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Conversion thread! what've you got going on?

Discussion in 'Miniatures' started by Pierzasty, Nov 23, 2017.

  1. Ben Kenobi

    Ben Kenobi Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2018
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    For the Nazarovas Sister, I would go with the legs of the female Ghulam.
    For Penthesilea on the racing bike you could perhaps use the Legs of the Dasyus Hacker if you find her.
    #1961 Ben Kenobi, Feb 20, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2021
  2. jmmelo

    jmmelo Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2018
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    Base model is the old jannisaire from the starter.
    Clip his head off.
    Some plasticard for the shoulder fins and the tiny one in the back. Regular fins on the thighs were copied with a press mold.
    I used the left-over arms from another janissaire, the old HMG one. Cut and reposition the arms to cross over the chest (some filling needed), and replace the HMG with a spitfire (I cut the HMG in front of the trigger for the other conversion, so I just used the HMG back end).
    Replace the "holding" left hand with parts from another kit, or just sculpt the fingers.
    Used an old puppets war head. Their heads used to scale great for infinity... Not anymore, unfortunately.
    Lastly I sculpted a "box". Will need to put some details still, but I HATE tactical rocks.

    Ben Kenobi likes this.
  3. burlesford

    burlesford Sheet guy

    Apr 14, 2020
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    Thanks! I totally agree about the original Daktari. I have it as well (I got her way back when she was still sold as a single model), but she's painted in my vanilla colors and I wanted another one just for Tunguska, and also I just loved hat idea, so that's why ;)
  4. Varsovian

    Varsovian Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2018
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    Here's the idea for the Nazarovas: the old Ghulam Doctor. She seems to fit with one of them quite nicely... she even has the same skewed waist line. And I actually have and I don't need her, as I was planning to replace her with the new version anyway...

    As for Penny - yeah, I meant the standard high-tech version, not the Kum bike version. Dasyus Hacker legs... wow, that could actually work. And I have this mini - although I wasn't planning on destroying it for conversions...
  5. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Well, you could then make an unique Dasyu Hacker (with Penny's legs and butt), you'll just need to get creative to make her a beliveable pose.
    But I guess some equipment crate - or a couple of them - plus a little greenstuff, and you could have a decent seated Dasyu hacker.
    Actual chair might be problematic to get - most of what I've seen avilable are historical / medieval models, and such things don't really fit well with Infinity.

    Then again - don't you have the Maghariba Pilot's seat lying around somewhere? You were showing us a converted Maggie Pilot without her pilot chair. In such a case I'd at least check how does it work along with Penny's legs, before you start chopping models apart :) Perhaps it would make a beliveable hacker's couch?

    ;) Waste not, want not! ;)
  6. Fed4ykin

    Fed4ykin Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2019
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    Since i had the luck to find a Hsien, Tiger hacker and a Pheasant on Ebay i made some conversions that satisfied my need for a model for all loadouts. Thanks to @burlesford for selling and sending them to me!
    So without further ado, first off, Hsien with multi marksmanrifle. Reposed the left arm and swapped the HMG for the MMR. [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]
    Wit the Tiger i had something special in mind: The Ye mao is the only Yu Jing sculpt where i don´t like the design. But i really like Tiger Soilders. Wild Cat, Tiger close enough: so i converted me Ye maos after my liking with Green Stuff and a printed Multirifle from Monstrous makings. So now i have a Hacker and the AP Spitfire. Since i am rather satisfied with these conversions i ordered an additional blister tiger soilders so i can build the missle launcher and an engineer Loadout.
    I had an limited Edition Saito laying around but didnt like the fact he has two guns but no blade. now he has one of each. Quick and simple.
    Pheasant with combi/E-Mitter the sculpt is great now i just need a reason to field pheasants... hm...
  7. Ben Kenobi

