Appleseed conversion by komagataheavy from his insta account (he has plenty of it):
I gave one of my Zond Remote helper bots a marksman rifle. Now I am able to put all three puppets into suppressive fire.
@Kumachan good work, so much cooler than the official minis for the Puppetbots! What’s the rifle from?
I just finished the conversion of my Bakunin Überfallkommado Pupniks. I do like the original models, however I want all my puppets to be trusty little expendable robots as I am currently building a list that uses all Nomads Models with Puppetbots like Puppetronica Company, Zoe & Pi-Well, Jazz & Billie, Interventor & Fast Panda etc… I will try to mitigate the S1 model vs S2 silhouette in profile with bases that raise the minis higher
Have you thought about a model on the shoulders of another to make them s2? Kinda like the goblins in Warcrow?
I did, but I figured out that this is a task that is currently beyond my skill level or I do lack the vision to pull this off… This is the current solution to raise the Pupniks to S2 level I also got an idea of what to do with the leftover Bunny Puppetbot. I switched the boarding shotgun for a shield and uploaded a firewall program - et voila, I have a new tin bot
Komagataheavy is a friend of mine, and is not a her. He's been in the infinity game for a loong time - but spends more time modelling/converting than playing these days.
Conversions of Mavericks and Desesperadoes on horses, from the blog : lead-rising. Conversions with manga heads, from hey_bert_8d, on his instagram: I have created this index to recap the heads that may be compatible for infinity: Index ranges of Heads to convert
Is there a link of where to purchase these heads? Perhaps links to the STL files for those who have 3d printers?
Ok, so I have a design I just got the materials for. I want to create a Marut with 4 full sized arms in place of two large arms and two small ones. I feel it's the only mech-sized unit that justifies more arms than the others, being essentially an XXL robot instead of a pilot driven remote control or manned arm-suit, but I was rather disappointed they made the 2nd pair of arms that hold the gun so small, so I decided to try something unusual: I bought an O-Yoroi with aims to use its large arms for the upper body (which is doable with the O Yoroi arms since it has those shoulder sections in between!) In theory, I will have it look something like this: (NOTE: Forgive me for the poor perspective, this was a quick rendition using Photoshop to illustrate my concept) Loose fitting shows they should actually go in place with minimal problems. If anything, moving the large Marut arms down to where their tiny arms would go will require more alteration to the fittings than the O-Yoroi arms will. The only difficulty is the plastic-on metal. I wish they'd not made the new Marut out of plastic, rather than switch to plastic for this remake of the model, as I'm now seriously worried about the plastic body of the Marut holding up those heavy metal O-Yoroi arms. Any suggestions on how I should attach them so it won't come apart?
Pinning, probably also with some kneadtite cushion to make the parts match without gaps. So make holes in body and arm, put metal pin in one, add putty and press together. Once cured, separate, and glue pin and the epoxy block in one side, then glue to the other part. Some people do it all in one go, without curing the putty first, but it can get nasty if glue or putty starts to flow out when pressed. The tricky part here is drilling the plastic (too new and unknown), the rest is basic pinning technique.
I'm just gonna say that I love this idea. Very curious to see the result. As for me, with the latest studio update it seems that my repurposed Zondmate that was converted into a Siriusbot will now serve a much exciting, high-mobility role in my upcoming O12: