I ask is because if we're going to make some markers to represent civilian models, I’m trying to determine if they can all just say “Civilian” or if we would want separate HVT markers.

    Civilians can enter a “Hostile” state upon a failed Synchronize Civilian Order. This state gives them a “Hostile” state token, which removes the +3 WIP mod to attempt a subsequent Synchronize. Presumably if you later succeed and enter the Civevac state with that Civilian, they lose their Hostile state(?)

    In other areas, the rules refer to Designated Target civilians as being (lower-case h) hostile, which simply means that they are treated as enemy figures for game purposes.

    In terms of the nomenclature, then, we have the following:

    Civilian/HVT - a marker which represents an actual figure on the table, likely 'purple' in color to match the other objectives
    Designated Target - could either act as a marker on its own (to replace the Civilian marker once revealed) or be placed next to a model to denote it as the Designated Target.
    Hostile - a state token that is either placed next to a Civilian marker or model
  9. Lawson

    Lawson Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2020
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    @Errhile I also agree with you on the decompression zone templates.
    To my knowledge, the S12 book doesn't have any other types of terrain(?) so I'm not sure how valuable it actually is for me personally to create all those different terrain zone markers. I'm even not sure if it's common to play with different terrains but the solution of cutting out these little markers seems clunky, especially since, as you say, there needs to be some sort of template for them to sit on anyway. Might as well label the template.

    Any other terrain specific to Season 12 that will need templates?
  10. toadchild

    toadchild Premeasure

    Feb 22, 2017
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    HVTs are civilians, but not all civilians are HVTs. Various classified objectives reference the HVT, and those would not allow you to execute them against the other civilians in Rescue. In fact, Rescue doesn’t tell you to not deploy an HVT, so each player would have 1 HVT and 4 mission objective civilians.
    Abrilete likes this.
  11. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Making all those different zone markers as templates would be a waste of your time and effort. Especially given those terrain zones do not have to be round template-shaped.

    If someone feels the need to have the markers for terrain zones, they can just as well print and cut out those provided in the S12 book. They have straight borders, so cutting them out with a knife & ruler (or just scissors) is going to be pretty easy anyway. Also, their shape will identify them as what they are: terrain markers, not game elements.

    Only the Local decompression - being well-defined as a Round Template, and quite common in S12 missions - warrants a design.

    As far as I know, no.
    #191 Errhile, Dec 23, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2020
  12. Lawson

    Lawson Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2020
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    Another thing I noticed is that there are other objectives in the missions that aren't included on the token sheet, such as "Tech Coffin", "Panoplies", "Servers", and etc. Although objectives are generally only defined by their size and there's rarely a need to differentiate between types in a single mission, I think it might be fun to do some unique art and give some more thematic options for people who won't use miniatures to simulate these.

    Also here's what I'm looking at currently as far as Civilian and HVT design. Like with the other objectives I've designed, I put letters directly on the faces of these tokens (note that in my previous tokens I've reserved the 'numbers in a circle' designation for Marker States wherein the numbering corresponds to hidden private information about trop type, etc. and not discreet consistent identification of a token - this remains consistent with this design). This makes it particularly easy with the HVTs to simply have an A and B (with more letters obviously for the missions that require it) to correspond with player A's and B's ownership.

    I've also created a special 'hostile' side for the Civilian token, so that it can simply flip over to denote hostile state rather than needing the additional Hostile token next to a token for those who would be playing with these instead of miniatures.

    53_CIVILIAN 3 (00000).jpg
    Wizzy, Abrilete, Xeurian and 7 others like this.
  13. Lawson

    Lawson Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2020
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    Here's an update.

    Again, to recap, the purple tokens is the chosen 'objective' color to match my previous N4 tokens. In the case of the Civilian and HVT, these can be used either to mark miniatures or to stand in as the miniatures themselves (with the option to create a flip-token for the Civilian Hostile state rather than adding an additional Hostile State marker if desired).

    The Beacon and Tech Coffin are fairly self-explanatory - 25mm and 40mm objective tokens (note that all objective tokens will come with multiple letters and the Civilians will go pretty high to accommodate some of the ITS 12 Missions).

    The Data pack is a piece of equipment assigned to an Uberhacker and thus is green to match the other equipment tokens I created. Went with a sort stack of hard disks rather than the cube shape because it fit better with the Irregular order icon to the right. Note that the Irregular order here contains a plus symbol (+) to identify an additional Irregular order rather than the suggestion that the trooper is simply turned irregular like on my Retreat! tokens.

    Designated Target and Casevac are what I would consider 'neutral' states (not really positive but not negative either) and so, to stay consistent with my other N4 designs, they are blue.

    I really disliked the metagame touch of Player A and Player B tokens being photo-real silhouettes on the official ITS sheet - I get that it's based not the rulebook imagery but it seemed inconsistent with anything else in the N4 aesthetic. It felt like the ideal token design to show objective capture and etc. would simply be the faction/sectorial symbol icons... though it felt kind-of like overkill to make the logo for every single option (especially since I believe there already exist sectorial icon tokens on @toadchild 's maker), so I figured I might just do a dual-color scheme for each of the base factions. Left-right and top-bottom they are PanO, YuJing, Ariadna, Haqq, Nomads, Combined, Aleph, Tohaa, NA2, O12... anyone who doesn't want to make bespoke colors for any given army could just print two contrasting color versions for A and B instead.