    Ben Kenobi Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2018
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    640D9EBA-91FC-483E-8E7A-3707B37E3F2A.jpeg A5C5CC2C-4D8E-45BC-A582-329E01BE21D8.jpeg
    Vostok: Sputnik Legs, Rudra Gunbot Front and Weapon and Mulebot back

    F254CA6A-885A-4D99-8454-366D838A6430.jpeg 43D2E5D7-A93A-43EE-A626-62E04C272D66.jpeg 1D9D1A4B-F045-4140-8443-FCC7133EB28A.jpeg

    Sekban: Naffatun Body and head (with GS), Muttawi’ah Backpack with moved cylinders, left arm Tuareg Hacker, right arm Muyib Rifle+Granadlauncher and normal Ghulam Rifle


    Odalesque: Bashi Bazouk body and Muyib Spitfire arms
  8. Ben Kenobi

    Ben Kenobi Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2018
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    Sorry for bothering you, but what is that for a head?
    Abydog likes this.
  9. Abydog

    Abydog Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2017
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    Could that be the chandra spec Ops head?
  10. FireFangs

    FireFangs Space Oni

    Apr 8, 2019
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    It is indeed, with the ponytail stolen from the Ninjas.
    Ben Kenobi, Golem2God and Abydog like this.
  11. Ugin

    Ugin Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2018
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    Recently done some conversion works.

    S4 remote for Nomads

    A Nomads skirmisher out of Razor from O-12
    Modock, Abrilete, Solar and 18 others like this.
  12. Ben Kenobi

    Ben Kenobi Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2018
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    Not completely finished, but I have to show it.
    New Zero
    Body: Alguacil Hacker
    Arms and Head: Spectr
    D9859980-E755-4CEB-BAB1-0BF407E7BFCD.jpeg CA242E6C-E308-4313-AA7B-9003EC192EE6.jpeg 03A4867A-2DF5-4660-A4C3-C797DEE21E85.jpeg
    Abrilete, toadchild, Errhile and 8 others like this.
  13. borisgreymenace

    borisgreymenace killer heckler

    Oct 16, 2019
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    i don't have much talent as a painter or making conversions more elaborate than head/weapon swaps, but at this point i figure it's time to share my baby steps...

    first, RIP to the conversions that didn't survive to N4


    also, it turns out i'm also not much of a photographer so apologies for the upcoming potato quality pics, but this is an early conversion from the Djanbazan hacker i did for my RPG game. has a tomcat engineer arm and one of the spares of the TAK spec ops. though the spec ops have been maligned in terms of play value, as sprues i find them to be some of the best bangs for your buck. lots of arms and weapons options. hopefully CB will continue to release them


    in terms of favorites, here's my best boy. i was into the Vortex model but the scale versus newer sculpts disappointed me. so i did up my own, which can also fit into his role as the less good heckler. can't help but wonder if that Alguacil hacker isn't one of the most used for conversions.


    neoterra bolts have always seemed to be one of those units that never pleased anyone. at first, they were considered overcosted. then they got a revamp, which made Nomad players angry that grenzers didnt get the same love. in any event, 4-2 and expensive was an awkward place for MI, which N4 solved some, just in time for the bolt to go out of print. always a bridemaid never a bride. in my pursuit of other conversions, i have ended up with four bolt medics. and since CB has never tired of sculpting fusiliers, i figured i could at least give some variation to my own collection.


    for whatever reason, the REM racers have really interested me. when the profile came out, i felt compelled to design my own team Voltage. our first boy is here. though no profile has an assault pistol, i like the weapon too much to downgrade to wysiwyg. next up is Olga Stolyarova and a couple of competitors from YJ and Haqq, which means I'm going to have to buy up some meteor zonds and other remotes for kit bashes. won't see much play on the table, but adding that piece of the wider infinity universe to my collection brings me joy.


    like a lot of people, i feel that the best way to get CB to release a sculpt i want is to create a conversion first, get it finished up and ready to play, and then find out that i have to spend another $10 bucks to get the superior version. here's my Securitate with Feuerbach, probably the best profile of that trooper.


