Or AVA: Total in Corregidor, or at least AVA 8 like the KuangShi are on ISS (on Vanilla they are AVA 4). I assume that's because of the Morlocks and not wanting for players to leave half the box of jaguars behind... But yeah, 8 in corregidor, 4 on vanilla. And 1 Moran in Vanilla, 2 in Corregidor, with Corregidor having a non-repeater exclusive profile.
Taking units away from vanilla doesn't make CJC any better, it just makes vanilla worse. I do agree on increased availability for bandits though. Also some of the CJC AVA increases don't make any sense. Why would you ever need 5 hellcats?
Yeah, but having 2 Moran in Vanilla, where the hacking is so strong seems overkill, and some space for tunguskan troops might be needed XD (so not as much making vanilla worse, as giving space). Nah, seeing 2 hellcats is rare enough that to give AVA 5 is like a sick joke. If you could save 3 regular orders by making a "coordinated deployment" then that would be great, but as it stands... not in a hundred years. The Tomcat AVA, if they were linkable with other troops, would be great however. The same can be said for Bandits. While having 2 is not rare, because of the Moran, deploying more of an irregular troop seems a little hard, specially since we are talking about THE AD troops faction, so the potential to be really starved for orders is there.
Well, there's a lot more stuff to clean up in core rules before it becomes something viable. And AD'ing Core would've been hilarious. But then again, it's not like it's the only superfluous thing about Hellcats. I'd say that Zero-G/AD is pretty weird too.
On the other hand, why field an AD troop if you aren't using them for AD? The Hellcat has paid points for that skill. Seems a very limited number of situations where it could pay off to me.
Honestly high AVA AD/x needs the X to be worth dropping off the AD for. AD:5/Zero G, Mech Deploy, Core To represent boarding craft would be cool. Really edge case, but different and interesting.
Yeah that could be super cool. Could be downgraded to a Haris or Duo if it needed to be balanced. The link enabling profile could just be a Combi to balance down further if needed. I would take that Duo. If I were to do a radical change it would be getting more creative with Tomcats/Hellcats like that.
I've been tempted to start a thread like this for the last week. I am glad I am not the only one that feels some changes are overdue. The problem with Corregidor for me is that there are two categories of units: those that are solid and well costed but rather plain (Alguaciles, WildCats, Mobile Brigada, Geckos, and HellCats), and those that are just as, or more effective in Vanilla Nomads (Morans, Bandits, Intruders, and Iguana). The best reasons to play JCC are links and special characters, but the release of StarCo taken over much of that territory. I love the fluff and attitude of Corregidor but it really needs some tweaking. Profile updates and more link options would be great. I have been wracking my brain to figure out how to cement JCC title as the ultimate AD sectorial. A character or haris option for Hellcats maybe? Raoul Spector?