Saw this on FB. PanOceania army: Dark Prussian Blue (70.899), Green Blue (70.808), White (70.951), Black (70.950), Chocolate Brown (70.872), Flat Earth (70.983), Old Wood (70.310), Dark Grey (70.994). Nomad army: Black (70.950), Medium Sea Grey (70.870), Hull Red (70.985), Burnt Red (70.814), Flat Red (70.957), Orange Fire (70.008), Sunny Skin Tone (70.845), Ivory (70.918).
So, that's what the fabled "Forward Observer" line infantry looks like... He looks nice, but I have mixed feelings about his lack of beret. The Alguacil has a weird face and I never liked the look of Alguaciles anyway.
Panzer Aces is just a sub-range of the Model Color range, I have a few and they have exactly the same 70.XXX code as the VMC color with the same name.
Does someone know enough of the Vallejo range to give me the citadel equivalent to the list @Forté gave us (or a link to a full list comparing vallejo and citadel) ? I did some searching online and only found dark prussian blue equivalent the the old GW midghnight blue, white being the same as white scar, black as abaddon black and Flat earth as baneblade brown
I have used this table as a guide:
I tried It when I was checking on google but most of the Vallejo color from nomads/pano pack are not there
Try it seems to have at least some, I used Control+H to find on any sheet the ID number of the color.
Thanks @xagroth, this one is quite better. If it's corrrect the there are no citadel equivalent to most of these paint As I already have a citadel base color scheme for all armies and sectorial, I will use them for another game
Sure? Becase many VMC are 70.8xx and 70.9xx, while PA core are 70.3xx. Reading Vallejo FAQs, it seems only 16 (the ones in 70.179 box) are the same. Crap... AV got rid of their equivalences PDF in the last web shake. *grrrr*
So this arrived today and I gotta say I am disappointed. I understand that nowhere was it advertised as a beginner's set but if you're not a beginner then you don't need something like this. The step-by-step instructions are worse than the Master Class books and at least those tell you what Angel primes them with. This just starts out with a completely black Fusilier and tells you to go nuts. It doesn't even tell you what the colors the head should be painted. The directions just leave it black. I was hoping that this would be something I could recommend to people to start painting easily but as it is I can't recommend it to anyone except for a way to get eight paints and a model on a discount. If I were to design something like this I would make these additions: -a list on the outside of the box of what is necessary beyond the contents, such as a #2 and 2/0 paint brush, knife, etc. -a priming step. Just some note about it being primed and with what. -how to make a wash. It says to wash with Prussian Blue but gives no explanation of what a wash is or how to make one. Expecting a beginner to make one with water and paint is a tall order. -an explanation of what paints are needed to finish the head. The box advertises a completed model but the directions do not get it there. This would be a good opportunity to set this new painter loose and tell them what they need but it just stops and leaves the guy's head completely black. Maybe I'm mistaken on who this is for but right now this feels like an unfinished product and I hope the future ones have more information with them.
They have a separate kit for painting faces. A couple, in fact.
I agree @gregmurdock the so called painting instruction is uncomplete. The Nomad version stops before the skin is painted. Not a single word, that they are no colors for skin (but it contains a sunny skin tone, together with the ivory there are possibilitys I think). No hint, what is used to prime the model and, more importantly no hint who to make a wash (I think I use the GW one ;-). Overall: If you can use the colors then I guess, you got a free mini with ne discounted price.
They sure do. Maybe they should advertise that fact like I suggested instead of showing a completed model on the box with no instructions on how to get there.
I didn't even expect there to be instructions in the box at all. It is not like the box even has all the colours to get the job done.