    which allowed me to create the worst version of Teucer, armed with a dust collecting K1 marksman.


    all these conversions generated some scraps that eventually got rolled into other models. some to better effect than others. i definitely regret not considering the S2/S5 scale differences on the Kriza/Brigada/SWAST swaps. but they are not my worst.


    this is my worst, so bad that i hardly have any pictures of him. i would have been better off using a plastic head off a different model line but the extra vortex head and green stuff were too tempting. it's hard to tell but in addition to the mohawk, i've tried to do my own hacking visor. turns out, i'm also not much of a sculptor. from time to time, as i get better at painting i try to touch up old models with better brushwork. for this guy, it's always been lip stick on a pig. but it's part of the journey.


    any way, if you made it this far, thanks for reading my rambling post. definitely used more words than necessary to compensate for my insecurity around my painting! and since i have no faith that the linked pics will actually work, the gallery is here, more or less in the same order.

    and, because whatever, here's a tribute to my assistant

    #1973 borisgreymenace, Mar 6, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2021
    LeGweg, Abrilete, dulydude and 7 others like this.
  14. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    CB has already released the Feuerbach Securitate a good while back.
  15. borisgreymenace

    borisgreymenace killer heckler

    Oct 16, 2019
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    yep, i picked him up when he was released. was kind of disappointed that he didn't have the giant sized feuerbach but all in all a better sculpt than my arm swaps, even if it came with a fair bit of tactical junk.
    Golem2God likes this.
  16. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I consider it the right size for a non-HI unit to carry around with them. Other wise it would be to big & the recoil would be a nightmare without cybernetics.
    borisgreymenace likes this.
  17. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Hmm, the big cylinder on the end of some Feuerbach sculpts (I had Thorakitai and Teucer through my workbench recently) seems way like exhaust port to me. As Feuerbach systems were (in N2 and N3, as far as I can recall) described as using rocket-propelled projectiles, they are likely to be pretty much recoilless, like most rocket launchers.

    The one here (as well as the ones on Tsyklon REMs) could just as well use a cold launch system (with a compressed gas charge or small pyrotechnic charge) to get the projectile out of the barrel, then ignite the rocket motor already outside of the barrel. Such system would have a very limited recoil as well. Not to mention I don't think a Feuerbach is a straight kinetic energy-based weapon, but rather one relying on payload (HEAT? HESH? Explosively-formed penetrator?).

    I mean, for what it is worth... ;)
  18. Snowball

    Snowball Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2018
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    With the new MO stuff I want to make an MO version of dart. Not sure what to bash together to make it work though. Any ideas?
    Golem2God likes this.
  19. Rumdog

    Rumdog Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2019
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    Have not played with CA since late N2/early N3, nevertheless love their miniatures. Some recent simple conversions.
  20. borisgreymenace

    borisgreymenace killer heckler

    Oct 16, 2019
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    i feel like the answer to this question is always "how much work do you want to do?" and "how much money/time do you want to spend?"

    there's a reasonable overlap between her look and the rpg human sphere MO agent. however, the latter isn't posed very good at all. but i think with a fair bit of work, including some reposing, you could headswap/sculpt the MSV 1, arm swap for the trademark ALEPH hex arms, probably her tacbow or a fem ninja tacbow, and then either put both or one of the ALEPH sword/SMG on a shoulder strap or belt. the way i see it, this would match some of the flowy robe tabard/surcoat feel of the Teutons with Dart's hooded spec-op look, as well as marry some aesthetics/pieces of the ALEPH and PanO armor. don't know how hard it is to find, but i think i would start with the (2018?) gencon exclusive for that bow arm since it fits the Infinity aesthetic a little better than the Aristeia! plastic.

    edit--if you can wait the new Lazarine might also work for a conversion. depends on how hard it is to cut out that spear.
    #1980 borisgreymenace, Mar 23, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2021
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