    Abrilete, Koin-Koin, Del S and 8 others like this.
  14. Lawson

    Lawson Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2020
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    Just an update - the above tokens:point_up_2:are ready to go - I think @toadchild will be putting them on the creator in good time.

    I've had another thought I wanted to put out there:
    I've found it a bit odd that there exist very few dismounted figures and/or that they are sold separate from the vehicle they are ostensibly associated with. For example, the [new] PanO Cutter doesn't come with a Crabbot - instead its necessary to pick up the Tech Bees kit to get it, and I kinda hate the idea of needing to do that because I don't care at all for the Tech Bee. Likewise I'm thinking of picking up the Dynamo bikes for my burgeoning TAK list and I noticed there don't seem to be dismounted versions of them (or of the Mavericks for that matter).

    Seems kind-of hit and miss - I get that you can proxy stuff and there exist some (sold separately) TAG pilots and etc., but my question is twofold...
    1) is dismounting common enough for most people to rationalize having bespoke figures or even proxy figures for that matter? I've done it once from the TAG as a desperation move to hack a terminal on the final turn, but I'm not sure how common that maneuver is. For the motorcycles, which I've never played with, I have no clue.
    2) Would tokens/markers be a good alternative to figures here? It feels a bit backwards to me that, for example, there's a motorcycle marker to replace the physical bike on the table when it is dismounted, and yet there's no guarantee of actually having a figure that can stand in for the rider (whereas you obviously have a model already for the motorcycle). Markers are a bit of a pain because of the need to check them more frequently with a silhouette template, but that doesn't seem any more onerous than dealing with the same thing for Camouflaged figures.

    I may be opening a can of worms here but this is what I mocked up to stand in for my non-existent Crabbot and I'm wondering whether its worth doing a series of various dismounted figures:

    26_CRABBOT 2 (00000).jpg
    #194 Lawson, Feb 5, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2021
    Del S and Wizzy like this.
  15. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I - personally - do own a model for every of my TAG pilots / operators. Operators (Iguana & Anaconda) came with their TAGs (though in my case, Anaconda Operator pulls the job of a Spitfire Bounty Hunter, and Beba from Outrage is the designated anaconda Operator), and see actual table duty pretty often. Pilots, well, less so.

    Save for Carmen Johns in RTF, none of the sectorials I do play at the moment comes with a biker available. Indeed, lack of dismounted biker models may be a problem at some point, though it hadn't happened to me - yet. A few cases with a dismounted biker figures (or sorta-kinda...) do exist across the Infinity model range, but as I said, they are a few.
    Then again, TAG pilots are almost universally Specialists (i.e. I can't recall one who isn't at the moment), and they may still operate if the TAG was put Unconscious. Their use is therefore niche, but pretty obvious. Bikers get it easier when it comes to getting into structures (height-wise), and usually when they take a wound, they're down.

    All in all - you do have an idea for a marker, @Lawson , and you want to put effort into making it?
    I say, go for it! And have it on the marker sheet creator.
    What's wrong with having such a marker option available? Worst case scenario, some folks are going to shake their heads, say they don't need that kind of token, and thus not have it on a sheet they generate for themselves.
    Lawson likes this.
  16. Lawson

    Lawson Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2020
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    I realized that the tokens which stand in for figures (Civilians, HVTs) technically needed firing arcs. Not sure if it's actually pertinent for civilians, but since they'd be standing in for figures, it satisfies the LoF requirements on page 4 of the ITS rules. HVTs definitely need the arcs in the event they become Designated Targets
    I also made a 'flip token' option for the HVT so that the opposite side can be Designated Target (rather than adding a designated target token next to it)
    #196 Lawson, Feb 7, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2021
    Daniel Darko, Wizzy, Errhile and 2 others like this.
  17. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    So Toadchild sent me a trial page for the tokens with a customizable distance between them and unfortunately it happened at the start of a creative depression so haven't gotten around to taking the hour to make something out of it.

    Well, @toadchild I'm happy to report it's working excellently and about 9-10mm is perfect for the 37mm circular cutter I'm using for the token stamping machine. Wit that distance a single A4 will be sufficient to get a workable amount of tokens and markers out of as long as you're not trying to make all of them (which honestly becomes enough assembly line work that you'll need to set up a proper work environment and not just prop it up on a stool like I did..)

    Magnetic Tokens.jpg
    Willen, Abrilete, Lesh' and 3 others like this.
  18. toadchild

    toadchild Premeasure

    Feb 22, 2017
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    Glad it worked out @Mahtamori, and I 100% feel you on the creative depression thing, as evidenced by the slow progress I've made on N4 tools.

    After not hearing back for a while, I went ahead and made the adjustable padding a feature on the main token creator page, so anyone can make the same style token buttons you did.
    Daniel Darko likes this.
  19. toadchild

    toadchild Premeasure

    Feb 22, 2017
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    I've updated the marker sheet page with the recent batch of ITS-oriented markers that @Lawson sent me. Please check it out and let us know if there are any issues.
    Daniel Darko likes this.
  20. tox

    tox SorriBarai

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Is there any way to add the old Factions and Sectorials logo?
    SerPorter likes this.
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